Internet of Things 也叫 Internet of Objects,就是把不同类型编码的物品通过射频识别(RFID)或其他传感器等设备将其所有信息采集起来,从而实现所有物品的关联,并可进行定位、追踪、监管等的网络With the popularity of Internet knowledge and technology are widely applied, the Internet of things was attention by more and more people In the iot, RFID technology is the key technology to realize the Internet of things In recent years in our country, the RFID technology and the fast development of Internet of things, fast popularization and expanding application area and is now involved in every aspect of People's Daily life, and will profoundly influence on the government, enterprises and individual behavior The research purpose of this paper is to explore the RFID technology in the main problems existing in the Internet of things application and future development direction This topic in the Internet of things is introduced and its key technologies, on the basis of RFID technology, mainly discusses the application of RFID technology in Internet of things, the RFID application is discussed in the security problems existing in the Internet of things and for its future development direction and trend were discussedMainly depending on natural resources and cheap labor costs,traditional agriculture,with its poor efficiency,large amount of work and high difficulty,has already lost the ability to meet the mordern standards of abundant output,high quality,security,and environmental protectionAs the application of internet technology in mordern agriculture,there is a big jump on the level of agriculture modernization and informatization For this purpose,the text following has a introduction on the concept of Internet of Things,a summary of the applications of technologies ,especially the RFID,in the fields of Mordern fish breeding and poultry raising aquaculture,the planting of crops,the security supervision of the safety of agricultural products,also points out some problems faced by agricultural field in the applications of IoT and gives a future prospect of the IoT application