也就是说,我很好奇是否有一种同样简单的自己做装饰的方法. (如果我不恰当地使用这个模式的名称,请更正我,我对这个术语不感兴趣).
public interface IFoo { voID F(); }public class Foo : IFoo { public voID F() { Console.Writeline("foo"); } }IFoo foo = MyContainer.Get<IFoo>( () => { Console.Writeline("before foo"); },() => { Console.Writeline("after foo"); });foo.F();
before foofooafter foo解决方法 根据我的理解,至少有两种方法可以生成运行时代码 – 如果你习惯使用IL,你可以使用 Reflection.Emit,否则你可以使用 CSharpCodeProvider,它可以让你在运行时从字符串或一系列描述DOM样式代码的对象.
>它不包括将Lambda转换为字符串.据我所知,this can be done.
public static T Get<T>(Action beforeMethodCall,Action afterMethodCall){ Type interfaceType = typeof(T); // I assume MyContainer is wrapPing an actual DI container,so // resolve the implementation type for T from it: T implementingObject = _myUnderlyingContainer.Resolve<T>(); Type implementingType = implementingObject.GetType(); // Get string representations of the passed-in Actions: this one is // over to you :) string beforeMethodCode = GetExpressionText(beforeMethodCall); string afterMethodCode = GetExpressionText(afterMethodCall); // Loop over all the interface's methods and create source code which // contains a method with the same signature which calls the 'before' // method,calls the proxIEd object's method,then calls the 'after' // method: string methodImplementations = string.Join( Environment.Newline,interfaceType.getmethods().Select(mi => { const string methodTemplate = @"public {0} {1}({2}){{ {3} this._wrappedobject.{1}({4}); {5}}}"; // Get the arguments for the method signature,like // 'Type1' 'name1','Type','name2',etc. string methodSignatureArguments = string.Join( ",",mi.GetParameters() .Select(pi => pi.ParameterType.Fullname + " " + pi.name)); // Get the arguments for the proxIEd method call,like 'name1',// 'name2',etc. string methodCallArguments = string.Join( ",mi.GetParameters().Select(pi => pi.name)); // Get the method return type: string returnType = (mi.ReturnType == typeof(voID)) ? "voID" : mi.ReturnType.Fullname; // Create the method source code: return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,methodTemplate,returnType,// <- {0} mi.name,// <- {1} methodSignatureArguments,// <- {2} beforeMethodCode,// <- {3} methodCallArguments,// <- {4} afterMethodCode); // <- {5} })); // Our proxy type name: string proxyTypename = string.Concat(implementingType.name,"Proxy"); const string proxySourceTemplate = @"namespace ProxIEs{{ public class {0} : {1} {{ private Readonly {1} _wrappedobject; public {0}({1} wrappedobject) {{ this._wrappedobject = wrappedobject; }} {2} }}}}"; // Get the proxy class source code: string proxySource = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,proxySourceTemplate,proxyTypename,// <- {0} interfaceType.Fullname,// <- {1} methodImplementations); // <- {2} // Create the proxy in an in-memory assembly: CompilerParameters codeParameters = new CompilerParameters { MainClass = null,GenerateExecutable = false,GenerateInMemory = true,OutputAssembly = null }; // Add the assembly that the interface lives in so the compiler can // use it: codeParameters.ReferencedAssemblIEs.Add(interfaceType.Assembly.Location); // Compile the proxy source code: CompilerResults results = new CSharpCodeProvIDer() .CompileAssemblyFromSource(codeParameters,proxySource); // Create an instance of the proxy from the assembly we just created: T proxy = (T)Activator.CreateInstance( results.CompiledAssembly.GetTypes().First(),implementingObject); // Hand it back: return proxy;}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c# – 如何为公共接口类型编写自己的装饰器实用程序(动态代理如何工作)?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c# – 如何为公共接口类型编写自己的装饰器实用程序(动态代理如何工作)?所遇到的程序开发问题。