DS31256 HDLC控制器的配置步骤—桥接模式
本应用笔记提供了怎样配置桥接模式下DS31256 HDLC控制器T1端口的例子。文章提供了一个实际例程,以方便最终用户使用,帮助他们理解怎样在环回模式下配置器件,构建数据包,并进行传送、接收和检查。
- PCI桥接模式
- 配置模式
关于使用配置模式的详细信息,请参考应用笔记2871:“DS31256 HDLC控制器的配置步骤—配置模式”。
输入:- read_reg(address, data)
地址 = 数据要写入的寄存器地址 数据 = 要写入到指定寄存器中的数据 输出:无
输入:- write_reg_IS(address, data)
地址 = 要读取的寄存器地址 输出:
数据 = 来自寄存器的数值
输入:- wr_dword(address, data)
地址 = 数据要写入的间接选择寄存器 数据 = 要写入到指定寄存器的数据 输出:无
write_reg(address, data)
bit_check = 0x8000;
while(bit_check & 0x8000)
read_reg(address, bit_check);
输入:- rd_dword(address, data)
地址 = 数据要写入的主机存储器地址 数据 = 要写入到指定存储器地址的数据 输出:无
输入:- frame_wait(count)
地址 = 要读取的主机存储器地址 输出:
数据 = 从主机存储器读取的32位数据
计数 = 要等待的帧周期数 输出:无
- 复位DS31256
- 配置DS31256
- 使能HDLC通道
- 使HDLC通道处于环回模式
- 排列、发送、接收、检查数据包
//Reset DS31256 using MRID registers master reset bit.
write_reg(MRID, 0x0001);
write_reg(MRID, 0x0000);
复位芯片时,DS31256内部配置RAM并没有被清零,因此,必须手动清零。使用适当的数据和DS31256间接选择寄存器,对DS31256的每一内部RAM进行一系列写 *** 作,完成该任务。本节详细介绍完成该任务的过程。
// Zero Rx configuraTIon and Tx configuraTIon RAM's for all ports
for(port = 0; port < 16; port = port + 1)
write_reg(CP[0]RD + 8 * port, 0x0000);
for(ds0 = 0; ds0 < 128; ds0 = ds0 + 1)
// Set bits 9-8 = 01 to select Rx Configuration RAM
// Set bits 9-8 = 10 to select Tx Configuration RAM
write_reg_IS(CP[0]RDIS + 8 * port, (0x0100 + ds0));
write_reg_IS(CP[0]RDIS + 8 * port, (0x0200 + ds0));
// Zero the Rx HDLC channel definition RAM
write_reg(RHCD, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(RHCDIS, channel);
// Zero the Tx HDLC channel definition RAM
write_reg(THCD, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(THCDIS, channel);
// Zero the Rx FIFO Starting Block Pointer RAM
write_reg(RFSBP, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(RFSBPIS, channel);
// Zero the Rx FIFO Block Pointer RAM
write_reg(RFBP, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(RFBPIS, channel);
// Zero the Rx FIFO High Watermark RAM
write_reg(RFHWM, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(RFHWMIS, channel);
// Zero the Tx FIFO Starting Block Pointer registers
write_reg(TFSBP, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(TFSBPIS, channel);
// Zero the Tx FIFO Block Pointer RAM
write_reg(TFBP, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(TFBPIS, channel);
// Zero the Tx FIFO Low Watermark RAM
write_reg(TFLWM, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(TFLWMIS, channel);
// Zero the Rx DMA configuration RAM
write_reg(RDMAC, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel);
// Zero the Tx DMA configuration RAM
write_reg(TDMAC, 0x0000);
for(channel = 0; channel < 256; channel = channel + 1)
write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x0200 + channel);
// Reset DS31256 using MRID registers master reset bit.
