














        《悟空传》是一本玄幻网络小说,但作者文笔很好。这本书中,悟空向往自由,不被理解。他单纯,充满反抗精神,很像当代少年的化身。它告诉我的道理是,就算前面的路很难走, 别人都不理解你,也要坚持自己的想法。去试一试、闯一闯总比老是退缩好。如果连梦想都没有了,自己就会变成自己也讨厌的人了。然而作者并不是按照西游记的顺序去描写的,而创造了一个崭新的故事,玄幻而又复述着不少的深度意义。






6.《Giver》(传授者)Loris Lowry

Jonas is a boy that lives in a rigidly controlled society. There is a rule that boy of twelve should get assigned a profession. The decisions of jobs are announced at a big ceremony. After being skipped over, Jonas is finally "selected" to be the Receiver of Memory.

Jonas then starts his training which consists of receiving a series of memories from the Giver. But they aren't just ones’ own memoriesrather, the old man is passing on to Jonas all the memories of humanity and civilization. The memories are from before their community was established, back when there was love, music, emotions, snow and sunshine, all of which are notably absent from Jonas's world.

This completely changes the way Jonas looks at his world. He begins to realize that no one around him has ever felt any real emotions at all. One year later, Jonas discovers that the process of “release," and Gabriel is to be released soon.

Due to unbearable pain and loneliness along with the memories, the Giver and Jonas decided that he will fake a death and run away for Elsewhere which is the opposite to Jonas’s society. He finally climbs to the top and goes off the hill, fully convinced that at the bottom is Elsewhere where a whole group of people waiting to greet them.

7. 《Lord Of Flies》(蝇王)William Golding

In the midst of a nuclear war, a plane carrying a group of British boys ages 6 to 12 has crashed on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. The boys  elected Ralph as their chief. The boys used a conch shell as the calling signal. Besides Ralph, there are other three main characters: Jack, a strong and savage boySimon, a mature and kind boyand Piggy, a smart but weak boy who wearing heavy glasses, always being bullied.

In order to being rescue out of the island, Ralph assigned boy taking turns to set up fires. However, Jack was jealous of the power that Ralph had and decided that boys should devote their energies to hunting food instead of maintaining the fire. A few days later, Jack, leading some boys, hunted a hog with the sharp sticks.  Boys now were excited and became bloodthirsty, forgetting keep the fire. As a result, they missed the ship because the fire went out.

Later, the boys found a “beast” on the island. Downhill, Jack's crew attacked Ralph and Piggy, and they stole Piggy's eyeglasses to make fire on their own. In one fighting, Jack punched Piggy in the face and broke one len of his glasses. Simon was mistakenly stabbed to death by other boys. The longer the boys stayed at the island, more savage they had become. When Ralph and Piggy, the civilized boys, decided to have a talk with the “savages", Roger pushed a huge boulder off the cliff, killing Piggy.

In the end, the boys were found by an officer of the British Navy and got rescued. Lord of flies, which means “the king of devil” is still inside the boys. 

8.《Maggot Moon》(登月狂想曲)Sally Gardner

My first impression of Standish was about his dyslexia. Standish had dyslexia when he was born. In the second chapter, he said, “You see, I can’t spell my own name. Cant’ read, can’t write.” He had problems reading the blackboard in the class. He needed very long time to figure out what were teaching during the class, as he said “at least it never stayed still long enough for me to work out they were saying”. These short sentences made me feel deep sorrow for him. Standish was not bright, definitely, anddyslexia caused him a lot of problems at school including difficulty in  making friends. He had bad experiences of losing parents and friends. It seemed a mystery for him. Hector, his best friend, has vanished. The school was very bad, filled with bullies, and teachers punished student with cruelty. His clothing was a mess, with tie undone, shirt buttoned wrong, and shoelaces a dead loss. But the good thing about dyslexia was that it made him sensitive to hearing spoken languages.

Another thing I noticed was his eyes, “one blue eye,one brown”.  It made him have different opinions and perspectives towards his country. “Here the sky fell in long ago” indicates that he will find the country as a totalitarian one.

9.《时间的褶皱》(Wrinkle In Time)Madeleine L’engle

Thirteen-year-old Meg Murry's classmates and teachers saw her as a troublesome and stubborn student. In a dark night, Meg was not able to sleep. She wanted to find her missing father. Next day Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which took the children on a strange journey, promising to help them find and rescue their father who has been missing for two years. One afternoon, after meeting Calvin near the ladies' house, the three are swept off to another planet, Uriel, through the process of the tesser - the process of wrinkling space and time. On Uriel, the children were given a view of the Dark Thing, a massive blackness that threatened to overtake the universe, threatening Earth. The ladies told the children that this is what their father is fighting. On another planet, Meg met a giant called Aunt Beast. Aunt Beast showed her the meaning of true love and soon gave her the strength to save Charles Wallace. She used the power of love to defeat IT. Due to the strong love inside her, she won and they went back to earth where they were reunited with their family.

