1---there is a little monkey under the tree, he loves the apples so much, so he takes one to eat, but he forgets to wash it.2---after a while the little monkey gets a terrible stomach, he dosen't know what to do.3---his mother comes and takes him to the goat doctor.4---the doctor checks him carefully and says:"take these pills three times a day, drink more hot water and have a good rest then you will feel better!But remember to wash the apple next time!”你确定那猴子吃的是苹果不是桃子啊?
做到以上几点,效果才会不错的!{!-- PGC_VIDEO:{"thumb_height": 348, "thumb_url": "113f200051371aabaeee6 "vname": " "vid": "v020198b0000bgecta52v328v8aodvf0 "thumb_width": 640, "src_thumb_uri": "14d1e0004f5a9a0bbcce5 "sp": "toutiao "update_thumb_type": 1, "vposter": "http://p0.pstatp.com/origin/113f200051371aabaeee6 "video_size": {"high": {"duration": 892.04, "h": 466, "subjective_score": 0, "w": 854, "file_size": 10791493}, "ultra": {"duration": 892.04, "h": 698, "subjective_score": 0, "w": 1280, "file_size": 12847103}, "normal": {"duration": 892.04, "h": 348, "subjective_score": 0, "w": 640, "file_size": 9940402}}, "md5": "01bc7a3173ce926787ac64423c8bd8f3 "duration": 892.04, "file_sign": "01bc7a3173ce926787ac64423c8bd8f3 "thumb_uri": "113f200051371aabaeee6 "vu": "v020198b0000bgecta52v328v8aodvf0"} --}