xlrd模块:主要用于Excel文件的读取,相关内容如下:xlrd.open_workbook(self.excel_file) 打开Excel文件并返回文档对象,参数为Excel的完整路径book.sheet_by_name(self.sheet_name) 通过名称获取对应的sheet页,并返回sheet对象sheet.nrows sheet页的有效行数sheet.ncols sheet页的有效列数sheet.row_values(0) 返回Excel中对应sheet页的第一行的值,以数组返回sheet.cell_value(row, col) 返回某一个单元格的值python-docx模块:主要 *** 作Word文档,如:表格,段落等相关,相关内容如下所示:document word的文档对象,代表整个word文档doc.sections[0] 获取章节doc.add_section(start_type=WD_SECTION_START.CONTINUOUS) 添加连续章节doc.add_heading(third, level=2) 增加标题,level表示级别,如二级标题,返回标题对象doc.add_paragraph(text='', style=None) 增加段落,返回段落对象doc.add_table(rows=4, cols=5) 增加表格,并返回表格对象doc_table.style = "table GrID" 设置表格样式doc_table.rows[0].cells[1].merge(doc_table.rows[0].cells[4]) 合并单元格doc_table.rows[3].cells 获取表格某一行所有单元格,以数组形式返回head_cells[0].wIDth = Cm(1.9) 设置列宽,单位cmdoc_table.rows[i].cells[j].vertical_alignment = WD_CELL_VERTICAL_AlignmENT.CENTER 表格内容垂直居中doc_table.add_row() 新增行,并返回行对象插件安装插件可以在pycharm的terminal面板下进行安装。python-docx安装命令为:pip install python-docx
xlrd安装命令为:pip install xlrd 如下所示:
1 import xlrd2 from docx import document3 from docx.enum.section import WD_ORIENTATION4 from docx.enum.text import WD_ParaGRAPH_AlignmENT5 from docx.shared import Pt, Cm, RGBcolor6 from docx.oxml.ns import qn7 from docx.enum.table import WD_CELL_VERTICAL_AlignmENTVIEw Code
1 def read_excel(self): 2 """读取Excel""" 3 book = xlrd.open_workbook(self.excel_file) 4 sheet = book.sheet_by_name(self.sheet_name) 5 nrows = sheet.nrows # 行数 6 ncols = sheet.ncols # 列数 7 datas = [] # 存放数据 8 # 第一列 标题 9 keys = sheet.row_values(0)10 for row in range(1, nrows):11 data = {} # 每一行数据12 for col in range(0, ncols):13 value = sheet.cell_value(row, col) # 取出每一个单元格的数据14 # 替换到特殊字符15 value = value.replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace('$', '')16 data[keys[col]] = value17 # 截取第一列元素18 if col == 0:19 first = '' # 截取元素 第120 second = '' # 截取元素 第221 third = '' # 截取元素 第322 arrs = value.lstrip('/').split('/') # 去掉第一个/ 然后再以/分组23 if len(arrs) > 0:24 if len(arrs) == 1:25 first = arrs[0]26 second = first27 third = second28 elif len(arrs) == 2:29 first = arrs[0]30 second = arrs[1]31 third = second32 elif len(arrs) == 3:33 first = arrs[0]34 second = arrs[1]35 third = arrs[2]36 else:37 first = arrs[0]38 second = arrs[1]39 third = arrs[2]40 else:41 first = value.ltrip('/')42 second = first43 third = second44 data['first'] = first45 data['second'] = second46 data['third'] = third47 # 截取第一列结束48 datas.append(data)49 return datasVIEw Code
1 def write_word(self, datas): 2 """生成word文件""" 3 if len(datas) < 1: 4 print('Excel没有内容') 5 return 6 # 定义word文档对象 7 doc = document() 8 # 添加横向 9 section = doc.sections[0] # doc.add_section(start_type=WD_SECTION_START.CONTINUOUS) # 添加横向页的连续节 10 section.orIEntation = WD_ORIENTATION.LANDSCAPE 11 page_h, page_w = section.page_wIDth, section.page_height 12 section.page_wIDth = page_w # 设置横向纸的宽度 13 section.page_height = page_h # 设置横向纸的高度 14 # 设置字体 15 doc.styles['normal'].Font.name = u'宋体' 16 doc.styles['normal']._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), u'宋体') 17 # 获取第3部分(部门) 并去重 18 data_third = [] 19 for data in datas: 