) Attendance (这是关于出勤的) Students should never leave the school property for any reason unless they are accompanied by a parent, guardian or school faculty member, after being properly "signed-out" at the School Office. Students are required to attend school faithfully. Tardiness and the early dismissal of students are discouraged. A student is considered tardy after attendance is taken in the morning. Students should be removed from school early only when a reasonable situation prevents the child from attending school for the entire day. Early dismissals interrupt both the child's education and other students in class. Whenever a student is tardy or absent from school for any reason, a note should be sent to school the day the child returns explaining the cause. This regulation is a legal protection for each child and his/her parents. Respect for School and Personal Property 2.Prohibited in School (关于学校禁止的东西,比如嚼口香糖,抽烟喝酒,毒品,赌博,妄想,不敬,污秽言语等) Students are not permitted to bring chewing gum into the school building or on school grounds to prevent the litter it causes. Refrain from the possesstion or use of any illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products. Failure to respect this regulation may have legal consequences resulting in suspension or expulsion. Gambling, immorality, disrespectful or profane language will not be tolerated in the school or on school grounds. Use of bicycles and skateboards on school grounds during school hours may be prohibited, if the Principal determines them to be safety hazard. 3,Class Assignments 关于课堂作业的 Homework and classwork assignments should be completed neatly, carefully, and on time. Students should work to their full potential. If a child experiences difficulty in completing an assignment with "good cause", the child's parent should explain the situation to the teacher with a short note or phone call. The teacher may decide to excuse the student, allowing extra time to complete the assignment. 参考资料:这是西弗吉尼亚州ROANE教区的学生法案 Roane County Schools West Virginia Student Code of Conduct