



近几年来,他主持的科研项目,包含国家自然科学基金项目,省自然科学基金项目,市科委科研项目以及市科委国际合作科研项目等, 都是涉及非线性光学,特别是涉及与低维半导体量子限制结构的光学非线性相关的研究。目前,正承担国家自然科学基金重点项目:半导体低维体系统中自旋动力学过程的研究,以及湖北省重大科技攻关招标项目:大功率蓝光外延芯片研制的研究。

1. Di Xu , Guiguang Xiong, Transmission spectra investigation on tunable bandgap of liquid crystal infiltrated photonic crystal, J. of Materials Science, 39(2004)679 u2013 681.

2. Yong Xu, Guiguang Xiong, Quadratic electro-optic effects and electro-absorption process in semiconductor carbon nanotubes, Physca E,25(2004) 23u201328.

3. Chunxia Wang, Qi Li, Guiguang Xiong, Anti-Stokes photoluminescence in TiO2 nano-particle films at room temperature, J. of Materials Science, 39(2004)5581 u2013 5582.

4. Yong Xu, Guiguang Xiong, Third-order optical nonlinearity of semiconductor carbon nanotubes for third harmonic generation, Chemical Physics Letters, 388(2004)330 u2013 336.

5. Liming Liu, Junjie Li, Guiguang Xiong Studies of the third-order nonlinear optical

susceptibility for InGaN/GaN, Physica E 25(2005) 466-471.

6. Fei Gao, Guiguang Xiong, Parameter-dependent resonant third-order susceptibility contributed by inter-band transitions in InGaN/GaN,Physica E 28(2005)412.

7. Yuan Wen, Guiguang Xiong, Ququan Wang,Daijian Chen, Parameters-dependent nonlinear absorptions in InGaN/GaN MQW and GaN film,Physica B,370(2005)195-199.

8. Fei Gao, Guiguang Xiong, Characteristics of quantum beats in InGaN/GaN quantum well,Optica Applicata, 35(2005)919 u2013 926.

9. Chunxia Wang, Guiguang Xiong, Quadratic electro-optic effects and electro-absorption

process in InGaN/GaN cylinder quantum dots, Microelectronics Journal,37(2006) 847-


10. Haiyan Gao, Guiguang Xiong, Xiaobo Feng, Quantum-confined Stark shift in electroreflectance of a cylindrical GaN quantum dot, Microelectronics Journal, 37 (2006)


11. Zhang Xi, Guiguang Xiong, Xiaobo Feng, Well width-dependent third-order optical nonlinearities of a ZnS/CdSe cylindrical quantum dot quantum well, Physica E, 33(2006) 120-124.

12.Duanzheng Yao, Guiguang Xiong, Theoretical studies on nonlinear interaction

between laser and bio-molecules in optical tomography, Modern Physics Letters B, 18



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/5259716.html

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