As You Like It 歌词

As You Like It 歌词,第1张

歌曲名:As You Like It

歌手:Adam Faith

专辑:A S B S &Ep S

As You Like It

Adam Faith

If you don’t like the kooky way I comb my hair for you

And you don’t like the look of the crazy pants

I wear for you

OK my darling, I’ll change each pitch

I only wanna love you

As you like it

If you don’t like the gang that I go around with

On the town

And you don’t like the records I play

Because they bring you down

OK my darling, I’ll have to quit

I only wanna love you

As you like it

If you’芹轮re looking for a saint, dear

Betta warn you that you won’t get far

I’m a man that’s only human

I’m gonna change my ways for you

And love you as you are

‘Cause you don’t realise

That I’m gonna make a fight for you

Just a look from your eyes

And I’宏亮d set the world alight for you

OK my darling, and now the fuse is lit

You know I’m gonna love you

As you like it

If you’嫌绝信re looking for a saint, dear

Betta warn you that you won’t get far

I’m a man that’s only human

I’m gonna change my ways for you

And love you as you are

But you don’t realise that I’m gonna make a fight for you

Just a look from your eyes

And I’d set the world alight for you

OK my darling, when the fuse is lit

You know I’m gonna love you

As you like it

As you like it

As you like it

long as you like it




I don't carewhich, as long as you like it.



Just do it as you like.


已故的罗兰爵士有三个儿子,大儿子阿立夫没有按照父亲的遗嘱好好的照顾小儿子欧兰得,于是准备拿着属于自己的遗产离开哥哥,阿立夫为了不让欧兰得得到遗产,安排他和大公爵的武士卡而斯比武。大公爵被自己的弟弟蠢塌取代了爵位,他的女儿罗斯兰却因为和新公爵弗得利克的女儿西利亚要好而留了下来。罗斯兰和西利亚去观看了比武,胜利的欧兰得橘卖爱上了罗斯兰,罗斯兰也对他抱有好感。弗得利克放逐了罗斯兰,西利亚决定和她一起走,她们带着小丑圆档逗试金石去亚敦森林投奔被放逐的大公爵。 在森林里,罗斯兰和欧兰得相遇并且相爱了。阿立夫被弗得利克拿去了所有的田产,也来到了森林,大公爵收留了他,他和自己的弟弟冰释前嫌并且和西利亚相爱。最后阿立夫拿回了自己的田产,欧兰得继承了大公爵的爵位和财产,故事有了皆大欢喜的结局。 As You Like It is a pastoral edy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the folio of 1623. The work was based upon the novel Rosalynde by Thomas Lodge. The play's first performance is uncertain

though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court

acpanied by her cousin Celia and Touchstone the court jester

to find safety and eventually love in the Forest of Arden. Historically

critical response has varied

with some critics finding the work of lesser quality than other Shakespearean works and some finding the play a work of great merit. The play features one of Shakespeare's most famous and oft-quoted speeches

"All the world's a stage

" and is the origin of the phrase "too much of a good thing." The play remains a favorite among audiences and has been adapted for radio


and musical theatre.

参考: If you happen to spot any of my wesr.Do let me know.Thanks



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