concerning about this topic,i think we should consider some of these questions:
fist,you should ask yourself,why you have chosen such a major for yourself?is it because you just want to get the admission to your favorite school?if so,you should be responsible
for your choice instead of remaining passive and pessimistic or depressed ,
you should know that whether you like your major or not,time elapses also,it doesn't give you more because of your favor or give you less because of your unfavor,even you learn your dislike major you can still arrange your time besides wasting it,that's to say there's no direct relations between your attitude toward your major and the consequence that you may waste your time all through your college life.
secondly,you can try to improve your condition,for example,if you really feel that you can't learn your unfavourite major well,you can change it or you can learn your favourite subject in your spare time.
thirdly,you should know that even the major you study in college is what you like,you still can't guarantee that you can learn it much better than anyone else or ensure that you can get a job related to your major after you step into the it may happen when you find that you're getting more and more interested in your unfavorite major if you have at one time tried to learn it well,and you may get more knowledge about what once you're bad at or dislike,you can broaden your horizen and devolep your may also happen when you need to use much of your unfavorite subjectto finish a task.
all in all,time is there,wiser people will know how to value it but fool people will regard it as a gift for their emotion.if you want to be a wise person,don't relate the time
to the situation that you may suffer from too much.
不赞同 首先得问你为什么会在读大学的时候选了自己不喜欢的专业,有时既然选了那就得对自己的选择负责,不能因为不喜欢而消极沮丧,毫无进取精神,时间依然是可以计划珍惜的。
其次 你要找出你不喜欢的原因,如果是真的无法开发出学这门专业的细胞,真的学的很痛苦,那么可以申请转专业,或者课外自己再学自己喜欢的,而不是如上所说坐以待毙,自暴自弃,挥霍时间。两者是没多大关联的。
再次 你自己觉不觉得自己学它是不是浪费时间,个人的条件不同观点也会不同,并不是一个能说死的问题,因为学你自己不喜欢的专业可谓塞翁失马,焉知非福呢?因为以后步入社会很多时候你并不能做你喜欢做的事情或者你所做的事情甚至可能未用上你大学所学的专业知识,那么到时候就算你大学学的是你喜欢的,你能保证你一定比别人优秀吗?毕业后一定能派上用场吗?
最后 浪不浪费时间再怎么说它也是一门专业,既然设了,必有其作用,与其消极的应对,不如主动去出击。归根到底那还是一个个人反应问题。时间掌握在知道珍惜它的人手上,而不是喜不喜欢所做的事情的态度上。