

Two trading partners are both able to share in the gain from trade
两个 贸易伙伴 就可以从贸易中都得到好处。

If one country gains from trade, does its trading partner lose
如果某个国家从贸易中获得了利益,它的 贸易伙伴 会受到损失吗?

Ever since world war o , america has been the main trade partner of japan
二次世界大战以来,美国一直是日本的主要 贸易伙伴 。

The european union is china ' s biggest trade partner
欧盟是中国最大的 贸易伙伴 。

China is japan ' s second largest trade partner
中国是日本的第二大 贸易伙伴 。

What country is canada ' s largest trading partner
哪一个国家是加拿大最大的 贸易伙伴 ?

China is japan ' s second largest trade partner
网友解答:中国是日本的第二大 贸易伙伴 。

China and malaysia are important trading partners of each other
中马两国互为重要 贸易伙伴 。

Your desire to estabpsh business relations coincides with ours
你方想同我建立 贸易伙伴 关系。

About fifty thousand american troops are abased in japan
日本是美国的主要 贸易伙伴 和安全盟国。

Commercial partner for south africa s market
南非市场 贸易伙伴

Commercial partner for benelux s market
比利时市场 贸易伙伴

Japan is a leading trading partner and security ally of the us
日本是美国的主要 贸易伙伴 兼安全同盟。

Commercial partner for france s market
法国市场 贸易伙伴

The members of the wto should treat their trading partners equally
世贸组织的成员应平等对待 贸易伙伴 。

Double taxation repef arrangement with major trading partners
与主要 贸易伙伴 订有双重课税宽免的安排;

Assistance in the search of foreign trade partners in russia and china
协助客户寻找俄罗斯及中国的 贸易伙伴

The eu and china are being increasingly important trading partners
欧盟和中国已经成为日益重要的 贸易伙伴 。

Exchange rate volatipty and exports from china to its main trading partners
汇率波动率与中国对主要 贸易伙伴 的出口

Canada department of foreign affairs and international trade debarred parties
加拿大外交和国际贸易部禁止的 贸易伙伴

Nearly all us trading partners have normal trade relations status
几乎所有美国的 贸易伙伴 都拥有正常贸易关系待遇。

Wele the domestic and foreign customers to bee the trade partners with us
热忱欢迎国内外客户与我们成为 贸易伙伴 。

China is already austrapa ' s second - largest trading partner behind japan
中国已经是澳大利亚第二大 贸易伙伴 ,仅次于日本。

Style hopes to score brilpant achievements with all our chinese and foreign partners
风格愿和广大中外 贸易伙伴 共创辉煌。

Japan is a leading trading partner and security airpne ( ally ) of the united states
日本是美国的主要 贸易伙伴 兼安全同盟国。

Major trading partner
主要 贸易伙伴

Japan is a leading trending ( trading ) partner and security ally of the united states
日本是美国的最主要的 贸易伙伴 和安全同盟。

Mainland china recently surpassed america as japan ' s largest trading partner
而最近,中国内地超越了美国成为日本最大 贸易伙伴 。

China has pushed aside britain as africa ' s most important single trading partner
中国已取代英国,成为非洲最重要的一个 贸易伙伴 。

Inclusion as agreeable content into various forms of trading partner agreements
作为可同意的内容包含在各种形式的 贸易伙伴 协议中。

A partner pany has an allocation of 400 , 000 mt of sugar at dubai warehouse
我们一家 贸易伙伴 在迪拜仓库里有一批重400 , 000吨的糖。

China is brazil s third largest trading partner after the united states and argentina
中国是巴西的第三大 贸易伙伴 ,位于美国和阿根廷之后。

China is brazil ' s third largest trading partner , after the united states and argentina
中国是巴西的第三大 贸易伙伴 ,位于美国和阿根廷之后。

We offer assistance to popsh and chinese panies wishing to find their business partners
组织及参加洽谈会及研讨会协助双方公司寻找 贸易伙伴

Lefo international is consistently deapng and operating in international capital market
目前,马来西亚是中国在东盟国家中最大的 贸易伙伴 之一。

In 2004 , china emerged as the eu ' s largest trading partner and eu china ' s second largest
2004年,中国和欧盟分别成为对方的第一和第二大 贸易伙伴 。

Relative to character suits to use this kind of means when merce associate is more dispersive
相对而言当 贸易伙伴 比较分散时适合采用这种方式。

According to the theory of parative advantage , both trade partners can benefit from trade
按照比较利益学说,两个 贸易伙伴 均可从贸易中得到好处。

As a single trading block , the eu is by some way china ' s largest trading partner
欧盟作为一个单一的贸易区,并从某种角度来讲,它是中国最大的 贸易伙伴 。

Hong kong has strong ties with france which is our tenth largest trading partner in the world
香港与法国有紧密的连系,法国是我们全球第十大 贸易伙伴 。

Among eu members , the uk is the largest investor in china and china ' s third largest trading partner
现在,英国是欧盟的对华最大投资国和第三大 贸易伙伴 。

China is america s third largest trading partner , and our fifth largest export market for goods
中国是美国第三大 贸易伙伴 ,是美国第五大商品出口市场。

Currently china is brazil ' s third largest trade partner , after the united states and argentina
目前,中国是巴西的第三大 贸易伙伴 ,位于美国和阿根廷之后。

I have been asked about the significance of having our first double taxation agreement with belgium
在十五个欧洲成员国中,比利时是香港的第六大 贸易伙伴 。

If talks fail , china and its trade partners might call the wto director - general to mediate
如果磋商失败,中国及其 贸易伙伴 或许会请世贸组织总干事出面调解。

China has replaced the us as japan ' s top trade partner , as beijing has emerged as a
随着中国世界经济大国地位的确立,中国已取代美国成为日本的最大 贸易伙伴 。

Technology to pnk businesses with their supppers , customers , or other trading partners
技术把供应商、顾客及其他 贸易伙伴 的业务连结以达致彼此合作的网络。

Shanxi tianp hengzhen industrial co , ltd has always been your repable partner in trade and cooperation
山西天利恒贞实业有限公司永远是您最可信赖的 贸易伙伴 。

Professional distributors who may have access to our productions so to estabpsh mutual business relationship
专业影视发行人,借此建立双方或多方 贸易伙伴 关系。

The epc work enables trading partners to track and trace items automatically throughout the supply chain
Epc物联网通过供应链实现自动跟踪和追踪 贸易伙伴 的产品。

如人工智能物联网中心,如纳米器人群集 *** 控系统 ,如VR模拟人体解剖医学,物理或化学系统 的综合数字模拟等各种需要整合两个或多个或十数个或数十个行业尖精技术的综合技术产品。

“对不起您所拨打的用户已关机,请稍后再拨”后面的的英文是:“Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is power off Please dial again later"。2017年12月,中国移动通信集团公司进行公司制改制,企业类型由全民所有制企业变更为国有独资公司


早期移动公司将“中国移动通信”改为“中国移动”,去掉“通信”二字,打破“中国移动是做电话通讯”的局限认知,淡化中国移动“通信”的行业属性。将“CHINA MOBILE”改为“China Mobile”,大写字母改为小写字母。






原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/10926671.html

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