

遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是一种进化计算(Evolutionary Computing)算法,属于人工智能技术的一部分。遗传算法最早是由John Holland和他的学生发明并改进的,源于对达芬奇物种进化理论的模仿。在物种进化过程中,为了适应环境,好的基因得到保留,不好的基因被淘汰,这样经过很多代基因的变化,物种的基因就是当前自然环境下适应度最好的基因。该算法被广泛应用于优化和搜索中,用于寻求最优解(或最优解的近似),其最主要的步骤包括交叉(crossover)和突变(mutation)。




首先,我们随机生成一个population,假设population size为20,则有20个长度为16的二进制序列。计算每个染色体的适应度,然后选取两个染色体进行交叉,如下图所示。下图在第6为上将染色体断开再重组,断开的位置是可以随机选择的。当然,断裂位置也可以不止一个。可以根据具体问题选择具体的交叉方式来提升算法性能。


上述例子是关于二进制编码的,像求解一元函数在某个区间内的最大最小值就可以使用二进制编码。例如,求解函数f(x)=x+sin(3x)+cos(3x)在区间[0,6]内的最小值。假设我们需要最小值点x保留4位小数,那么求解区间被离散成60000个数。因为2 {15}<60000<2 {16},所以,需要16位二进制数来表示这60000个可能的解。其中0x0000表示0,0x0001表示0.0001,以此类推。针对这个例子,文末给出了demo code.

然而,在排序问题中无法使用二进制编码,应该采用排列编码(permutation encoding)。例如有下面两个染色体:


( 1 5 3 2 6 | 4 7 9 8) + ( 8 5 6 7 2 | 3 1 4 9) =>( 1 5 3 2 6 8 7 4 9) + ( 8 5 6 7 2 1 3 4 9)


(1 5 3 2 6 8 7 4 9) =>(1 5 4 2 6 8 7 3 9)

此外还有值编码(value encoding)和树编码(tree encoding)等,具体例子可以参考这个链接: http://obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/encoding.php


用GA求函数最小值的demo code: https://github.com/JiaxYau/GA_test


[1] Introduction to Genetic Algorithm, http://obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/index.php

[2] Holland J H. Adaption in natural and artificial systems

function preprocess(password,verifycode) {

var B = ""

B += verifycode

B = B.toUpperCase()

return md5(md5_3(password) + B)


function md5_3(B) {

var A = new Array

A = core_md5(str2binl(B), B.length * chrsz)

A = core_md5(A, 16 * chrsz)

A = core_md5(A, 16 * chrsz)

return binl2hex(A)


According to the original data samples contain pattern categories of information, the feature selection process can be divided into supervised feature selection and unsupervised feature selection. Supervised feature selection is to point to in under the premise of the given pattern categories, using the characteristics and the relationship between the characteristics and categories to select feature set process. Unsupervised feature selection is to point to in the original data set, the relationship between the characteristics of their own through data set for feature selection. In this paper the characteristics of the user selection process, we adopt unsupervised feature selection method, based on experience judgement criterion, choose a suitable user data feature subset to best cover the natural classification of data. At present commonly used algorithm with feature selection method based on genetic algorithm [5], feature selection method based on pattern similarity judgment [6] and information gain method of feature selection [7], this algorithm did not consider the correlation between features and feature attributes affect classification. This article attributes to the terminal according to the customer preference influence on the result of the classification and correlation analysis between customer attributes two aspects, this paper proposes a k-means clustering are based on genetic algorithm and the customer property feature selection method, the method is based on unsupervised learning feature selection algorithm. The basic idea is to use genetic algorithm to choose the initial feature subsets, for each feature subset k-means clustering algorithm are used to determine the optimal class number, and then to the DB Index set a judgment function is used for feature selection criterion, finally from the selected feature subset deleted correlation characteristics, reduce redundancy.


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/zaji/7333534.html

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