if (cardNum == 1 && cardType == "Spades"){ pictureBox1.Image = ace_of_spades;}else if (cardNum == 1 && cardType == "Hearts"){ pictureBox1.Image = ace_of_hearts;}else if (...){ //change picture Box} //repeat it like 50 times
解决方法 如此多的非OOP建议如何处理这个问题.这是我的解决方案,它允许每个对象跟踪自己,并将提供一种简单的方式来洗牌并获得与每张卡相关的图像(我已经写了几张纸牌游戏).要存储实际图像,请将它们作为资源文件嵌入到项目中,并以特定方式命名:
> card_Club_1
> card_Club_2
> card_Club_3
然后,当您需要卡片图像时,您只需组合套装和值并从资源管理器请求该资源名称,如下所示.此方法需要更多的设置和规划,但会为您提供更清晰的代码.您甚至可以在一个单独的项目中执行所有这些 *** 作,然后通过在应用程序中引用要提供一副卡片的DLL来重新使用类/资源.
enum Suit : uint{ Club = 0,Heart,Spade,Diamond}class Card{ public int Value; public Suit Suit; public System.Drawing.Image Getimage() { return System.Drawing.Image.FromStream( global::cardlibraryProject.PropertIEs.Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream(string.Format("card_{0}_{1}",this.Suit,this.Value)) ); }}class Deck{ System.Collections.ArrayList _arr; private Deck() { this._arr = new System.Collections.ArrayList(52); } voID Add(Card crd) { if (!this._arr.Contains(crd)) this._arr.Add(crd); } public voID Shuffle() { Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); System.Collections.ArrayList tmp1 = new System.Collections.ArrayList(this._arr); System.Collections.ArrayList tmp2 = new System.Collections.ArrayList(52); while (tmp1.Count > 0) { int IDx = rnd.Next(tmp1.Count); tmp2.Add(tmp1[IDx]); tmp1.RemoveAt(IDx); } this._arr = tmp2; tmp1.Clear(); tmp2.Clear(); } public static Deck CreateDeck() { Deck newDeck = new Deck(); for (int s = 0; s < 4; s++) for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) newDeck.Add(new Card { Value = i,Suit = (Suit)s }); return newDeck; }}class Program{ public voID Main(string[] args) { Deck cards = Deck.CreateDeck(); cards.Shuffle(); pictureBox1.Image = cards[0].Getimage(); // code to play game would go here. ObvIoUsly,if you took // my suggestion about creating a "Cards" library,then you // wouldn't have a "voID Main" at all,and this would // all go in the application that was the actual game. }}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的C#我有50张其他if卡的声明,有没有办法缩短它或一次性完成所有 *** 作?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决C#我有50张其他if卡的声明,有没有办法缩短它或一次性完成所有 *** 作?所遇到的程序开发问题。