import pygame # importing the pygameimport sys # importing the system librarIEsimport time # importing timerimport randomfrom pygame.locals import * # importing the locals functions from the pygame library setpygame.init() # the function from pygame that initializes all relevant variable# setting length and wIDthwIDth = 500length = 300# colour variablesWHITE = (255,255,255)BLUE = (0,255)# importing ball imageball = pygame.image.load('ball.png')ballRect = ball.get_rect()ballRect.left = 300 ballRect.right = 300# setting speedx_speed = 2y_speed = 2# setting window sizeWINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((wIDth,length))# setting the size of the windowpygame.display.update()# loopwhile True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() ballRect = ballRect.move(x_speed,y_speed) WINDOW.fill(WHITE) # changing screen colour to white WINDOW.blit(ball,ballRect) # printing the ball to screen pygame.display.update() pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(0.002) # to slow down the speed of bouncing pygame.display.update() # if the left sIDe of ballRect is in a position less than 0,or the right sIDe of ballRect is greater than 500 if ballRect.left < 0 or ballRect.right > (wIDth): x_speed = x_speed * -1 # if the top of ballRect is in a position less than 0,or the bottom of ballRect is greater than the length elif ballRect.top < 0 or ballRect.bottom > (length): y_speed = y_speed * -1 pygame.display.update()
triangle = [(250,220),(400,300),(100,300)]
ballvec = pygame.math.Vector2(1,1)ballpos = pygame.math.Vector2(150,250)balldiameter = 64
def isect(lp0,lp1,pt,dir,radius): # direction vector of the line l_dir = (lp1 - lp0).normalize() # normal vector to the line nv = pygame.math.Vector2(-l_dir[1],l_dir[0]) # distance to line d = (lp0-pt).dot(nv) # intersection point on endless line ptX = pt + nv * d # test if the ball hits the line if abs(d) > radius or dir.dot(ptX-pt) <= 0: return dir if (ptX-lp0).dot(l_dir) < 0 or (ptX-lp1).dot(l_dir) > 0: return dir # reflect the direction vector on the line (like a billiard ball) r_dir = dir.reflect(nv) return r_dir
将窗口矩形和三角形追加到线列表中.蚀刻线由2 pygame.math.Vector2
# add screen rectscreen_rect = [(0,0),(0,(500,0)]for i in range(len(screen_rect)): p0,p1 = screen_rect[i],screen_rect[(i+1) % len(screen_rect)] line_List.append((pygame.math.Vector2(p0[0],p0[1]),pygame.math.Vector2(p1[0],p1[1])))# add red trianlgetriangle = [(250,300)]for i in range(len(triangle)): p0,p1 = triangle[i],triangle[(i+1) % len(triangle)] line_List.append((pygame.math.Vector2(p0[0],p1[1])))
for line in line_List: ballvec = isect(*line,ballpos,ballvec,balldiameter/2)
ballpos = ballpos + ballvecballRect.x,ballRect.y = ballpos[0]-ballRect.wIDth/2,ballpos[1]-ballRect.height/2
请参阅示例代码,在该示例中,我将建议的更改应用于原始代码.我的球图像的尺寸为64×64.球直径必须设置为此尺寸(球直径= 64):
import pygame # importing the pygameimport sys # importing the system librarIEsimport time # importing timerimport randomfrom pygame.locals import * # importing the locals functions from the pygame library setpygame.init() # the function from pygame that initializes all relevant variable# setting length and wIDthwIDth = 500length = 300# colour variablesWHITE = (255,255)RED = (255,0)GRAY = (128,128,128)# importing ball imageball = pygame.image.load("ball.png")ballRect = ball.get_rect()# setting ball databallvec = pygame.math.Vector2(1.5,1.5)ballpos = pygame.math.Vector2(150,250)balldiameter = 64# setting window sizeWINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((wIDth,length))# setting the size of the windowdef isect(lp0,l_dir[0]) # distance to line d = (lp0-pt).dot(nv) # intersection point on endless line ptX = pt + nv * d # test if the ball hits the line if abs(d) > radius or dir.dot(ptX-pt) <= 0: return dir if (ptX-lp0).dot(l_dir) < 0 or (ptX-lp1).dot(l_dir) > 0: return dir # reflect the direction vector on the line (like a billiard ball) r_dir = dir.reflect(nv) return r_dirline_List = []# add screen rectscreen_rect = [(0,p1[1])))# add blue triangletriangle2 = [(250,80),0)]for i in range(len(triangle2)): p0,p1 = triangle2[i],triangle2[(i+1) % len(triangle2)] line_List.append((pygame.math.Vector2(p0[0],p1[1])))# loopwhile True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() WINDOW.fill(GRAY) pygame.draw.polygon(WINDOW,0) pygame.draw.polygon(WINDOW,BLUE,triangle2,0) WINDOW.blit(ball,ballRect) pygame.display.update() pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(0.002) # to slow down the speed of bouncing pygame.display.update() for line in line_List: ballvec = isect(*line,balldiameter/2) ballpos = ballpos + ballvec ballRect.x,ballpos[1]-ballRect.height/2 pygame.display.update()
总结 以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的python-如何使球在pygame中从三角形d回? 全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python-如何使球在pygame中从三角形d回? 所遇到的程序开发问题。