


package com.huawei.bigdata.security;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry;
import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authentication.util.KerberosUtil;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class LoginUtil

private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LoginUtil.class);

private static final String JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY = "java.security.krb5.conf";
private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_PASSWORD_WRONG =
    "(wrong password) keytab file and user not match, you can kinit -k -t keytab user in client server to check";

private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_TIME_WRONG =
    "(clock skew) time of local server and remote server not match, please check ntp to remote server";

private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_AES256_WRONG =
    "(aes256 not support) aes256 not support by default jdk/jre, need copy local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar from remote server in path /opt/huawei/Bigdata/jdk/jre/lib/security";

private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_PRINCIPAL_WRONG =
    "(no rule) principal format not support by default, need add property hadoop.security.auth_to_local(in core-site.xml) value RULE:[1:$1] RULE:[2:$1]";

private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_TIME_OUT =
    "(time out) can not connect to kdc server or there is fire wall in the network";

private static final boolean IS_IBM_JDK = System.getProperty("java.vendor").contains("IBM");

public synchronized static void login(String userPrincipal, String userKeytabPath, String krb5ConfPath, Configuration conf)
    throws IOException
    // 1.check input parameters
    if ((userPrincipal == null) || (userPrincipal.length() <= 0))
        LOG.error("input userPrincipal is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input userPrincipal is invalid.");
    if ((userKeytabPath == null) || (userKeytabPath.length() <= 0))
        LOG.error("input userKeytabPath is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input userKeytabPath is invalid.");
    if ((krb5ConfPath == null) || (krb5ConfPath.length() <= 0))
        LOG.error("input krb5ConfPath is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input krb5ConfPath is invalid.");
    if ((conf == null))
        LOG.error("input conf is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input conf is invalid.");
    // 2.check file exsits
    File userKeytabFile = new File(userKeytabPath);
    if (!userKeytabFile.exists())
        LOG.error("userKeytabFile(" + userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exsit.");
        throw new IOException("userKeytabFile(" + userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exsit.");
    if (!userKeytabFile.isFile())
        LOG.error("userKeytabFile(" + userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not a file.");
        throw new IOException("userKeytabFile(" + userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not a file.");
    File krb5ConfFile = new File(krb5ConfPath);
    if (!krb5ConfFile.exists())
        LOG.error("krb5ConfFile(" + krb5ConfFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exsit.");
        throw new IOException("krb5ConfFile(" + krb5ConfFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exsit.");
    if (!krb5ConfFile.isFile())
        LOG.error("krb5ConfFile(" + krb5ConfFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not a file.");
        throw new IOException("krb5ConfFile(" + krb5ConfFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not a file.");
    // 3.set and check krb5config
    // 4.login and check for hadoop
    loginHadoop(userPrincipal, userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath());
    LOG.info("Login success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

private static void setConfiguration(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
private static boolean checkNeedLogin(String principal)
    throws IOException
    if (!UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled())
        LOG.error("UserGroupInformation is not SecurityEnabled, please check if core-site.xml exists in classpath.");
        throw new IOException(
            "UserGroupInformation is not SecurityEnabled, please check if core-site.xml exists in classpath.");
    UserGroupInformation currentUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    if ((currentUser != null) && (currentUser.hasKerberosCredentials()))
        if (checkCurrentUserCorrect(principal))
            LOG.info("current user is " + currentUser + "has logined.");
            if (!currentUser.isFromKeytab())
                LOG.error("current user is not from keytab.");
                throw new IOException("current user is not from keytab.");
            return false;
            LOG.error("current user is " + currentUser + "has logined. please check your enviroment , especially when it used IBM JDK or kerberos for OS count login!!");
            throw new IOException("current user is " + currentUser + " has logined. And please check your enviroment!!");
    return true;

private static void setKrb5Config(String krb5ConfFile)
    throws IOException
    System.setProperty(JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY, krb5ConfFile);
    String ret = System.getProperty(JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY);
    if (ret == null)
        LOG.error(JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY + " is null.");
        throw new IOException(JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY + " is null.");
    if (!ret.equals(krb5ConfFile))
        LOG.error(JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY + " is " + ret + " is not " + krb5ConfFile + ".");
        throw new IOException(JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_KEY + " is " + ret + " is not " + krb5ConfFile + ".");

