

概述我想使用精确的基于事件的采样(PEBS)在XeonE5 Sandy Bridge上记录特定事件的所有地址(例如高速缓存未命中). 但是,CoreTM i7处理器和英特尔®至强™5500处理器的性能分析指南(第24页)包含以下警告: As the PEBS mechanism captures the values of the register at completion of the instr 我想使用精确的基于事件的采样(PEBS)在XeonE5 Sandy BrIDge上记录特定事件的所有地址(例如高速缓存未命中).

但是,CoreTM i7处理器和英特尔®至强™5500处理器的性能分析指南(第24页)包含以下警告:

As the PEBS mechanism captures the values of the register at
completion of the instruction,the dereferenced address for the
following type of load instruction (Intel asm convention) cannot be
MOV RAX,[RAX+const]
This kind of
instruction is mostly associated with pointer chasing
mystruc = mystruc->next;
This is a significant shortcoming of this
approach to capturing memory instruction addresses.




mov    0x18(%rdi),%rdimov    (%rcx,%rax,8),%rax

在这两种情况下,在指令退出后(因此当我查看寄存器值以确定我加载到/从哪里)地址的值(这些示例中的%rdi 18和%rcx 8 *%rax)被覆盖由mov的结果.

解决方法 您想要做的是转换表单的所有说明:
mov    (%rcx,%rax


mov    (%rcx,%r11mov    %r11,%rax





>如果选择的注册表被保留,则会添加push到函数prolog并d出功能[multiple] ret语句

#!/usr/bin/perl# pebsfix/pebsfixup -- fix assembler source for PEBS usage## command line options:#   "-a" -- use only full 64 bit targets#   "-l" -- do _not_ use lea#   "-D[diff-file]" -- show differences (default output: "./DIFF")#   "-n10" -- do _not_ use register %r10 for temporary (default is use it)#   "-o" -- overwrite input files (can be multiple)#   "-O<outfile>" -- output file (only one .s input allowed)#   "-q" -- suppress warnings#   "-T[lvl]" -- deBUG trace## "-o" and "-O" are mutually exclusive## command line script test options:#   "-N[TPA]" -- disable temp register types [for testing]#   "-P" -- force push/pop on all functions## command line arguments:#   1-- List of .s files to process [or directory to search]#       for a given file "foo.s",output is to "foo.TMP"#       if (-o is given,"foo.TMP" is renamed to "foo.s")## suggested usage:#   change build to produce .s files#   FROM:#     cc [options] -c foo.c#   TO:#     cc [options] -c -S foo.c#     pebsfixup -o foo.s#     cc -c foo.s## suggested compiler options:# [probably only really needed if push/pop required. use -NP to verify]#   (1) use either of#       -O2 -fno-optimize-sibling-calls#       -O1#   (2) use -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer#   (3) use -mno-red-zone [probably not required in any case]## NOTES:#   (1) red zones are only really useful for leaf functions (i.e. if fncA calls#       fncB,fncA's red zone would be clobbered)#   (2) pushing onto the stack isn't a problem if there is a formal stack frame#   (3) the push is okay if the function has no more than six arguments (i.e.#       does _not_ use positive offsets from %rsp to access them)#pragma pgmlnsuse strict qw(vars subs);our $pgmtail;our $opt_a;our $opt_T;our $opt_D;our $opt_l;our $opt_n10;our $opt_N;our $opt_P;our $opt_q;our $opt_o;our $opt_O;our $opt_s;our @reguse;our %reguse_tobase;our %reguse_isbase;our $regusergx;our @regtmpList;our %regtmp_type;our $diff;our $sepflg;our $fatal;our @cmtprt;master(@ARGV);exit(0);# master -- master controlsub master{    my(@argv) = @_;    my($xfsrc);    my($file,@files);    my($bf);    $pgmtail = "pebsfixup";    optget(\@argv);    # define all kNown/usable registers    regusejoin();    # define all registers that we may use as a temporary    regtmpall();    if (defined($opt_D)) {        unlink($opt_D);    }    # show usage    if (@argv <= 0) {        $file = cmpl %ebp,%r14);        open($xfsrc,"<$file") ||            sysfault("$pgmtail: unable to open '%s' -- $!\n",$file);        while ($bf = <$xfsrc>) {            chomp($bf);            next if ($bf =~ /^#!/);            last unless ($bf =~ s/^#//);            $bf =~ s/^# ?