#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>// Class for holding a reference to type char,retuned by the "operator[](int)"// method of class "TestString". Independent methods permit differentiation// between lvalue and rvalue contexts.class CReference{ private: char& m_characterReference; public: // Construct CReference from char& CReference(char& m_initialiser) : m_characterReference(m_initialiser) {} // Invoked when object is referenced in a rvalue char context. operator char() { return m_characterReference; } // Invoked when object is referenced in a lvalue char= context. char operator=(char c) { m_characterReference = c; return c; } // NEVER INVOKED,but will not compile without! WHY??? voID operator=(CReference &p_assignator){}};// Simple string class which permits the manipulation of single characters// via its "operator[](int)" method.class TestString{ private: char m_content[23]; public: // Construct string with test content. TestString() { strcpy(m_content,"This is a test object."); } // Return pointer to content. operator const char*() { m_content[22] = 0; return m_content; } // Return reference to indexed character. CReference operator[](int index) { return m_content[index]; }};int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ TestString s1; // Test both lvalue and rvalue subscript access. s1[0] = s1[1]; // Print test string. printf("%s\n",(const char*)s1); return 0;}解决方法 >行s1 [0] = s1 [1];如果您没有自己声明CReference,则会导致编译器为CReference生成隐式复制赋值运算符.这会导致错误,因为您的类具有无法复制的引用成员. >如果添加了一个带有const CReference&类型参数的赋值运算符,它将被赋值调用. >在您的代码中,您声明了一个类型为voID operator =(CReference& p_assignator)的复制赋值运算符.这不能被调用,因为赋值的右侧是临时对象,不能绑定到非const引用.但是,声明此运算符的行为会导致编译器不尝试定义隐式复制赋值运算符,从而避免了先前的编译错误.由于无法调用此运算符,因此编译器会转到另一个带有char类型参数的赋值运算符. 总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c – 使用operator []的奇怪行为全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c – 使用operator []的奇怪行为所遇到的程序开发问题。