public static void setJaasConf(String loginContextName, String principal, String keytabFile)
    throws IOException
    if ((loginContextName == null) || (loginContextName.length() <= 0))
        LOG.error("input loginContextName is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input loginContextName is invalid.");
    if ((principal == null) || (principal.length() <= 0))
        LOG.error("input principal is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input principal is invalid.");
    if ((keytabFile == null) || (keytabFile.length() <= 0))
        LOG.error("input keytabFile is invalid.");
        throw new IOException("input keytabFile is invalid.");
    File userKeytabFile = new File(keytabFile);
    if (!userKeytabFile.exists())
        LOG.error("userKeytabFile(" + userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exsit.");
        throw new IOException("userKeytabFile(" + userKeytabFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exsit.");
    javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.setConfiguration(new JaasConfiguration(loginContextName, principal,
    javax.security.auth.login.Configuration conf = javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.getConfiguration();
    if (!(conf instanceof JaasConfiguration))
        LOG.error("javax.security.auth.login.Configuration is not JaasConfiguration.");
        throw new IOException("javax.security.auth.login.Configuration is not JaasConfiguration.");
	AppConfigurationEntry[] entrys = conf.getAppConfigurationEntry(loginContextName);
    if (entrys == null)
        LOG.error("javax.security.auth.login.Configuration has no AppConfigurationEntry named " + loginContextName
            + ".");
        throw new IOException("javax.security.auth.login.Configuration has no AppConfigurationEntry named "
            + loginContextName + ".");
    boolean checkPrincipal = false;
    boolean checkKeytab = false;        
    for (int i = 0; i < entrys.length; i++)
        if (entrys[i].getOptions().get("principal").equals(principal))
            checkPrincipal = true;
        if (IS_IBM_JDK)
            if (entrys[i].getOptions().get("useKeytab").equals(keytabFile))
                checkKeytab = true;
            if (entrys[i].getOptions().get("keyTab").equals(keytabFile))
                checkKeytab = true;

    if (!checkPrincipal)
        LOG.error("AppConfigurationEntry named " + loginContextName + " does not have principal value of "
            + principal + ".");
        throw new IOException("AppConfigurationEntry named " + loginContextName
            + " does not have principal value of " + principal + ".");
    if (!checkKeytab)
        LOG.error("AppConfigurationEntry named " + loginContextName + " does not have keyTab value of "
            + keytabFile + ".");
        throw new IOException("AppConfigurationEntry named " + loginContextName + " does not have keyTab value of "
            + keytabFile + ".");
public static void setZookeeperServerPrincipal(String zkServerPrincipalKey, String zkServerPrincipal)
        throws IOException
        System.setProperty(zkServerPrincipalKey, zkServerPrincipal);
        String ret = System.getProperty(zkServerPrincipalKey);
        if (ret == null)
            LOG.error(zkServerPrincipalKey + " is null.");
            throw new IOException(zkServerPrincipalKey + " is null.");
        if (!ret.equals(zkServerPrincipal))
            LOG.error(zkServerPrincipalKey + " is " + ret + " is not " + zkServerPrincipal
                + ".");
            throw new IOException(zkServerPrincipalKey + " is " + ret + " is not "
                + zkServerPrincipal + ".");

private static void loginHadoop(String principal, String keytabFile)
    throws IOException
        UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(principal, keytabFile);
    catch (IOException e)
        LOG.error("login failed with " + principal + " and " + keytabFile + ".");
        LOG.error("perhaps cause 1 is " + LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_PASSWORD_WRONG + ".");
        LOG.error("perhaps cause 2 is " + LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_TIME_WRONG + ".");
        LOG.error("perhaps cause 3 is " + LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_AES256_WRONG + ".");
        LOG.error("perhaps cause 4 is " + LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_PRINCIPAL_WRONG + ".");
        LOG.error("perhaps cause 5 is " + LOGIN_FAILED_CAUSE_TIME_OUT + ".");
        throw e;