write_reg(MRID, 0x0001);
write_reg(MRID, 0x0000);
- 配置PCI寄存器
- 配置1层寄存器
- 配置HDLC寄存器
- 配置FIFO寄存器
- 配置DMA寄存器
// This example uses port 1 channel 3
port = 1;
channel = 3;
// Rx free queue base address
rfq_base_addr = 0x10000000;
// Rx free queue end address
// Rx free queue size = 16
rfq_end_idx = 0x000F;
// Rx done queue base address
rdq_base_addr = 0x10000100;
// Rx done queue end address
// Rx done queue size = 16
rdq_end_idx = 0x000F;
// Rx descriptor base address
// Rx descriptor table size = 256
rdscr_base_addr = 0x10000200;
// Rx data buffer base address
rx_buf_base_addr = 0x10001000;
// Tx pending queue base address
tpq_base_addr = 0x10000300;
// Tx pending queue end address
// Tx pending queue size = 16
tpq_end_idx = 0x000F;
// Tx done queue base address
tdq_base_addr = 0x10000400;
// Tx done queue end address
// Tx done queue size = 16
tdq_end_idx = 0x000F;
// Tx descriptor base address
// Tx descriptor table size = 256
tdscr_base_addr = 0x10000500;
// Tx data buffer base address
tx_buf_base_addr = 0x10002000;
// Map DS31256 Configuration Registers to a PCI bus base address
write_reg(PDCM, 32'h80000000);
// PCI command/status register 0 - controls DS31256 DMA functionality
// Set Bit 1 = 1 to enable accesses to internal device configuration registers through PCI bus
//(required for Bridge mode)
// Set Bit 2 = 1 to allow the device operation as bus master on PCI bus (required for DMA)
// Set Bit 6 = 1 to act on parity errors
// Set Bit 8 = 1 to enable the PSERR pin
write_reg(PCMD0, 32'h00000146);
- 为输入和输出数据分配HDLC通道号
- 通道化本地和网络环回
- 64kps、56kps、或者没有数据通道化选择
- 通道化发送DS0通道填充全1
- 向BERT发送和接收数据
- 将数据送入V.54环路码型探测器
// Set RX Port Control Register
// Set bits 2-0 = 000 for clock, data and sync are not inverted
// Set bits 5-4 = 00 for sync pulse 0 clocks early
// Set bits 7-6 = 00 for T1 mode
// Set bit 10 = 0 to disable local loopback
write_reg(RP[0]CR + 4 * port, 0x0000);
// Set Tx Port Control Register
// Set bit 2-0 = 000 for clock, data and sync are not inverted
// Set bit 3 = 0 to force all data at TD to be 1
// Set bits 5-4 = 00 for sync pulse 0 clocks early
// Set bits 7-6 = 0 for T1 mode
write_reg(TP[0]CR + 4 * port, 0x0000);
// RX Port Configuration Registers
// DS0's 0-3 disabled, assigned to HDLC channel
// CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 01 for Receive Configuration
write_reg(CP[0]RD + 8 * port, 0x0000 + channel);
for(ds0 = 0; ds0 < 4; ds0 = ds0 + 1)
write_reg_IS(CP[0]RDIS + 8 * port, 0x0100 + ds0);
// Tx Port Configuration Registers
// DS0's 0-3 disabled, assigned to HDLC channel
// CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 10 for Transmit Configuration
write_reg(CP[0]RD + 8 * port, 0x0000 + channel);
for(ds0 = 0; ds0 < 4; ds0 = ds0 + 1)
write_reg_IS(CP[0]RDIS + 8 * port, 0x0200 + ds0);
- 零填充和去填充
- 标志探测和字节对齐
- CRC产生和校验
- 数据置反和位反转
// RX HDLC configuration
// Set bits 3-2 = 10 for 32-bit CRC
write_reg(RHCD, 0x0008);
write_reg_IS(RHCDIS, channel);
// Tx HDLC configuration
// Set bit 1= 0 to select an interfill byte of 7E
// Set bits 3-2 = 10 for 32-bit CRC
// Set bits 11-8 = 1000 for closing flag/no interfill bytes/opening flag
write_reg(THCD, 0x0108);
write_reg_IS(THCDIS, channel);
DS31256含有一个16kB发送FIFO和一个16kB接收FIFO。每一FIFO按照4 dword或者16字节被分成1024个模块。在HDLC通道基础上分配FIFO存储器。可以设置分配给每一HDLC通道的FIFO存储器的数量,最少是4个模块,最多为1024个模块。建立圆形链表,列出一组模块,每一模块指向链中的下一模块,最后一个模块指向第一个,这样,将FIFO存储器分配给HDLC通道。链表中的一个模块分配给该通道的FIFO起始模块指针,将FIFO模块链表分配给指定的HDLC通道。
