求教在MYSQL CLUSTER上插入数据缓慢的问题

求教在MYSQL CLUSTER上插入数据缓慢的问题,第1张

如果是,参考一下官方文档, 可以改变启动ndb_mgmd的方式,使参数生效.

Caching of configuration data. In MySQL Cluster NDB 7.3, MySQL Cluster uses stateful configuration. Rather than reading the global configuration file every time the management server is restarted, the management server caches the configuration the first time it is started, and thereafter, the global configuration file is read only when one of the following conditions is true:

•The management server is started using the --initial option. In this case, the global configuration file is re-read, any existing cache files are deleted, and the management server creates a new configuration cache.

•The management server is started using the --reload option. In this case, the management server compares its cache with the global configuration file. If they differ, the management server creates a new configuration cacheany existing configuration cache is preserved, but not used. If the management server's cache and the global configuration file contain the same configuration data, then the existing cache is used, and no new cache is created.

•The management server is started using a --config-cache option. This option can be used to force the management server to bypass configuration caching altogether. In this case, the management server ignores any configuration files that may be present, always reading its configuration data from the config.ini file instead.

•No configuration cache is found. In this case, the management server reads the global configuration file and creates a cache containing the same configuration data as found in the file.

sqlmap base64encode.py的tamper 在哪

sqlmap拥有很多功能强力的插件,插件的使用方法: -- tamper “插件名称”


space2hash.py ,对于MYSQL数据库 4.0, 5.0注入

space2morehash.py ,对于MYSQL数据库 >= 5.1.13 和 MySQL 5.1.41 注入


-v 3 --batch --tamper "space2hash.py"


encodes编码 ——charencode.py

base64编码 —— base64encode.py

替换空格和关键字 —— halfversionedmorekeywords.py


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/zaji/7680699.html

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