private static void checkAuthenticateOverKrb()
    throws IOException
    UserGroupInformation loginUser = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser();
    UserGroupInformation currentUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    if (loginUser == null)
        LOG.error("current user is " + currentUser + ", but loginUser is null.");
        throw new IOException("current user is " + currentUser + ", but loginUser is null.");
    if (!loginUser.equals(currentUser))
        LOG.error("current user is " + currentUser + ", but loginUser is " + loginUser + ".");
        throw new IOException("current user is " + currentUser + ", but loginUser is " + loginUser + ".");
    if (!loginUser.hasKerberosCredentials())
        LOG.error("current user is " + currentUser + " has no Kerberos Credentials.");
        throw new IOException("current user is " + currentUser + " has no Kerberos Credentials.");
    if (!UserGroupInformation.isLoginKeytabbased())
        LOG.error("current user is " + currentUser + " is not Login Keytab based.");
        throw new IOException("current user is " + currentUser + " is not Login Keytab based.");

private static boolean checkCurrentUserCorrect(String principal)
    throws IOException
    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    if (ugi == null)
        LOG.error("current user still null.");
        throw new IOException("current user still null.");
    String defaultRealm = null;
	try {
		defaultRealm = KerberosUtil.getDefaultRealm();
	} catch (Exception e) {
		LOG.warn("getDefaultRealm failed.");
		throw new IOException(e);

    if ((defaultRealm != null) && (defaultRealm.length() > 0))
        StringBuilder realm = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder principalWithRealm = new StringBuilder();
        if (!principal.endsWith(realm.toString()))
            principal = principalWithRealm.toString();
    return principal.equals(ugi.getUserName());

private static class JaasConfiguration extends javax.security.auth.login.Configuration
    private static final Map BASIC_JAAS_OPTIONS = new HashMap();
        String jaasEnvVar = System.getenv("Hbase_JAAS_DEBUG");
        if (jaasEnvVar != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(jaasEnvVar))
            BASIC_JAAS_OPTIONS.put("debug", "true");
    private static final Map KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS = new HashMap();
        if (IS_IBM_JDK)
        	KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("credsType", "both");
        else {
        	KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("useKeyTab", "true");              
        	KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("useTicketCache", "false");
        	KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("doNotprompt", "true");
        	KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("storeKey", "true");
    private static final AppConfigurationEntry KEYTAB_KERBEROS_LOGIN = new AppConfigurationEntry(
        KerberosUtil.getKrb5LoginModuleName(), LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED, KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS);
    private static final AppConfigurationEntry[] KEYTAB_KERBEROS_CONF =
        new AppConfigurationEntry[] {KEYTAB_KERBEROS_LOGIN};
    private javax.security.auth.login.Configuration baseConfig;
    private final String loginContextName;
    private final boolean useTicketCache;
    private final String keytabFile;
    private final String principal;
    public JaasConfiguration(String loginContextName, String principal, String keytabFile) throws IOException
        this(loginContextName, principal, keytabFile, keytabFile == null || keytabFile.length() == 0);
    private JaasConfiguration(String loginContextName, String principal, String keytabFile, boolean useTicketCache) throws IOException
            this.baseConfig = javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.getConfiguration();
        catch (SecurityException e)
            this.baseConfig = null;
        this.loginContextName = loginContextName;
        this.useTicketCache = useTicketCache;
        this.keytabFile = keytabFile;
        this.principal = principal;
        LOG.info("JaasConfiguration loginContextName=" + loginContextName + " principal=" + principal
            + " useTicketCache=" + useTicketCache + " keytabFile=" + keytabFile);
    private void initKerberosOption() throws IOException
        if (!useTicketCache)
        		KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("useKeytab", keytabFile);
                KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("keyTab", keytabFile);
                KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("useKeyTab", "true");
                KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("useTicketCache", useTicketCache ? "true" : "false");
        KEYTAB_KERBEROS_OPTIONS.put("principal", principal);            
    public AppConfigurationEntry[] getAppConfigurationEntry(String appName)
        if (loginContextName.equals(appName))
            return KEYTAB_KERBEROS_CONF;
        if (baseConfig != null)
            return baseConfig.getAppConfigurationEntry(appName);
        return (null);



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5679195.html

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