//;            print($bf,"\n");        }        close($xfsrc);        exit(1);    }    foreach $file (@argv) {        if (-d $file) {            dodir(\@files,$file);        }        else {            push(@files,$file);        }    }    if (defined($opt_O)) {        sysfault("$pgmtail: -O may have only one input file\n")            if (@files != 1);        sysfault("$pgmtail: -O and -o are mutually exclusive\n")            if ($opt_o);    }    foreach $file (@files) {        dofile($file);    }    if (defined($opt_D)) {        exec("less",$opt_D);    }}# dodir -- process directorysub dodir{    my($files,$dir) = @_;    my($file,@files);    @files = (`find $dir -type f -name '*.s'`);    foreach $file (@files) {        chomp($file);        push(@$files,$file);    }}# dofile -- process filesub dofile{    my($file) = @_;    my($ofile);    my($xfsrc);    my($xfdst);    my($bf,$lno,$outoff);    my($fixoff);    my($lhs,$rhs);    my($xop,$arg);    my($ix);    my($sym,$val,$typ);    my(%sym_type);    my($fnc,$fnx,%fnx_lookup,@fnxList);    my($retList);    my($uselook,@useList,%avail);    my($fixreg,$fixrtyp);    my($sixList);    my($fix,$fixList);    my($fixtot);    my(@fix);    my(@outList);    my($relaxflg);    my($cmtchr);    undef($fatal);    undef(@cmtprt);    msgprt("\n")        if ($sepflg);    $sepflg = 1;    msgprt("$pgmtail: processing %s ...\n",$file);    $cmtchr = "#";    cmtprt("%s\n","-" x 78);    cmtprt("file: %s\n",$file);    # get the output file    $ofile = $file;    sysfault("$pgmtail: bad suffix -- file='%s'\n",$file)        unless ($ofile =~ s/[.]s$//);    $ofile .= ".TMP";    # use explicit output file    if (defined($opt_O)) {        $ofile = $opt_O;        sysfault("$pgmtail: output file may not be input file -- use -o instead\n")            if ($ofile eq $file);    }    open($xfsrc,"<$file") ||        sysfault("$pgmtail: unable to open '%s' -- $!\n",$file);    $lno = 0;    while ($bf = <$xfsrc>) {        chomp($bf);        $bf =~ s/\s+$//;        $outoff = $lno;        ++$lno;        push(@outList,$bf);        # clang adds comments        $ix = index($bf,"#");        if ($ix >= 0) {            $bf = substr($bf,$ix);            $bf =~ s/\s+$//;        }        # look for ".type blah,@function"        # NOTE: this always comes before the actual label line [we hope ;-)]        if ($bf =~ /^\s+[.]type\s+([^,]+),\s*(\S+)/) {            ($sym,$val) = (,);            $val =~ s/^\@//;            $sym_type{$sym} = $val;            cmtprt("\n");            cmtprt("TYPE: %s --> %s\n",$sym,$val);            next;        }        # look for "label:"        if ($bf =~ /^([a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*):$/) {            $sym = ;            next if ($sym_type{$sym} ne "function");            $fnc = $sym;            cmtprt("FUNCTION: %s\n",$fnc);            $fnx = {};            $fnx_lookup{$sym} = $fnx;            push(@fnxList,$fnx);            $fnx->{fnx_fnc} = $fnc;            $fnx->{fnx_outoff} = $outoff;            $uselook = {};            $fnx->{fnx_used} = $uselook;            $retList = [];            $fnx->{fnx_retList} = $retList;            $fixList = [];            $fnx->{fnx_fixList} = $fixList;            $sixList = [];            $fnx->{fnx_sixList} = $sixList;            next;        }        # remember all registers used by function:        while ($bf =~ /($regusergx)/gpo) {            $sym = ${^MATCH};            $val = $reguse_tobase{$sym};            dbgprt(3,"dofile: REGUSE sym='%s' val='%s'\n",$val);            $uselook->{$sym} += 1;            $uselook->{$val} += 1                if ($val ne $sym);        }        # handle returns        if ($bf =~ /^\s+ret/) {            push(@$retList,$outoff);            next;        }        if ($bf =~ /^\s+rep[a-z]*\s+ret/) {            push(@$retList,$outoff);            next;        }        # split up "movq 16(%rax),%rax" ...        $ix = rindex($bf,",");        next if ($ix < 0);        # ... into "movq 16(%rax)"        $lhs = substr($bf,$ix);        $lhs =~ s/\s+$//;        # check for "movq 16(%rsp)" -- this means that the function has/uses        # more than six arguments (i.e. we may _not_ push/pop because it        # wreaks havoc with positive offsets)        # FIXME/CAE -- we'd have to adjust them by 8 which we don't do        (undef,$rhs) = split(" ",$lhs);        if ($rhs =~ /^(\d+)[(]%rsp[)]$/) {            push(@$sixList,$outoff);            cmtprt("SIXARG: %s (line %d)\n",$rhs,$lno);        }        # ... and "%rax"        $rhs = substr($bf,$ix + 1);        $rhs =~ s/^\s+//;        # target must be a [simple] register [or source scan will blow up]        # (e.g. we actually had "cmp %ebp,(%rax,%r14)")        next if ($rhs =~ /[)]/);        # ensure we have the "%" prefix        next unless ($rhs =~ /^%/);        # we only want the full 64 bit reg as target        # (e.g. "mov (%rbx),%al" doesn't count)        $val = $reguse_tobase{$rhs};        if ($opt_a) {            next if ($val ne $rhs);        }        else {            next unless (defined($val));        }        # source operand must contain target [base] register        next unless ($lhs =~ /$val/);        ###cmtprt("1: %s,%s\n",$lhs,$rhs);        # source operand must be of the "right" type        # FIXME/CAE -- we may need to revise this        next unless ($lhs =~ /[(]/);        cmtprt("NEEDFIX: %s,%s (line %d)\n",$lno);        # remember the place we need to fix for later        $fix = {};        push(@$fixList,$fix);        $fix->{fix_outoff} = $outoff;        $fix->{fix_lhs} = $lhs;        $fix->{fix_rhs} = $rhs;    }    close($xfsrc);    # get total number of fixups    foreach $fnx (@fnxList) {        $fixList = $fnx->{fnx_fixList};        $fixtot += @$fixList;    }    msgprt("$pgmtail: needs %d fixups\n",$fixtot)        if ($fixtot > 0);    # fix each function    foreach $fnx (@fnxList) {        cmtprt("\n");        cmtprt("FNC: %s\n",$fnx->{fnx_fnc});        $fixList = $fnx->{fnx_fixList};        # get the fixup register        ($fixreg,$fixrtyp) = regtmploc($fnx,$fixList);        # show number of return points        {            $retList = $fnx->{fnx_retList};            cmtprt("  RET: %d\n",scalar(@$retList));            last if (@$retList >= 1);            # NOTE: we display this warning because we may not be able to            # handle all situations            $relaxflg = (@$fixList <= 0) || ($fixrtyp ne "P");            last if ($relaxflg && $opt_q);            errprt("$pgmtail: in file '%s'\n",$file);            errprt("$pgmtail: function '%s' has no return points\n",$fnx->{fnx_fnc});            errprt("$pgmtail: suggest recompile with correct options\n");            if (@$fixList <= 0) {                errprt("$pgmtail: working around because function needs no fixups\n");                last;            }            if ($fixrtyp ne "P") {                errprt("$pgmtail: working around because fixup reg does not need to be saved\n");                last;            }        }        # show stats on register usage in function        $uselook = $fnx->{fnx_used};        @useList = sort(keys(%$uselook));        cmtprt("  USED:\n");        %avail = %reguse_isbase;        foreach $sym (@useList) {            $val = $uselook->{$sym};            $typ = $regtmp_type{$sym};            $typ = sprintf(" (TYPE: %s)",$typ)                if (defined($typ));            cmtprt("    %s used %d%s\n",$typ);            $val = $reguse_tobase{$sym};            delete($avail{$val});        }        # show function's available [unused] registers        @useList = keys(%avail);        @useList = sort(regusesort @useList);        if (@useList > 0) {            cmtprt("  AVAIL:\n");            foreach $sym (@useList) {                $typ = $regtmp_type{$sym};                $typ = sprintf(" (TYPE: %s)",$typ)                    if (defined($typ));                cmtprt("    %s%s\n",$typ);            }        }        # skip over any functions that don't need fixing _and_ have a temp        # register        if (@$fixList <= 0 && (! $opt_P)) {            next if (defined($fixreg));        }        msgprt("$pgmtail: function %s\n",$fnx->{fnx_fnc});        # skip function because we don't have a