My favorite character in this book is Meg. She has faced all these challenges to control hatred and love, but she really succeeded in controlling her negative emotions. This made her a strong person. Also her bravery of saving his brother Charles Wallace and the determination of finding her father is actually a good personality to follow. Sometimes, she was dumb and looked very stupid both at school and in family. But her power not follow other people’s opinions is fascinating and makes her the main personality and power.

10. Auggie &Me (奥格和我)R.J.Palacio

This book is the continued version of Wonder, from the view of Julian, Charlotte and Plato. What Julian thought about Auggie, what he had been through after he saw auggie and the story that his grandma told him about her school life when she was young. It made Julian notice how mean he had been to Auggie. Also the story showed what Plato thought about Auggie and the school stories in his understanding. The longest perspective was what charlotte had got on with Auggie and her own story when she met Auggie and all the school stuff that had happened in her perspective.

My favorite character in the book is Julian. Because even he was a pretty mean and not nice character, he still had a lot of interesting background story. His meanness to August made a lot of good stories. He had some things that people don’t know, like his nightmare which made him not nice. And he still can be a virtuous person after he heard about his grandma’s school story.

I like this book pretty much because it’s not just a story about school stuff and bad things that could happen in school, but also about kindness and care inside school and students. It adopts a different approach to tell the story, showing how people feel differently toward same things in school. I can feel what the characters actually felt. The different perspectives to develop the story made the fiction interesting and good.


这是第 195 篇资讯


昨天,万众瞩目的华为 *** 作系统鸿蒙(HarmonyOS)正式推出,值此之际,美国继续限制华为接触使用美国关键技术和产品,试图将其隔绝在全球5G市场之外。





在制造方面,华为受到美国的制裁,禁止其获得制造智能手机所需的芯片,其出货量最近大幅下降。这家 科技 巨头为了确保芯片库存,可能不得不放弃大规模中低端市场,转向受众更少的高端手机。

2021年第一季度,华为的销售收入为1522亿元人民币(238亿美元) ,同比下降16.5%。来自美国的制裁政策,被广泛认为是导致其销售受损的原因。


“鸿蒙并不想成为另一个安卓或iOS。”华为的首席开发人员表示,在智能 汽车 等新技术和超高速5G连接即将到来的推动下,随着物联网的加速发展,华为剑指 *** 作系统。

移动领域充满了对安卓-iOS双寡头的失败挑战,如黑莓、微软的Windows Phone和亚马逊的Fire手机。分析师表示,在一个由谷歌安卓(Android)和苹果iOS(Apple iOS)主导的世界里,要让足够多的应用开发商为 *** 作系统设计软件和内容,让消费者购买华为的手机,华为面临着一个艰难的过程。


自美国施压以来,华为以迅捷的速度、多面开花地进入技术韧性较强的新产品线,并将中国国内市场扩大了一倍。在5月30日曝光的一份华为内部备忘录显示,任正非概述了全面推进软件生态的计划,鸿蒙 *** 作系统、AI计算等项目均在其中。他表示“美国对软件生态的控制非常有限”。

电信业界有评论人士表示,将物联网的接入能力纳入手机 *** 作系统,是非常有远见的举动,这或许是一条“未来之路”。“未来所有智能设备都将连接在一起。”


鸿蒙系统的开发基于华为等公司免费使用的安卓开源元素。作为为各种设备和场景设计的开源 *** 作系统,2019年8月,它首次在可穿戴设备和平板电脑等物联网设备上推出。在去年9月,华为又宣布了最新版本的鸿蒙系统,称鸿蒙 2.0将对其现有的分布式功能进行全面升级,包括软件总线、数据管理和安全性。

华为预计,到2021年底,配备鸿蒙系统的设备数量将达到3亿台,其中华为设备超过2亿台。“如今,我们被越来越多的智能设备包围着,现在我们生活在一个万物相连的世界里,”华为的物联逻辑来自于此。华为表示鸿蒙“作为智能设备的下一代 *** 作系统,为不同类型的设备提供了一种通用的连接和协作语言。”

分析师认为,这种具有适应性和开放性的新 *** 作系统,将推动全球智能设备市场,并为全球数十亿移动终端用户提供更多样化的选择。华为更是发声,“期待着与更多的合作伙伴和开发者合作,建立一个繁荣的和谐生态系统。”


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