物联网,传感网 英语怎么说?

物联网,传感网 英语怎么说?,第1张

物联网 : Internet of Things
物联网(Internet of Things)指未来的网络。在未来的网络里,每个实体对象都采用RFID标签来进行识别,并进行网络化管理,这就是所谓的物联网。
传感网:sensing network

LOT,英文全拼为Internet of things,意思是物联网,不是互联



物联网(英语:Internet of Things,缩写IoT)是互联网、传统电信网等信息承载体,让所有能行使独立功能的普通物体实现互联互通的网络。物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分,也是“信息化”时代的重要发展阶段。物联网就是“物物相连的互联网”。

物联网将现实世界数位化,应用范围十分广泛。在物联网上,每个人都可以应用电子标签将真实的物体上网联结,在物联网上都可以查出它们的具体位置。通过物联网可以用中心计算机对机器、设备、人员进行集中管理、控制,也可以对家庭设备、汽车进行遥控,以及搜索位置、防止物品被盗等,类似自动化 *** 控系统,同时通过收集这些小事的数据,最后可以聚集成大数据,包含重新设计道路以减少车祸、都市更新、灾害预测与犯罪防治、流行病控制等等社会的重大改变。

The Internet of things。


物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分。其英文名称是“The Internet of things”。由此,顾名思义,“物联网就是物物相连的互联网”。





物联网(Internet of Things)指的是将无处不在(Ubiquitous)的末端设备(Devices)和设施(FaciliTIes),包括具备“内在智能”的传感器、移动终端、工业系统、楼控系统、家庭智能设施、视频监控系统等和“外在使能”(Enabled)的。

如贴上RFID的各种资产(Assets)、携带无线终端的个人与车辆等“智能化物件或动物”或“智能尘埃”(Mote),通过各种无线/有线的长距离/短距离通讯网络实现互联互通(M2M)、应用大集成(Grand IntegraTIon)、以及基于云计算的SaaS营运等模式。

提供安全可控乃至个性化的实时在线监测、定位追溯、报警联动、调度指挥、预案管理、远程控制、安全防范、远程维保、在线升级、统计报表、决策支持、领导桌面(集中展示的Cockpit Dashboard)等管理和服务功能,实现对“万物”的“高效、节能、安全、环保”的“管、控、营”一体化。

Things networking is a new generation of information technology is an important part The English name things networking called "The Internet of things" It has two meanings: first, the content of the core and foundation of the networking is still the Internet, is based on the Internet in the extend and expand network; Second, the client extend and expand to any object and the exchange of information between objects, and communication Therefore, content is defined through Internet radio frequency identification (RFID), infrared sensors, global positioning system, laser scanner, sensing equipment information such as agreed by the agreement, any object and Internet connection, the exchange of information and communication, so as to realize the intelligent recognition of objects, location, tracking and monitoring and management of a network
And things to the influence of the electronic commerce network is on the net impact and the influence of the off-line two aspects
Keywords: content online, e-commerce, influence

IOT becomes the third wave of the development of world's information industry since the emergence of computer and Internet IOT is short for Internet of Things, which means the internet between things IOT is the extension of Internet, giving people a more convenient life In a sense we can say, it is a new way to deal with the connections between people and people, people and things Its emergence better implements the network of information, intelligence and remote management control


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/13486963.html

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