物联网(Internet of Things)指未来的网络。在未来的网络里,每个实体对象都采用RFID标签来进行识别,并进行网络化管理,这就是所谓的物联网。
传感网:sensing network
AIoT(人工智能物联网:Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things)=AI(人工智能:Artificial Intelligence)+IoT(物联网: Internet of Things)。 AIoT融合AI技术和IoT技术,通过物联网产生、收集海量的数据存储于云端、边缘端,再通过大数据分析,以及更高形式的人工智能,实现万物数据化、万物智联化,物联网技术与人工智能追求的是一个智能化生态体系,除了技术上需要不断革新,技术的落地与应用更是现阶段物联网与人工智能领域亟待突破的核心问题。
IOT becomes the third wave of the development of world's information industry since the emergence of computer and Internet IOT is short for Internet of Things, which means the internet between things IOT is the extension of Internet, giving people a more convenient life In a sense we can say, it is a new way to deal with the connections between people and people, people and things Its emergence better implements the network of information, intelligence and remote management control欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出