德尔福 – 连接4:检查获胜者

德尔福 – 连接4:检查获胜者,第1张

概述在Delphi中,我有一个数组形式的Connect 4板表示(7列x 6行): TBoard = Array[1..7, 1..6] of SmallInt;Board: TBoard; // instance ob TBoard 每个元素可以有三种不同的状态: > 1 =球员1的棋子 > 0 =空 > -1 =玩家2的棋子 现在我需要一个功能来检查是否有赢家或平局: function Chec 在Delphi中,我有一个数组形式的Connect 4板表示(7列x 6行):

TBoard = Array[1..7,1..6] of Smallint;Board: TBoard; // instance ob TBoard


> 1 =球员1的棋子
> 0 =空
> -1 =玩家2的棋子


function CheckForWinner(): Smallint;


我的草案如下 – 分为两个单一功能:

function CheckForWinner(): Smallint;var playertocheck: ShortInt;    s,z: Byte;    draw: Boolean;begin  draw := TRUE;  for s := 1 to 7 do begin    for z := 1 to 6 do begin      if Board[s,z] = 0 then draw := FALSE; // if there are empty fIElds then it is no draw    end;  end;  if draw then begin    result := 0;  end  else begin    playertocheck := Board[lastPIEceX,lastPIEceY]; // only for last-moving player    if searchRow(playertocheck,+1,lastPIEceX,lastPIEceY) then // search right/left      result := playertocheck    else if searchRow(playertocheck,lastPIEceY) then // search up/down      result := playertocheck    else if searchRow(playertocheck,lastPIEceY) then // search right-down/left-up      result := playertocheck    else if searchRow(playertocheck,-1,lastPIEceY) then // search right-up/left-down      result := playertocheck;    else      result := nil;    end;  end;end;function searchRow(player: Smallint; sChange,zChange: ShortInt; startS,startZ: Byte): Boolean;var inRow,s,z: Smallint;begin  inRow := 0;  s := startS;  z := startZ;  while (Board[s,z] = player) AND (inRow < 4) AND (s >= 1) AND (s <= 7) AND (z >= 1) AND (z <= 6) do begin    s := s+sChange;    z := z+zChange;    inRow := inRow+1;  end;  s := startS-sChange;  z := startZ-zChange;  while (Board[s,z] = player) AND (inRow < 4) AND (s >= 1) AND (s <= 7) AND (z >= 1) AND (z <= 6) do begin    s := s-sChange;    z := z-zChange;    inRow := inRow+1;  end;  if inRow = 4 then    result := TRUE  else    result := FALSE;end;



解决方法 以与您相同的方式检查获胜者,只需少量代码.

function CheckRow(x,y,xd,yd: Integer): Boolean;var  c: Integer;  function RowLength(x,yd: Integer): Integer;  begin    Result := 0;    repeat      Inc(Result);      Inc(x,xd);      Inc(y,yd);    until not ((x in [1..7]) and (y in [1..6]) and (Board[x,y] = c));  end;begin  c := Board[x,y];  Result := 4 <= RowLength(x,yd) + RowLength(x,xd*-1,yd*-1) - 1;end;function CheckForWinner(x,y: Integer): Integer;begin  Result := 0;  if CheckRow(x,1) or CheckRow(x,1,1) or     CheckRow(x,0) or CheckRow(x,-1) then    Result := Board[x,y];end;

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的德尔福 – 连接4:检查获胜者全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决德尔福 – 连接4:检查获胜者所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1268164.html

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