在这个例子中,4个Tx FIFO模块和4个Rx FIFO模块被分配给HDLC通道。这个例子还使用了一个Rx FIFO高水线3,以及Tx FIFO低水线1。Rx FHFO高水线指示HDLC引擎在DMA开始向PCI总线发送数据之前,应该将多少模块写入Rx FIFO。高水线设置必须在一个模块以及相关某一通道链表模块之间。Tx FIFO低水线指示在DMA开始从PCI总线获取大量数据之前,有多少模块应留在Tx FIFO中。HDLC通道用于防止出现传送下溢以及接收上溢所需要的FIFO存储器、Rx FIFO高水线和Tx FIFO低水线数量取决于应用程序。通过下表列出的寄存器,在HDLC通道基础上,单独配置DS31256的Tx FIFO和Rx FIFO。
// Build the Rx FIFO block linked list
// 0->1->2->3->0
for (block = 0; block < 4; block = block + 1)
// Bits 9-0 in RFBP register indicate which block is next in the linked list
write_reg(RFBP, block + 1);
write_reg_IS(RFBPIS, block);
// The last block points to the first block to create a circular linked list
write_reg(RFBP, 0x0000);
write_reg_IS(RFBPIS, 0x0003);
// Assign the circular linked list to a specific channel
write_reg(RFSBP, 0x0000);
write_reg_IS(RFSBPIS, channel);
// Set RX FIFO high watermark for channel to 3
write_reg(RFHWM, 0x0003);
write_reg_IS(RFHWMIS, channel);
// Tx FIFO block linked list
// 0->1->2->3->0
for (block = 0; block < 4; block = block + 1)
// Bits 9-0 in TFBP register indicate which block is next in the linked list
write_reg(TFBP, block + 1);
write_reg_IS(TFBPIS, block);
// The last block points to the first block to create a circular linked list
write_reg(TFBP, 0x0000);
write_reg_IS(TFBPIS, 0x0003);
// Assign the circular linked list to a specific channel
write_reg(TFSBP, 0x0000);
write_reg_IS(TFSBPIS, channel);
// Set Tx FIFO low watermark for channel to 1
write_reg(TFLWM, 0x0001);
write_reg_IS(TFLWMIS, channel);
在接收侧,主机写入自由队列描述符,告知DMA在哪里可以放置到达分组数据。与每一自由队列输入相关的是接收数据缓冲位置和数据包描述符。DS31256使用接收自由队列输入来将接收到的分组数据写入主机存储器,它在Rx完成队列中建立输入。这些Rx完成队列输入告知主机接收到的数据的位置和状态。请参考DS31256数据资料,了解详细信息。主机必须通过写入下表列出的所有寄存器来配置Rx DMA:
// Rx large buffer size = 256 bytes
write_reg(RLBS, 0x0100);
// Rx free queue base address
write_reg(RFQBA0, rfq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF);
write_reg(RFQBA1, (rfq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// Rx free queue large buffer read and write pointers = 0
write_reg(RFQLBRP, 0x0000);
write_reg(RFQLBWP, 0x0000);
// Rx free queue small buffer start address = 16
write_reg(RFQSBSA, rfq_end_idx);
// Rx free queue small buffer read and write pointers = 0
write_reg(RFQSBRP, 0x0000);
write_reg(RFQSBWP, 0x0000);
// Rx free queue end address
write_reg(RFQEA, rfq_end_idx);
// Rx done queue base address
write_reg(RDQBA0, rdq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF);
write_reg(RDQBA1, (rdq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// Rx done queue read and write pointers = 0
write_reg(RDQRP, 0x0000);
write_reg(RDQWP, 0x0000);
// Rx done queue end address
write_reg(RDQEA, rdq_end_idx);
// Rx descriptor base address
write_reg(RDBA0, rdscr_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF);
write_reg(RDBA1, (rdscr_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// Rx DMA Channel Configuration
// The data in RDMAC register is written to or read from the Receive Configuration RAM
// Set bit 0 = 0 to disable the HDLC Channel
// Set bit 201 = 00 for large buffers only
// Set bit 6-3 = 0000 for 0 byte offset from the data buffer address of the first data buffer
// Set Bit 9-7 = 000 for DMA write to the Done Queue only after packet reception is complete
// Set the HDLC Channel Number by RDMACIS register
write_reg(RDMAC, 0x0000);
write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel);
DS31256处理发送未决队列描述符输入时,它建立发送完成队列描述符队列输入。完成发送一个完整的数据包或者DS31256所配置的数据缓冲后,DMA将写入完成队列。通过这些完成队列描述符,DMA告知主机关于输出分组数据的状态。请参考DS31256数据资料,了解详细信息。主机必须通过写入下表列出的所有寄存器来配置Tx DMA:
// Tx pending queue base address