fixup register but report it        # here        unless (defined($fixreg)) {            $bf = (@$fixList > 0) ? "FATAL" : "can be ignored -- no fixups needed";            msgprt("$pgmtail: FIXnorEG (%s)\n",$bf);            cmtprt("  FIXnorEG (%s)\n",$bf);            next;        }        msgprt("$pgmtail: FIXREG --> %s (TYPE: %s)\n",$fixreg,$fixrtyp);        cmtprt("  FIXREG --> %s (TYPE: %s)\n",$fixrtyp);        foreach $fix (@$fixList) {            $outoff = $fix->{fix_outoff};            undef(@fix);            cmtprt("  FIXolD %s\n",$outList[$outoff]);            # original            if ($opt_l) {                $bf = sprintf("%s,%s",$fix->{fix_lhs},$fixreg);                push(@fix,$bf);                $bf = sprintf("\tmov\t%s,$fix->{fix_rhs});                push(@fix,$bf);            }            # use lea            else {                ($xop,$arg) = split(" ",$fix->{fix_lhs});                $bf = sprintf("\tlea\t\t%s,$arg,$bf);                $bf = sprintf("\t%s\t(%s),$xop,$bf);            }            foreach $bf (@fix) {                cmtprt("  FIXNEW %s\n",$bf);            }            $outList[$outoff] = [@fix];        }        unless ($opt_P) {            next if ($fixrtyp ne "P");        }        # fix the function prolog        $outoff = $fnx->{fnx_outoff};        $lhs = $outList[$outoff];        $rhs = sprintf("\tpush\t%s",$fixreg);        $bf = [$lhs,""];        $outList[$outoff] = $bf;        # fix the function return points        $retList = $fnx->{fnx_retList};        foreach $outoff (@$retList) {            $rhs = $outList[$outoff];            $lhs = sprintf("\tpop\t%s",$fixreg);            $bf = ["",$rhs];            $outList[$outoff] = $bf;        }    }    open($xfdst,">$ofile") ||        sysfault("$pgmtail: unable to open '%s' -- $!\n",$ofile);    # output all the assembler text    foreach $bf (@outList) {        # ordinary line        unless (ref($bf)) {            print($xfdst $bf,"\n");            next;        }        # apply a fixup        foreach $rhs (@$bf) {            print($xfdst $rhs,"\n");        }    }    # output all our reasoning as comments at the bottom    foreach $bf (@cmtprt) {        if ($bf eq "") {            print($xfdst $cmtchr,$bf,"\n");        }        else {            print($xfdst $cmtchr," ","\n");        }    }    close($xfdst);    # get difference    if (defined($opt_D)) {        system("diff -u $file $ofile >> $opt_D");    }    # install fixed/modifIEd file    {        last unless ($opt_o || defined($opt_O));        last if ($fatal);        msgprt("$pgmtail: installing ...\n");        rename($ofile,$file);    }}# regtmpall -- define all temporary register candIDatessub regtmpall{    dbgprt(1,"regtmpall: ENTER\n");    regtmpdef("%r11","T");    # NOTES:    # (1) see notes on %r10 in ABI at bottom -- should we use it?    # (2) a web search on "shared chain" and "x86" only produces 28 results    # (3) some gcc code uses it as an ordinary register    # (4) so,use it unless told not to    regtmpdef("%r10","T")        unless ($opt_n10);    # argument registers (a6-a1)    regtmpdef("%r9","A6");    regtmpdef("%r8","A5");    regtmpdef("%rcx","A4");    regtmpdef("%rdx","A3");    regtmpdef("%rsi","A2");    regtmpdef("%rdi","A1");    # callee preserved registers    regtmpdef("%r15","P");    regtmpdef("%r14","P");    regtmpdef("%r13","P");    regtmpdef("%r12","P");    dbgprt(1,"regtmpall: EXIT\n");}# regtmpdef -- define usable temp registerssub regtmpdef{    my($sym,$typ) = @_;    dbgprt(1,"regtmpdef: SYM sym='%s' typ='%s'\n",$typ);    push(@regtmpList,$sym);    $regtmp_type{$sym} = $typ;}# regtmploc -- locate temp register to fix problemsub regtmploc{    my($fnx,$fixList) = @_;    my($sixList);    my($uselook);    my($regrhs);    my($fixcnt);    my($coretyp);    my($reglhs,$regtyp);    dbgprt(2,"regtmploc: ENTER fnx_fnc='%s'\n",$fnx->{fnx_fnc});    $sixList = $fnx->{fnx_sixList};    $fixcnt = @$fixList;    $fixcnt = 1        if ($opt_P);    $uselook = $fnx->{fnx_used};    foreach $regrhs (@regtmpList) {        dbgprt(2,"regtmploc: TRYREG regrhs='%s' uselook=%d\n",$regrhs,$uselook->{$regrhs});        unless ($uselook->{$regrhs}) {            $regtyp = $regtmp_type{$regrhs};            $coretyp = $regtyp;            $coretyp =~ s/\d+$//;            # function uses stack arguments -- we can't push/pop            if (($coretyp eq "P") && (@$sixList > 0)) {                dbgprt(2,"regtmploc: SIXREJ\n");                next;            }            if (defined($opt_N)) {                dbgprt(2,"regtmploc: TRYREJ opt_N='%s' regtyp='%s'\n",$opt_N,$regtyp);                next if ($opt_N =~ /$coretyp/);            }            $reglhs = $regrhs;            last;        }    }    {        last if (defined($reglhs));        errprt("regtmploc: unable to locate usable fixup register for function '%s'\n",$fnx->{fnx_fnc});        last if ($fixcnt <= 0);        $fatal = 1;    }    dbgprt(2,"regtmploc: EXIT reglhs='%s' regtyp='%s'\n",$reglhs,$regtyp);    ($reglhs,$regtyp);}# regusejoin -- get regex for all registerssub regusejoin{    my($reg);    dbgprt(1,"regusejoin: ENTER\n");    # rax    foreach $reg (qw(a b c d))  {        regusedef($reg,"r_x","e_x","_l","_h");    }    #   rdi/rsi    foreach $reg (qw(d s)) {        regusedef($reg,"r_i","e_i","_i","_il");    }    # rsp/rbp    foreach $reg (qw(b s)) {        regusedef($reg,"r_p","e_p");    }    foreach $reg (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) {        regusedef($reg,"r_","r_d","r_w","r_b");    }    $regusergx = join("|",reverse(sort(@reguse)));    dbgprt(1,"regusejoin: EXIT regusergx='%s'\n",$regusergx);}# regusedef -- define all registerssub regusedef{    my(@argv) = @_;    my($mID);    my($pat);    my($base);    $mID = shift(@argv);    dbgprt(1,"regusedef: ENTER mID='%s'\n",$mID);    foreach $pat (@argv) {        $pat = "%" . $pat;        $pat =~ s/_/$mID/;        $base //= $pat;        dbgprt(1,"regusedef: PAT pat='%s' base='%s'\n",$pat,$base);        push(@reguse,$pat);        $reguse_tobase{$pat} = $base;    }    $reguse_isbase{$base} = 1;    dbgprt(1,"regusedef: EXIT\n");}# regusesort -- sort base register namessub regusesort{    my($symlhs,$numlhs);    my($symrhs,$numrhs);    my($cmpflg);    {        ($symlhs,$numlhs) = _regusesort($a);        ($symrhs,$numrhs) = _regusesort($b);        $cmpflg = $symlhs cmp $symrhs;        last if ($cmpflg);        $cmpflg = $numlhs <=> $numrhs;    }    $cmpflg;}# _regusesort -- split up base register namesub _regusesort{    my($sym) = @_;    my($num);    if ($sym =~ s/(\d+)$//) {        $num = ;        $num += 0;        $sym =~ s/[^%]/z/g;    }    ($sym,$num);}# optget -- get optionssub optget{    my($argv) = @_;    my($bf);    my($sym,$val);    my($dft,%dft);    foreach $sym (qw(a l n10 P q o s T)) {        $dft{$sym} = 1;    }    $dft{"N"} = "T";    $dft{"D"} = "DIFF";    while (1) {        $bf = $argv->[0];        $sym = $bf;        last unless ($sym =~ s/^-//);        last if ($sym eq "-");        shift(@$argv);        {            if ($sym =~ /([^=]+)=(.+)$/) {                ($sym,);                last;            }            if ($sym =~ /^(.)(.+)$/) {                ($sym,);                last;            }            undef($val);        }        $dft = $dft{$sym};        sysfault("$pgmtail: unkNown option -- '%s'\n",$bf)            unless (defined($dft));        $val //= $dft;        ${"opt_" . $sym} = $val;    }}# cmtprt -- transformation commentssub cmtprt{    $_ = shift(@_);    $_ = sprintf($_,@_);    chomp($_);    push(@cmtprt,$_);}# msgprt -- progress outputsub msgprt{    printf(STDERR @_);}# errprt -- show errorssub errprt{    cmtprt(@_);    printf(STDERR @_);}# sysfault -- abort on errorsub sysfault{    printf(STDERR @_);    exit(1);}# dbgprt -- deBUG printsub dbgprt{    $_ = shift(@_);    goto &_dbgprt        if ($opt_T >= $_);}# _dbgprt -- deBUG printsub _dbgprt{    printf(STDERR @_);}



