template <class T>class StringT {public: voID assign(const T* ptr); template <size_t N> voID assign(const T(&ptr)[N]);};int main() { StringT<char> str; str.assign("Hello World"); //calls "voID assign(const T* ptr)" although type is (const char[12])}解决方法 有关更多参考,标准的一些具体参考是:
13.3.3 Best viable function
Given these deFinitions,a viable function F1 is defined to be a better function than another viable function F2 if for all arguments i,ICSi(F1) is not a worse conversion sequence than ICSi(F2),and then…
F1 is not a function template specialization and F2 is a function template specialization…
在这种情况下,非模板化函数(显然)不是函数模板特化,并且根据表中定义的排序规则,“Hello World”到char const *的转换并不比const char [N]更差. “标准转换序列”部分.根据该表,在重载分辨率的上下文中,无需转换和数组到指针转换被认为是完全匹配.同样,如果模板化的重载被更改为非模板重载(即,作为voID assign(const T(& ptr)[12]);),则编译str.assign(“Hello World”);由于电话模糊不清将失败.
Note: An empty template argument List can be used to indicate that a given use refers to a specialization of a function template even when a non-template function (8.3.5) is visible that would otherwise be used.
所以,你可以使用str.assign<>(“Hello World”);为了那个原因.
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