

英文介绍自己 怎样用英语进行自我介绍?

這種事情,是沒有捷徑的台上一分鐘,台下十年功想要上台不丟人,最好的辦法就是事先擬好英文版的自我介紹的內容背得滾瓜爛熟,最好每天複習一遍,有事沒事潤潤稿,更新一下內容等待時機來臨,把背熟的內容說出口就行了一般來說,自我介紹內容包括:1.姓名、年紀、家鄉、工作/目前就讀學校---->家庭背景視情況而選擇是否要介紹2.專長、個性、休閒嗜好等等 --->個性外向活潑,專長電腦,喜歡釣魚等等3. 根據自我介紹的目的,添加內容---->聯誼就說自己穩重、有上進心,工作面試就介紹有哪些經歷、長處或是最自豪的成就等等4.對自己的期許/短期或長期的目標--->上進心不管是在哪一種場合都是受人稱讚的特質5. 感謝你的觀眾或聽眾--->禮貌是一種美德盡量將自我介紹濃縮在3-5分鐘之內,簡潔有力最好,能夠加個笑話更好(比方說取笑一下自己)只要可以給人留下深刻的印象,無論自我介紹的目的是什麼,你就算成功

用英文做自我介绍,你可以从以下5点出发哦1.姓名Name姓名I'm ….My name is …2.教育背景Education毕业学校和学位学历GPA成绩出了前5就不用说了Certificates证书3.学业之外的Campus involvement社团经历经历Practical experiences实践经验Internships实习经历4.技能和性格English and computer iteracy英语和计算机技能Other important sills其他通用技能Personality and characteristics性格特质5.结束语A good fit for the position职位匹配I recently graduated from … University with a bachelordegree in Business Accounting. My GPA was among the top 3 in my class. I passed CET4.Besides studying I was very active on campus. I participated involunteer activities whenever I had time. I became theChairman for the Student Union during my senior year. I alsoworked with Baidu as a Social Media Intern for a semester.I learned a lot about content curation and using social media tools.I could speak ( pretty) good English and I' m fluent inMandarin Chinese.I am highly proficient with Microsoft Office softwares. I have greatcommunication skills. I am an outgoing people person. I amvery responsible and hardworking.I believe I'm a good fit for the De partment Assistant position.Thank you for the opportunity. 希望对你有帮助❤️❤️


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/4184215.html

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