write_reg(TPQBA0, tpq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF);
write_reg(TPQBA1, (tpq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// Tx pending queue read and write pointers = 0
write_reg(TPQRP, 0x0000);
write_reg(TPQWP, 0x0000);
// Tx pending queue end address
write_reg(TPQEA, tpq_end_idx);
// Tx done queue base address
write_reg(TDQBA0, tdq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF);
write_reg(TDQBA1, (tdq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// Tx done queue read and write pointers = 0
write_reg(TDQRP, 0x0000);
write_reg(TDQWP, 0x0000);
// Tx done queue end address
write_reg(TDQEA, tdq_end_idx);
// Tx descriptor base address
write_reg(TDBA0, tdscr_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF);
write_reg(TDBA1, (tdscr_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// Tx DMA Channel Configuration
// The data in TDMAC register is written to or read from the Transmit Configuration RAM
// Set bit 0 = 0 to disable HDLC Channel
// Set bit 1 = 0 for write done queue after packet transmitted
// Set the HDLC Channel Number by TDMACIS register
write_reg(TDMAC, 0x0000);
write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x0200 + channel);
- 使能端口Tx和Rx配置RAM中的HDLC通道(使能HDLC通道)
- 初始化Rx自由队列(装入DMA描述符)
- 针对DS31256使能Tx DMA和Rx DMA (使能DMA)
- 使能HDLC通道Tx和Rx DMA
- 使能1层的端口数据传送(打开HDLC通道)
// Enable packet reception in port layer 1 Rx configuration RAM
for (ds0 = 0; ds0 < 4; ds0 = ds0 + 1)
// Read the current data value from the Rx Configuration RAM
// Set CP[n]RDIS bits 6-0 = DS0
// Set CP[n]RDIS bit 14 = 1 to read data from the RAM
// Set CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 01 to select Rx configuration RAM
write_reg_IS(CP[0]RDIS + 8 * port, 0x4100 + ds0);
read_reg(CP[0]RD + 8 * port, data);
// Update memory with new value
// Set CP[n]RDIS bits 6-0 = DS0
// Set CP[n]RDIS bit 14 = 0 to write data to the RAM
// Set CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 01 to select Rx configuration RAM
// Enable DS0 by setting bit 15 = 1 in CP[0]RD register
write_reg(CP[0]RD + 8 * port, data | 0x8000);
write_reg_IS(CP[0]RDIS + 8 * port, 0x0100 + ds0);
在DS31256将DMA接收到的数据包从其内部FIFO发送到主机存储器之前,主机必须告知DS31256把数据放到哪里。这通过Rx自由队列完成。Rx自由队列中的每一输入都含有指向Rx数据缓冲和Rx数据包描述符索引的指针。这一例子使用了一个Rx自由队列输入。该输入含有一个Rx自由队列大缓冲和一个Rx数据包描述符。DS31256 Rx大数据缓冲容量被设置为256字节(RLBS = 256)。此外,DS31256被配置为使用4字节CRC,将Rx CRC写入Rx数据缓冲。因此,一个Rx大数据缓冲可以支持252字节的分组数据。
// check for space in Rx large free queue
read_reg(RFQLBWP, wr_ptr);
read_reg(RFQLBRP, rd_ptr);
if (rd_ptr < wr_ptr)
// If room in Rx free queue then put 1 entry in the queue
// dword 0 = Rx data buffer address (use Rx data buffer starting at Rx buffer area base address)
// dword 1 = corresponding Rx descriptor index (use Rx descriptor table index 0)
if (cnt < 0)
rx_dscr_idx = 0;
wr_dword(rfq_base_addr + wr_ptr * 8, rx_buf_base_addr);
wr_dword(rfq_base_addr + wr_ptr * 8 + 4, rx_dscr_idx);
// Advance the Rx free queue large buffer write pointer by 1
if (wr_ptr = rfq_end_idx)
write_reg(RFQLBWP, wr_ptr);
使能DS31256 Tx和Rx DMA
// Enable Tx and Rx DMA in the DS31256 master configuration register
// Set bit 0 = 1 to enable Receive DMA
// Set bits 2-1 = 00 to burst length maximum is 32 dwords
// Set bit 3 = 1 to enable Transmit DMA
// Set bits 6 = 1 for HDLC packet data on PCI bus is big endian
// Set bits 11-7 = 00000 to select Port 0 has the dedicated resources of the BERT
write_reg(MC, 0x0049);
// Read the current channel value from the Rx DMA Configuration RAM
