//Métodos para mover la unIDad bool unIDadPulsada = false; private Point MouseDownLocation; protected overrIDe voID OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { unIDadPulsada = true; base.OnMouseDown(e); MouseDownLocation = e.Location; Dibujarlimites(); }
public voID Colocar(Control control,UnIDad unIDad,Point p) { unIDad.Location = p; control.Controls.Add(unIDad); }
public voID Dibujarlimites() { using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics()) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(color.Red,2)) { float[] dashValues = { 5,2,15,4 }; pen.DashPattern = dashValues; DrawCircle(g,pen,20); } } } public voID DrawCircle(Graphics g,Pen pen,float centerX,float centerY,float radius) { g.DrawEllipse(pen,centerX - radius,centerY - radius,radius + radius,radius + radius); }
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Drawing;using System.windows.Forms;using WHF.PropertIEs;namespace WHF{public class UnIDad : PictureBox{ //Constructor public UnIDad(string nombre,string tipo,int movimIEnto,int ha,int hp,int fuerza,int resistencia,int herIDas,int iniciativa,int ataques,int lIDerazgo,int coste,string rutaimagen) { tipoUnIDad = tipo; movimIEntoUnIDad = movimIEnto; nombreUnIDad = nombre; costeUnIDad = coste; haUnIDad = ha; hpUnIDad = hp; fuerzaUnIDad = fuerza; resistenciaUnIDad = resistencia; iniciativaUnIDad = iniciativa; ataquesUnIDad = ataques; lIDerazgoUnIDad = lIDerazgo; rutaimagenUnIDad = rutaimagen; } //PropIEdades public string nombreUnIDad { get; set; } public string tipoUnIDad { get; set; } public int movimIEntoUnIDad { get; set; } public int costeUnIDad { get; set; } public int haUnIDad { get; set; } public int hpUnIDad { get; set; } public int fuerzaUnIDad { get; set; } public int resistenciaUnIDad { get; set; } public int herIDasUnIDad { get; set; } public int iniciativaUnIDad { get; set; } public int ataquesUnIDad { get; set; } public int lIDerazgoUnIDad { get; set; } public string rutaimagenUnIDad { get; set; } //Método para dibujar unIDad public voID Colocar(Control control,Point p) { unIDad.Location = p; control.Controls.Add(unIDad); } //Métodos para mover la unIDad bool unIDadPulsada = false; private Point MouseDownLocation; protected overrIDe voID OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { unIDadPulsada = true; base.OnMouseDown(e); MouseDownLocation = e.Location; //Dibujarlimites(); float x = Location.X + e.X; float y = Location.Y + e.Y; Graphics graphics = CreateGraphics(); PointF center = new PointF(x,y);//this.ClIEntSize.WIDth / 2F,this.ClIEntSize.Height / 2F); float radius = 100; PointF rectOrigin = new PointF(center.X - radius,center.Y - radius); RectangleF r = new RectangleF(rectOrigin,new Sizef(radius * 2F,radius * 2F)); using (Pen p = new Pen(color.Red,4)) { p.DashStyle = System.Drawing.drawing2d.DashStyle.Dot; graphics.DrawEllipse(p,r); } } protected overrIDe voID OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); if (unIDadPulsada) { left = e.X + left - MouseDownLocation.X; top = e.Y + top - MouseDownLocation.Y; } } protected overrIDe voID onmouseup(MouseEventArgs e) { unIDadPulsada = false; base.OnMouseDown(e); limpiarlimites(); } //Método para dibujar la zona límite de movimIEnto de la unIDad public voID Dibujarlimites() { using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics()) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(color.Red,20); } } } //Método para limpiar el dibujo de la zona límite public voID limpiarlimites() { } public voID DrawCircle(Graphics g,radius + radius); } public voID FillCircle(Graphics g,Brush brush,float radius) { g.FillEllipse(brush,radius + radius); }}}解决方法 好的,这是一个例子,我尝试以与你相同的方式应用,我创建了自己的图片框,
class MyPBox : PictureBox { public MyPBox() { this.Backcolor = color.Red; // for see better this.Location = new Point(50,50); // set location at form } protected overrIDe voID OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { if (this.Parent != null) { this.Parent.Paint += Parent_Paint; // pictureBox's paint means it added to parent so we need to trigger parent's paint event } base.OnPaint(pe); } bool clickPerformed = false; // to catch control has mouse down protected overrIDe voID OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseDown(e); clickPerformed = true; // set mouse down Control tempSender = this.Parent; // get sender tempSender.InvalIDate(); // invalIDate to trigger paint event } private voID Parent_Paint(object sender,PaintEventArgs e) { if (clickPerformed) { using (Graphics g = e.Graphics) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(color.Black,2)) { float locationX = this.Location.X + this.Size.WIDth / 2; float locationY = this.Location.Y + this.Size.Height / 2; float radius = (this.Size.Height + this.Size.WIDth) / 2; float[] dashValues = { 5,4 }; pen.DashPattern = dashValues; DrawCircle(g,locationX,locationY,radius); // draw circle clickPerformed = false; // process done so set it to false } } } base.OnPaint(e); } protected overrIDe voID onmouseup(MouseEventArgs e) { this.Parent.InvalIDate(); // mouse up circle should be erased,so invalIDate again to trigger paint,but this time clickPerformed is false // so it won't draw circle again base.OnMouseDown(e); } public voID DrawCircle(Graphics g,radius + radius); }}
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c# – 绘制时如何控制圆的大小和位置全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c# – 绘制时如何控制圆的大小和位置所遇到的程序开发问题。