就在此时峰回路转,我们看到了真正的达人, 不是只讲狗屁的结论去没有丝毫的结论, 而是给出了理论依据, 就是欧盟的法规号, 大家可以自行查证。 翻译过来就是:
2010年3月25日欧洲议会和理事会第265/2010号条例(欧盟)修改“公约”关于长期居留签证人员流动实施申根协定和条例(EC)No 562/2006
大家搜索一下regulation 265/2010 就可以找到结论了。
其中第四条 (4) A third-country national holding a long-stay visa issued by a Member State should therefore be allowed to travel to other Member States for three months in any six-month period, under the same conditions as the holder of a residence permit. This Regulation does not affect the rules regarding the conditions for issuing long-stay visas.
再次抨击那些狗屁不通不懂装懂的家伙, 我们也将爱心之火传递。