// Set RDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel
// Set RDMACIS bits 10-8 = 100 to read lower word of dword 2
// Set RDMACIS bit 14 = 1 to read from RAM
write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x4400 + channel);
read_reg(RDMAC, data);
// Enable channel Rx DMA
// Update RAM with new value
// Set RDMAC bit 0 = 1 to enable the HDLC channel
// Set RDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel
// Set RDMACIS bits 10-8 = 100 to read lower word of dword 2
// Set RDMACIS bit 14 = 1 to read from RAM
write_reg(RDMAC, data | 0x0001);
write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel);
// Read the current channel value from the Tx DMA Configuration RAM
// Set TDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel
// Set TDMACIS bits 11-8 = 0010 to read lower word of dword 1
// Set TDMACIS bit 14 = 1 to read from RAM
write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x4200 + channel);
read_reg(TDMAC, data);
// Enable channel Tx DMA
// Update RAM with new value
// Set TDMAC bit 0 = 1 to enable the HDLC channel
// Set TDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel
// Set TDMACIS bits 11-8 = 0010 to read lower word of dword 1
// Set TDMACIS bit 14 = 0 to write to RAM
write_reg((TDMAC, data | 0x0001);
write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x0200, + channel);
// Tx port control register
// Set Bit 3 TFDA1 = 1 to allow data to be transmitted normally
read_reg(TP[0]CR + 4 * port, data);
write_reg(TP[0]CR + 4 * port, data | 0x0008);
使HDLC通道进入环回模式完成通道配置后,使能它需要大约5个帧周期,即625µs,使DS31256内部逻辑完成向新配置的转换。转换完成后,HDLC通道可以进入环回模式,这样,通道上传送的所有数据也会在该通道上接收到。在5个帧等待周期之前使HDLC通道进入环回模式会导致无用数据写入通道的Rx FIFO。
// Wait for at least 5 frame periods for the internal DS31256 initialization to complete
// Set Bit 10 = 1 to enable loopback - routes transmit data back to the receive port
read_reg(RP[0]CR + 4 * port, data);
write_reg(RP[0]CR + 4 * port, data | 0x0400);
排列、发送、接收、检查数据包完成DS31256初始化之后,可以开始发送和接收数据。由于DS31256处于环回模式,HDLC通道传送的所有数据也会在该通道上接收到。本节将讨论构建主机存储器中数据包的过程,以及数据的发送、接收和结果检查。下面几节详细介绍这一过程。 构建主机存储器中的数据包这一个例子将发送一个16字节数据包。在数据包发送之前,必须在主机存储器中构建它。此外,也必须在主机存储器中构建对应的Tx数据包描述符。下面的代码详细介绍了这些任务。
// Create a 16-byte data packet in memory in a Tx buffer whose start address is the Tx buffer area base
// address
wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr, 0x01234567);
wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 4, 0x89ABCDEF);
wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 8, 0x02468ACE);
wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 12, 0x13579BDF);
// Create a Tx descriptor (4 dwords) for the packet at Tx descriptor
// Tx descriptor table index 0
// dword0 = Tx buffer address
// dword1 = EOF, CV, byte count, next descriptor pointer
// dowrd2 = HDLC channel
// dword3 = PV, next pending descriptor pointer (set to 0)
tx_dscr_idx = 0;
wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + tx_dscr_idx * 16, tx_buf_base_addr);
wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + tx_dscr_idx * 16 + 4, 0x80100000);
wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + tx_dscr_idx * 16 + 8, 0x00000000 + channel);
wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + tx_dscr_idx * 16 + 12, 0x00000000); 数据包发送和接收为完成数据包发送,Tx描述符必须放在发送未决队列中,然后,必须递增发送未决队列写指针(TPQWP)。当DS31256探测到未决队列不空(TPQWP不等于TPQRP)时,它将开始处理队列输入,并发送数据包。
// Read SDMA register to clear any previously set status bits
read_reg(SDMA, data);
// check free space in Tx pending queue
read_reg(TPQWP, wr_ptr);
