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里面提到语文多些,实际都是语言,方法是想通的,重要是个背。超级无敌四板斧之2014重出江湖。老段子你没看过,就是新酒。里面有文有理,方法是想通的,有个借鉴。有用是硬道理,好好看看希望有用。首先是2012为高三编的高三百日誓词。一百天d指一挥间,为此我把一天分成一百份,同学们,我们还有一万份时间,怕什么,加油,过好每一份时间,付出一万倍的努力,高山在脚下,学海任我行。口号是打气的。方法是给力的。学习是靠自己的。学习每四十五分或一个小时换一科,保证脑子活力。看看我的超级 无敌四板斧。这我一般是给初三和高三的发送建议,方法是相通的。超级无敌应对考试第一招:看着很简单,注意,好的实用有效的方法一定是简单的,但是相当有效,都是属于一开始看着很耗时,很伤脑筋,但一旦执行下去,成果是显著的,信心马上上来了,明白这个方法很给力。综合到结果是省时间的。就这招我为高三学子推荐过,简单有效,得到好评。快速提高自信和成绩。这招看着十分功利,仅仅为了考试,是学习大战略中的小战术,是后面合集中的重炮轰击。(废话多,是因为要强调在战略的高度上,认识这个小战术的积极意义。具体内容:找到刚考完的卷子要有正确答案的,全都背下来,要能做到考这套卷子,除了作文和发挥乱扯题(最好作文和发挥题也有正确的答案或好文章,乱扯中好的)。我要接近满分,每次大考的卷子尽量同等待遇,第一套一定要背下来,这是底线,让自己熟悉考题,考点,了解不足,还有出这套题我是能得第一的。这要达到什么程度,最好是能默写,一张卷子从头到尾默背,想想就超牛和无敌。绝大多数学生,往往刚考完老师讲过的卷子也能答个七七八八,好像都会了。如果过上一段时间再考的话,就会发现考好的仍会是那些原来考这套卷子不错的,而且还会产生新的错误,大家都是过眼云烟。这招就是要把知识夯实了,把考过的这个卷子对你的积极影响最大化。举例说明:语文考试,基础,问的是辛弃疾,这时我们要把考卷上的问答背牢靠,同时看看辛弃疾的我们学过的诗词和知识点。同时走马观花的看看苏轼,王安石,李白,什么的,要快,重点还是卷子,那些是拓展,是举一反三,是整套卷子背下来后的铁底上的拔高。古文诗词也是类似的,考过的要背下来,后面由填写一句,扩展到全词,全文。象孔子的子曰,背下来,可以用于作文的。阅读理解题,可以连问题带答案都背下来,然后再分析哪里自己...


(1)A visit to Beijing On Oct 1st,the National Day of China this year,dad,mom and I went to Beijing to have a vacation.I was so happy because it's the first time that I visit the Great Wall.The Great.

急求一篇英文的小论文,话题不限,1000字左右,大学水平 从大学生的角度出发的...

A Brief Analysis of teaching in senior high schoolAbstract:Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn English.But in senior high school,a lots of probelms still exsit in the Engl.


Old soldiers never die
Mr.President,Mr.Speaker,and Distinguished Members of the Congress:
I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride-humility in the weight of those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me;pride in the reflection that this home of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised.Here are centered the hopes and aspirations and faith of the entire human race.I do not stand here as advocate for any partisan cause,for the issues are fundamental and reach quite beyond the realm of partisan consideration.They must be resolved on the highest plane of national interest if our course is to prove sound and our future protected.I trust,therefore,that you will do me the justice of receiving that which I have to say as solely expressing the considered viewpoint of a fellow American.
I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness in the fading twilight of life,with but one purpose in mind:to serve my country.The issues are global and so interlocked that to consider the problems of one sector,oblivious to those of another,is but to court disaster for the whole.While Asia is commonly referred to as the Gateway to Europe,it is no less true that Europe is the Gateway to Asia,and the broad influence of the one cannot fail to have its impact upon the other.There are those who claim our strength is inadequate to protect on both fronts,that we cannot divide our effort.I can think of no greater expression of defeatism.If a potential enemy can divide his strength on two fronts,it is for us to counter his effort.The Communist threat is a global one.Its successful advance in one sector threatens the destruction of every other sector.You can not appease or otherwise surrender to communism in Asia without simultaneously undermining our efforts to halt its advance in Europe.
Beyond pointing out these general truisms,I shall confine my discussion to the general areas of Asia.Before one ...


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/4571652.html

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