将ege ,ege.h ,graphics.h复制到Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\4.9.2\include
C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\4.9.2目录下
在上方菜单栏选择 工具->编译选项 填入 -lgraphics64 -luuid -lmsimg32 -lgdi32 -limm32 -lole32 -loleaut32
#include "graphics.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ege/fps.h"
int width = 640, height = 480
struct point //定义点,包含坐标,速度
double x
double y
double dx
double dy
struct poly //定义多边形,包含点的个数,和点数组
int n_point
point p[20]
struct polys //定义多边形队列组
int n_poly //多边形队列长度
int color //颜色
int nextcolor, prevcolor //上一次的颜色,目标颜色
int chtime, nowtime //过渡变化时间,当前时间
int time //距离一下次改变颜色的时间
poly p[100] //多边形数组
double rand_float(double dv, double db) //返回一个db 到 db+dv之间的随机浮点数
return randomf()*dv + db
void movepoint(struct point* b) //根据点的速度属性移动这个点,如果移出屏幕则进行反d计算
double dv = 1.0, db = 0.5
double tw = width / 640.0, th = height / 480.0
if (b->x <0) b->dx = rand_float(dv, db) * tw
if (b->y <0) b->dy = rand_float(dv, db) * th
if (b->x >width) b->dx = -rand_float(dv, db) * tw
if (b->y >height) b->dy = -rand_float(dv, db) * th
b->x += b->dx
b->y += b->dy
void movepoly(struct poly* p) //移动单个多边形,内部调用点的移动
int i
for (i=0i<p->n_point++i)
void movepolys(struct polys* p) //移动多边形队列,包含时间检测,颜色计算
int i
for (i=p->n_poly-1i>0--i)
p->p[i] = p->p[i-1]
if (--(p->time) <= 0)
p->prevcolor = p->color
p->nextcolor = HSVtoRGB((float)random(360), 1.0f, (float)rand_float(0.5, 0.5))
p->time = random(1000)
p->chtime = random(1000)+60
p->nowtime = 0
if (p->nowtime >= p->chtime)
p->color = p->nextcolor
double dr = p->prevcolor&0xFF, dg = (p->prevcolor>>8)&0xFF, db = (p->prevcolor>>16)&0xFF
double dt = 1 - p->nowtime / (double)(p->chtime)
dr -= p->nextcolor&0xFF, dg -= (p->nextcolor>>8)&0xFF, db -= (p->nextcolor>>16)&0xFF
dr *= dt, dg *= dt, db *= dt
dr += p->nextcolor&0xFF, dg += (p->nextcolor>>8)&0xFF, db += (p->nextcolor>>16)&0xFF
p->color = ((int)dr) | ((int)dg<<8) | ((int)db<<16)
void initpolys(struct polys* p, int npoly, int npoint) //初始化多边形队列组
int i,j
p->n_poly = npoly
p->color = 0
p->time = 1000
p->prevcolor = p->color
p->nextcolor = HSVtoRGB((float)random(360), 1.0f, 0.5f)
p->chtime = 1000
p->nowtime = 0
j = 0
p->p[j].n_point = npoint
for (i=0i<npoint++i)
p->p[j].p[i].x = random(width)
p->p[j].p[i].y = random(height)
p->p[j].p[i].dx = (randomf() * 2 + 1)
p->p[j].p[i].dy = (randomf() * 2 + 1)
for (j=1j<npoly++j)
p->p[i] = p->p[i-1]
void draw_poly(struct poly* p, int color) //绘制一个多边形
int points[100]
int i
for (i=0i<p->n_point++i)
points[i*2 ] = (int)(p->p[i].x+.5f)
points[i*2+1] = (int)(p->p[i].y+.5f)
points[i*2 ] = (int)(p->p[0].x+.5f)
points[i*2+1] = (int)(p->p[0].y+.5f)
drawpoly(p->n_point+1, points)
void draw_polys(struct polys* p) //绘制多边形队列(只画第一个和最后一个,最后一个用于擦除)
draw_poly(&(p->p[p->n_poly-1]), 0)
draw_poly(&(p->p[ 0]), p->color)
//for (int i = 0i <4++i)
// draw_poly(&(p->p[i]), p->color)
int main()
static struct polys p[10] = {{0}}
int n_points[10] = {4,3,5,6,7}
int n_poly[10] = {80,40,10,5,1}
int n_polys = 2, i
setinitmode(1, 0, 0)
initgraph(-1, -1)
width = getmaxx()
height = getmaxy()
for (i=0i<n_polys++i)
initpolys(&p[i], n_poly[i], n_points[i])
setfont(12, 6, "宋体")
fps ui_fps
for ( is_run()delay_fps(60))
if (kbhit() >0) //有按键按下就退出
for (i=0i<n_polys++i)
for (i=0i<n_polys++i)
//imagefilter_blurring(NULL, 0xff, 0x100)
return 0
1.DEV-CPP中没有图形函数GRAPHICS,你可以去下载SDL,专门用于游戏开发和图形设计具体这么做: 工具->检查更新->选择第2项检查一下->选择SDL进行更新...
using namespace std
int main( void )
COORD pos = { 10, 15 }
SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), pos )
SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), pos )
SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), pos )
cout <<"这里就是第10行第15列。" <<endl
system( "pause" )
先找到:菜单 Project->project Options ->"General "中的 "Linker Options/Optonal Libs or Obeject files ",在下面空白处,输入: "C:\Dev-Cpp_gcc321\Dev-Cpp\lib\conio.o "
C:\Dev-Cpp_gcc321\Dev-Cpp 是我的DEV_CPP的目录,你做适当修改即可,但注意要用引号 " "括起来.
再按 "ok ",
对于 DEV-c++, conio.o文件在..\lib 目录下,中没有这个文件 .
4。在dev c++中添加graphics
Dev-C++ User F.A.Q.
How do I use Borland Graphics Interface (graphics.h)?
For those of you migrating from Borland, you may be wondering where graphics.h is. Unfortunately, graphics.h is a Borland specific library and cannot be used with Dev-C++. Fortunately, a benevolent soul by the name of Michael Main has modified a BGI emulation library for Windows applications to be used under MinGW (and therefore Dev-C++) which he has aptly named WinBGIm.
The files we need are:
graphics.h (download to C:\Dev-Cpp\include)
libbgi.a (download to C:\Dev-Cpp\lib)
After you have downloaded the files to the correct locations, you can now use WinBGIm's graphic.h as you would Borland's graphics.h with a few caveats.
Using library files:
First, you have to tell Dev-C++ where to find the library functions that WinBGIm references--this is done in the "Project Options" dialog box.
Here are instructions on how to do this with a new project:
Follow step 2 and step 3 of "Using Dev-C++".
Go to "Project" menu and choose "Project Options" (or just press ALT+P).
Go to the "Parameters" tab
In the "Linker" field, enter the following text:
Project Options ->Parameters:
Click "OK".
Follow step 4, step 5 and step 6 of "Using Dev-C++".
BGI and WinBGIm differences:
WinBGIm is a superset of BGI and as such may have functions and features with which you are unfamiliar. See Michael Main's BGI Documentation for more information.
Test code:
Just to make sure you've got everything set up correctly, try this test code in a new Dev-C++ WinBGIm project:
int main()
initwindow(400,300)//open a 400x300 graphics window
while(!kbhit())//wait for user to press a key
closegraph() //close graphics window
return 0
}If you've done everything correctly, you should get a simple graphic that closes when the user presses a key.