IOT becomes the third wave of the development of world's information industry since the emergence of computer and Internet IOT is short for Internet of Things, which means the internet between things IOT is the extension of Internet, giving people a more convenient life In a sense we can say, it is a new way to deal with the connections between people and people, people and things Its emergence better implements the network of information, intelligence and remote management controlThings networking is a new generation of information technology is an important part The English name things networking called "The Internet of things" It has two meanings: first, the content of the core and foundation of the networking is still the Internet, is based on the Internet in the extend and expand network; Second, the client extend and expand to any object and the exchange of information between objects, and communication Therefore, content is defined through Internet radio frequency identification (RFID), infrared sensors, global positioning system, laser scanner, sensing equipment information such as agreed by the agreement, any object and Internet connection, the exchange of information and communication, so as to realize the intelligent recognition of objects, location, tracking and monitoring and management of a network
And things to the influence of the electronic commerce network is on the net impact and the influence of the off-line two aspects
Keywords: content online, e-commerce, influence
The Internet of things。对中国来说,物联网技术和应用将释放更大的梅特卡夫效应。按照梅特卡夫效应原理,人与人链接的