Otherwise weird results appear on other commands with parentheses for example lhs='cmpl %ebp,(%rax' splits into rhs='%r14)' and /$rhs/ which in turn causes $rhs =~ /%[er](.x|\d+)/ to fail.


Your di doesn’t match byte or word loads to ax,or rdi / rsi. That’s unlikely,though. Oh,also,I think it fails to match

# function_original -- original function before pebsfixup# RETURNS: 23function_original:    mov     ,-4(%rsp)                # red zone code generated by compiler    ...    mov     -4(%rsp),%rax               # will still have     ret# function_pebsfixup -- pebsfixup modifIEd# RETURNS: 23function_pebsfixup:    push    %r12                        # pebsfixup injected    mov     ,%rax               # will still have     pop     %r12                        # pebsfixup injected    ret# function_inline -- function with inline asm block and red zone# RETURNS: unkNown valuefunction_inline:    mov     ,-4(%rsp)                # red zone code generated by compiler    # inline asm block -- steps on red zone    push    %rdx    push    %rcx    ...    pop     %rcx    pop     %rdx    ...    mov     -4(%rsp),%rax               # Now -4(%rsp) no longer has     ret
. so you don’t need the trailing d in r10d


Wow,I assumed something like this would have to happen at compile time,and that doing it after the fact would be too messy.

无耻的插件:感谢“哇!”. perl对于像这样的凌乱的工作是非常好的.我以前写过这样的汇编器“注入”脚本. (例如)返回到[在编译器支持之前]添加分析调用的那一天.

You Could mark %r10 as another call-preserved register.

经过几次网页搜索,我只能在“静态链”x86上找到大约84场比赛.唯一的一个相关性是x86 ABI.而且,它不提供任何解释,除了提及它作为脚注.另外,一些gcc代码使用r10,没有任何保存作为被调用者注册.所以,我现在默认程序使用r10(如果需要,使用命令行选项来禁用它).

What happens if a function already uses all the registers?


并且,它将使用“被调用者必须保留”注册,通过注入一个推送作为第一功能和相应的d出就在ret inst [可以有多个]之前.这可以通过选项禁用.

You can’t just push/pop,because that steps on the red-zone


(1)几乎作为附注:红色区域仅在叶子功能中有用.否则,如果fncA调用fncB,则fncA执行此 *** 作的唯一方法就是自己的红色区域.请参阅脚本的顶部注释块中的编译选项.

(2)更重要的是,由于push / pop的注入方式.推动发生在任何其他行为之前.流行音乐发生在任何其他动作之后[在ret之前].

红色区域仍然存在 – 完好无损.它只是偏离了-8,否则将被拒绝.所有红区活动都将被保留,因为这些insts使用来自%rsp的负偏移

这不同于内联asm块中的push / pop.通常的情况是红色区域代码(例如)mov $23,-4(%rsp).随后进行推送/d出的内嵌asm块将会顺利进行.


mov     32(%rsp),%rax

push / pop确实让我们陷入麻烦的是如果函数使用六个以上的参数(即args 7在堆栈上).访问这些参数使用%rsp的正偏移:

mov     40(%rsp),%rax







原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1233273.html

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