read_reg(TPQRP, rd_ptr)
if (rd_ptr < wr_ptr)
// If room in the Tx pending queue create an entry for the packet
if (cnt < 0)
wr_dword(tpq_base_addr + wr_ptr * 4, 0x0000000 + (channel << 16));
// Advance the Tx pending queue write pointer
if (wr_ptr = tpq_end_idx)
write_reg(TPQWP, wr_ptr);
} 检查结果等待足够的时间周期以完成数据包发送和接收后,可以进行几项检查,确定数据包发送和接收是否成功。以下代码详细说明了这几项检查。
// wait 2 frame periods for packet to be transmitted/received
// Check SDMA register
// Expected value = 0x6440, if not, it means there was error
read_reg(SDMA, data);
// Check to see how many entries are in the Tx done queue (distance from TDQRP to TDQWP)
// Expected value is 1 - one entry in the Tx done queue corresponding to the packet that was sent
read_reg(TDQRP, rd_ptr);
read_reg(TDQWP, wr_ptr);
if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr)
// Check Tx done queue descriptor
// Expected value = 0x0003000
// Bits 15-0 indicates the descriptor pointer
// Bits 23-16 indicate the channel number, it should be 3 in this example
// Bits 28-26 indicate the packet status, all 0 means the packet transmission is complete and the
// descriptor pointer field corresponds to the first descriptor in the HDLC packet that has been
// transmitted
rd_dword(tdq_base_addr + rd_ptr*4, tdq_entry);
// Advance the Tx done queue read pointer
if (wr_ptr = tdq_end_idx)
write_reg(TDQRP, wr_ptr);
// Check the Rx large free queue to see how many Rx buffers are in the queue (distance from
// Expected number is 0 since the queue had 1 buffer before the packet was received and packet
// reception required 1 buffer
read_reg(RFQLBRP, rd_ptr);
read_reg(RFQLBWP, wr_ptr);
if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr)
// Check Rx done queue to see if any packets were received (distance from RDQRP to RDQWP)
// Expected value is 1 - one entry in the Rx done queue entry corresponding to the one packet that
// should have been received
read_reg(RDQRP, rd_ptr);
read_reg(RDQWP, wr_ptr);
if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr)
// Check the Rx done queue descriptor
// Expected value = 0x40030000,
// Bits 15-0 indicates the descriptor pointer
// Bits 23-16 indicate the channel number, it should be 3 in this example
// Bits 26-24 indicate the buffer count, all 0 means that a complete packet has been received
rd_dword(rdq_base_addr + 8 * rd_ptr, rdq_entry);
// Check the corresponding Rx descriptor (4 dwords)
// dword 0 expected value = 0x10001000 the Rx buffer address
// dword 1 expected value = 0x80140000
// Bits 15-0 is the next descriptor pointer
// Bits 28-16 is the number of bytes stored in the data buffer
// Bits 31-29 indicates buffer status
// dword 2 excepted value = 0x000B7503
// Bits 7-0 indicates HDLC channel number (should match TDQ entry channel)
// Bits 31-8 indicates the timestamp (can vary)
rdscr_idx = rdq_entry & 0x0000FFFF;
rd_dword(rdscr_base_addr + 16 * rdscr_idx, rdscr_dword0);
rd_dword(rdscr_base_addr + 16 * rdscr_idx + 4, rdscr_dword1);
rd_dword(rdscr_base_addr + 16 * rdscr_idx + 8, rdscr_dword2);
// Check the data in the Rx buffer
// 16 bytes of data + 4-byte CRC
// Expected values = 0x01234567
// 0x02468ACE
// 0x13579BDF
// 0x05127B09 (4-byte CRC)
byte_count = (rdscr_dword1 >> 16) & 0x00001FFF;
for (addr = rdscr_dword0, addr < rdscr_dword0 + byte_count; addr = addr + 4)
// Advance the Rx done queue read pointer
if (rd_ptr = rdq_end_idx)
write_reg(RDQRP, rd_ptr); 结论本应用笔记介绍了怎样配置桥接模式下DS31256的T1端口。代码实例解释了怎样对DS31256编程(配置),详细说明(按步骤说明)了数据包发送/接收。