市场营销求翻译 给力分

市场营销求翻译 给力分,第1张


作者: Russow, Lloyd C.

出版: Review of Business

出版日期:1996年3月22日 ,星期五



.前提条件下: 投入和适应能力

为了开拓国际市场,有两个条件必需满足。取得成功的其中一个必要条件是公司必须付出努力,其中也包括高层管理。正如国内客户一样,国外客户也也需要可靠的信息来源。你不可能指望向国外客户进行间断性销售——当国内市场处于困境时。向国外扩大销售与开发一项新业务不同,这是一项耗费时间和精力的工作。向国外扩大销售的投入超过了履行不请自来的或偶然来自交易展的外国客户订单所需的投入。潜在的销售值得投入。例如:考虑目前加拿大,欧盟成员国和日本等富裕国家的17个大型市场的销售潜力. 这些市场与美国国内市场相比,具有三倍的潜在销售增长。其他太平洋周边国家,如印度,墨西哥呈现切实的中长期机会,而前苏联联盟共国国、东欧、中国和中东的发展,呈现长期的赢利机会





The Analysis and Comparative Study of Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market






In the fiercely competitive mobile phone market, domestic mobile phone brands are struggling to fight for a position in the global market. Huawei, as a famous domestic mobile phone brand, has developed its mobile phone business rapidly in the recent years. It employs multiple-brand strategy to enlarge the group of target audiences and to increase the sales volume. On the other hand, Apple as a foreign mobile phone brand, with a great reputation in the global market, retains its target consumer groups by building emotional relationship like fan-ship with its consumers to build brand loyalty.

As Huawei begins to march to high-end mobile phone market, which means it needs to compete with Apple directly, Huawei has to change its brand strategy to adjust to the need of middle-class and upper-class consumer groups. This thesis mainly demonstrates the brand strategies that Apple and Huawei currently employ, the difference between the two brands, and what Huawei can learn from Apple. Finally, some suggestions are made for Huawei to increase its competitive edge in the fiercely competitive mobile phone market.

Key Words: Brand StrategyAppleHuawei


Acknowledgements i

English Abstract ii

Chinese Abstract iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables v

Chapter One Introduction 1

Chapter Two Literature Review 3

Chapter Three Brand Effect on Chinese Consumers 5

3.1 The Influence of Brand Awareness 5

3.2 The Importance of A Good Brand Image 6

3.3 Brand Loyalty 7

Chapter Four The Analysis of Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market 8

4.1 Brand Strategies of Apple in Chinese Market 8

4.2 Brand Strategies of Huawei in Chinese Market 9

4.3 Comparisons between Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market 11

4.3.1 Product 11

4.3.2 Price 12

4.3.3 Place 13

4.3.4 Promotion 13

Chapter Five Conclusion 14

References 16

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原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/zz/7416675.html

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