20 third = data['third'] 21 if data_third.count(third) == 0: 22 data_third.append(third) 23 for third in data_third: 24 h2 = doc.add_heading(third, level=2) # 写入部门,二级标题 25 run = h2.runs[0] # 可以通过add_run来设置文字,也可以通过数组来获取 26 run.Font.color.rgb = RGBcolor(0, 0, 0) 27 run.Font.name = u'宋体' 28 doc.add_paragraph(text='', style=None) # 增加空白行 换行 29 # 开始获取模板 30 data_template = [] 31 for data in datas: 32 if data['third'] == third: 33 template = {'first': data['first'], '模板名称': data['模板名称']} 34 if data_template.count(template) == 0: 35 data_template.append(template) 36 # 获取模板完成 37 # 遍历模板 38 for template in data_template: 39 h3 = doc.add_heading(template['模板名称'], level=3) # 插入模板名称,三级标题 40 run = h3.runs[0] # 可以通过add_run来设置文字,也可以通过数组来获取 41 run.Font.color.rgb = RGBcolor(0, 0, 0) 42 run.Font.name = u'宋体' 43 doc.add_paragraph(text='', style=None) # 换行 44 data_table = filter( 45 lambda data: data['third'] == third and data['模板名称'] == template['模板名称'] and data['first'] == 46 template['first'], datas) 47 data_table = List(data_table) 48 # 新增表格 4行5列 49 doc_table = doc.add_table(rows=4, cols=5) 50 doc_table.style = "table GrID" 51 doc_table.style.Font.size = Pt(9) 52 doc_table.style.Font.name = '宋体' 53 54 # 合并单元格 赋值 55 doc_table.rows[0].cells[1].merge(doc_table.rows[0].cells[4]) 56 doc_table.rows[1].cells[1].merge(doc_table.rows[1].cells[4]) 57 doc_table.rows[2].cells[1].merge(doc_table.rows[2].cells[4]) 58 doc_table.rows[0].cells[0].text = '流程名称:' 59 doc_table.rows[0].cells[1].text = data_table[0]['模板名称'] 60 doc_table.rows[1].cells[0].text = '使用人:' 61 doc_table.rows[1].cells[1].text = data_table[0]['first'] 62 doc_table.rows[2].cells[0].text = '流程说明:' 63 doc_table.rows[2].cells[1].text = data_table[0]['流程说明'] 64 65 # 设置标题 66 head_cells = doc_table.rows[3].cells # 前面还有三行,特殊处理 67 head_cells[0].text = '节点' 68 head_cells[1].text = '节点名' 69 head_cells[2].text = '处理人员' 70 head_cells[3].text = '处理方式' 71 head_cells[4].text = '跳转信息' 72 # 设置列宽 73 head_cells[0].wIDth = Cm(1.9) 74 head_cells[1].wIDth = Cm(4.83) 75 head_cells[2].wIDth = Cm(8.25) 76 head_cells[3].wIDth = Cm(2.54) 77 head_cells[4].wIDth = Cm(5.64) 78 # 第1 列水平居中,并设置行高,所有单元格内容垂直居中 79 for i in range(0, 4): 80 # 水平居中 81 p = doc_table.rows[i].cells[0].paragraphs[0] 82 p.alignment = WD_ParaGRAPH_AlignmENT.CENTER 83 doc_table.rows[i].height = Cm(0.6) # 行高 84 # 垂直居中 85 for j in range(0, 5): 86 doc_table.rows[i].cells[j].vertical_alignment = WD_CELL_VERTICAL_AlignmENT.CENTER 87 88 # 生成表格并填充内容 89 row_num = 0 90 for data in data_table: 91 row = doc_table.add_row() 92 row_cells = row.cells 93 row_cells[0].text = str(row_num + 1) # 序号,需要转换成字符串 94 row_cells[1].text = data['节点名称'] 95 row_cells[2].text = data['审批人员'] 96 row_cells[3].text = data['审批方式'] 97 row_cells[4].text = '' 98 # 水平居中 99 p = row_cells[0].paragraphs[0]100 p.alignment = WD_ParaGRAPH_AlignmENT.CENTER101 row.height = Cm(0.6) # 行高102 # 垂直居中103 for j in range(0, 5):104 row_cells[j].vertical_alignment = WD_CELL_VERTICAL_AlignmENT.CENTER105 row_num = row_num + 1106 107 doc.add_paragraph(text='', style=None) # 换行108 doc.save(self.word_file)VIEw Code备注