{ "ID": 1,"category": "fruits","name": "Apple","description": "Apple is my favorite fruit."}{ "ID": 2,"category": "colors","name": "Red","description": "Red color is always charming."}{ "ID": 3,"category": "flowers","name": "Lotus","description": "It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world."}{ "ID": 4,"name": "Pink","description": "A romantic color,mostly liked by women."}{ "ID": 5,"name": "Rose","description": "I love roses."}{ "ID": 6,"name": "Mango","description": "Mango is one of my favorite fruits."}
"elements":{ "fruits":{ 0:{ "ID": 1,"description": "Apple is my favorite fruit." } 1:{ "ID": 6,"description": "Mango is one of my favorite fruits." } } "flowers":{ 0:{ "ID": 3,"description": "It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world." } 1:{ "ID": 5,"description": "I love roses." } } "colors":{ 0:{ "ID": 2,"description": "Red color is always charming." } 1:{ "ID": 4,mostly liked by women." } }}
arr := make(map[string]interface{}) arrCate := make(map[string]interface{}) arrCateFlower := make(map[int]interface{}) arrCatecolor := make(map[int]interface{}) arrCateFruit := make(map[int]interface{}) for index,data := range dataVals{ if(data.category == "flower"){ arrCateFlower[index] = data } if(data.category == "colors"){ arrCatecolor[index] = data } if(data.category == "fruits"){ arrCateFruit[index] = data } } arrCate["flowers"] = arrCateFlower arrCate["colors"] = arrCatecolor arrCate["fruits"] = arrCateFruit arr["elements"] = arrCate
arr := make(map[string]interface{}) arrCate := make(map[string]interface{}) for _,data := range dataVals{ arrCate[data.category] = data } arr["elements"] = arrCate
"elements":{ "fruits":{ "ID": 6,"description": "Mango is one of my favorite fruits." } "flowers":{ "ID": 5,"description": "I love roses." } "colors":{ "ID": 4,mostly liked by women." }}
我已经花了好几个小时.任何人都可以告诉我我错过了什么?@H_419_8@解决方法 https://play.golang.org/p/y-I6Fb_61R
package mainimport ( "fmt" "enCoding/Json" "log" "strings")var dataAsstring = `` //put data between the ``type Item struct { ID int `Json:"ID"` category string `Json:"category"` name string `Json:"name"` Description string `Json:"description"`}type categoryToItemSliceMap map[string][]Itemtype categoryToIndexItemmap map[string]map[int]Itemfunc main() { // first read the data,we use a decoder as the input was given // as a stream of seperate Json objects and not a big single one. decoder := Json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(dataAsstring)) var ourData []Item for decoder.More() { var it Item err := decoder.Decode(&it) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } ourData = append(ourData,it) } // collect items according to categorIEs catToItemSlice := categoryToItemSliceMap{} for _,v := range ourData { catToItemSlice[v.category] = append(catToItemSlice[v.category],v) } // turn those slices into int -> Item maps so we get the index numbers // in the encoded Json catToIndexItemmap := categoryToIndexItemmap{} for k,v := range catToItemSlice { if catToIndexItemmap[k] == nil { catToIndexItemmap[k] = map[int]Item{} } for index,item := range v { catToIndexItemmap[k][index] = item } } // easIEst way to get the "elements: " without an additional outer {} // brace pair fmt.Printf("elements: ") // We only have one Json object in the output and that is a map,so we // can use Unmarshal and don't need a streaming encoder. And get nice // indentation with Marshalindent. out,err := Json.Marshalindent(catToIndexItemmap,""," ") if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Println(string(out))}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的数组 – 如何在golang中的切片中动态地将对象分配给字符串键?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决数组 – 如何在golang中的切片中动态地将对象分配给字符串键?所遇到的程序开发问题。