#!/usr/local/bin/python# -*- Coding:utf-8 -*-import logging # 通过下面的方式进行简单配置输出方式与日志级别logging.basicConfig(filename='logger.log', level=logging.INFO) logging.deBUG('deBUG message')logging.info('info message')logging.warning('warn message')logging.error('error message')logging.critical('critical message')
INFO:root:info messageWARNING:root:warn messageERROR:root:error messageCRITICAL:root:critical message
Do basic configuration for the logging system. This function does nothing if the root logger already has handlers configured, unless the keyword argument *force* is set to ``True``. It is a convenIEnce method intended for use by simple scripts to do one-shot configuration of the logging package. The default behavIoUr is to create a StreamHandler which writes to sys.stderr, set a formatter using the BASIC_FORMAT format string, and add the handler to the root logger. A number of optional keyword arguments may be specifIEd, which can alter the default behavIoUr. filename SpecifIEs that a fileHandler be created, using the specifIEd filename, rather than a StreamHandler. filemode SpecifIEs the mode to open the file, if filename is specifIEd (if filemode is unspecifIEd, it defaults to 'a'). format Use the specifIEd format string for the handler. datefmt Use the specifIEd date/time format. style If a format string is specifIEd, use this to specify the type of format string (possible values '%', '{', '$', for %-formatting, :meth:`str.format` and :class:`string.Template` - defaults to '%'). level Set the root logger level to the specifIEd level. stream Use the specifIEd stream to initialize the StreamHandler. Note that this argument is incompatible with 'filename' - if both are present, 'stream' is ignored. handlers If specifIEd, this should be an iterable of already created handlers, which will be added to the root handler. Any handler in the List which does not have a formatter assigned will be assigned the formatter created in this function. force If this keyword is specifIEd as true, any existing handlers attached to the root logger are removed and closed, before carrying out the configuration as specifIEd by the other arguments. Note that you Could specify a stream created using open(filename, mode) rather than passing the filename and mode in. However, it should be remembered that StreamHandler does not close its stream (since it may be using sys.stdout or sys.stderr), whereas fileHandler closes its stream when the handler is closed.
2. 使用fileHandler和Formatter进行配置步骤如下
# -*- enCoding:utf-8 -*-import logging# create loggerlogger_name = "example"logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)# create file handlerlog_path = "./log.log"fh = logging.fileHandler(log_path)fh.setLevel(logging.WARN)# create formatterfmt = "%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(filename)s %(lineno)d %(process)d %(message)s"datefmt = "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%s"formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt)# add handler and formatter to loggerfh.setFormatter(formatter)logger.addHandler(fh)# print log infologger.deBUG('deBUG message')logger.info('info message')logger.warning('warn message')logger.error('error message')logger.critical('critical message')
注意: %(levelname)s
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