我知道如何使用OnDrawTab完成.但如果我启用了OwnerDraw,Windows XP theme的装饰就会消失.这就是为什么我尝试手动绘制这个装饰.这就是我试图这样做的方式:
procedure TForm1.PageControl1DrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl; TabIndex: Integer; const Rect: TRect; Active: Boolean);var FRect: TRect; Text: string;begin FRect := Control.TabRect(TabIndex); if Active then themeServices.DrawElement(Control.Canvas.Handle,themeServices.GetElementDetails(ttTabItemHot),FRect) else themeServices.DrawElement(Control.Canvas.Handle,themeServices.GetElementDetails(ttTabItemnormal),FRect); Text := PageControl1.Pages[TabIndex].Caption; Control.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; if not Active then FRect.top := FRect.top + 4; DrawText(Control.Canvas.Handle,PChar(Text),Length(Text),FRect,DT_SINGLEliNE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER);end;
(左 – OwnerDraw版本,右 – 默认绘制)
解决方法 可能的解决方案是覆盖TPageControl
的Paintwindow方法而不是使用ownerdraw,这样您就可以控制选项卡的每个可视方面. 检查这个基本样本.
type TPageControl = class(Vcl.ComCtrls.TPageControl) private FcolorTextTab: Tcolor; procedure DrawTab(LCanvas: TCanvas; Index: Integer); procedure DoDraw(DC: HDC; DrawTabs: Boolean); procedure SetcolorTextTab(const Value: Tcolor); protected procedure Paintwindow(DC: HDC); overrIDe; published property colorTextTab : Tcolor read FcolorTextTab write SetcolorTextTab; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) PageControl1: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; button2: Tbutton; button3: Tbutton; button4: Tbutton; TabSheet3: TTabSheet; TabSheet4: TTabSheet; TabSheet5: TTabSheet; TabSheet6: TTabSheet; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1: TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}uses Math,themes,Types;type TCustomTabControlClass = class(TCustomTabControl);procedure Angletextout2(Canvas: TCanvas; Angle: Integer; X,Y: Integer; const Text: string);var NewFontHandle,oldFontHandle: hFont; LogRec: TLogFont;begin Getobject(Canvas.Font.Handle,SizeOf(LogRec),Addr(LogRec)); LogRec.lfEscapement := Angle * 10; LogRec.lfOrIEntation := LogRec.lfEscapement; NewFontHandle := CreateFontIndirect(LogRec); oldFontHandle := SelectObject(Canvas.Handle,NewFontHandle); SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle,transparent); Canvas.textout(X,Y,Text); NewFontHandle := SelectObject(Canvas.Handle,oldFontHandle); DeleteObject(NewFontHandle);end;{ TPageControl }procedure TPageControl.DrawTab(LCanvas: TCanvas; Index: Integer);var LDetails : TthemedElementDetails; limageIndex : Integer; LthemedTab : TthemedTab; liconRect : TRect; R,LayoutR : TRect; limageW,limageH,DxImage : Integer; Ltextx,LTextY: Integer; LTextcolor : Tcolor; //draw the text in the tab procedure DrawControlText(const S: string; var R: TRect; Flags: Cardinal); var @R_403_3468@: T@R_403_3468@Flags; begin LCanvas.Font := Font; @R_403_3468@ := T@R_403_3468@Flags(Flags); LCanvas.Font.color := LTextcolor; StyleServices.DrawText(LCanvas.Handle,LDetails,S,R,@R_403_3468@,LCanvas.Font.color); end;begin //get the size of tab image (icon) if (Images <> nil) and (Index < Images.Count) then begin limageW := Images.WIDth; limageH := Images.Height; DxImage := 3; end else begin limageW := 0; limageH := 0; DxImage := 0; end; R := TabRect(Index); //check the left position of the tab. if R.left < 0 then Exit; //adjust the size of the tab to draw if Tabposition in [tptop,tpBottom] then begin if Index = TabIndex then InflateRect(R,2); end else if Index = TabIndex then Dec(R.left,2) else Dec(R.Right,2); LCanvas.Font.Assign(Font); LayoutR := R; LthemedTab := ttTabDontCare; //Get the type of the active tab to draw case Tabposition of tptop: begin if Index = TabIndex then LthemedTab := ttTabItemSelected else { if (Index = HottabIndex) and MouseInControl then LthemedTab := ttTabItemHot else } LthemedTab := ttTabItemnormal; end; tpleft: begin if Index = TabIndex then LthemedTab := ttTabItemleftEdgeSelected else { if (Index = HottabIndex) and MouseInControl then LthemedTab := ttTabItemleftEdgeHot else } LthemedTab := ttTabItemleftEdgenormal; end; tpBottom: begin if Index = TabIndex then LthemedTab := ttTabItemBothEdgeSelected else { if (Index = HottabIndex) and MouseInControl then LthemedTab := ttTabItemBothEdgeHot else } LthemedTab := ttTabItemBothEdgenormal; end; tpRight: begin if Index = TabIndex then LthemedTab := ttTabItemRightEdgeSelected else { if (Index = HottabIndex) and MouseInControl then LthemedTab := ttTabItemRightEdgeHot else } LthemedTab := ttTabItemRightEdgenormal; end; end; //draw the tab if StyleServices.Available then begin LDetails := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(LthemedTab);//necesary for DrawControlText and draw the icon StyleServices.DrawElement(LCanvas.Handle,R); end; //get the index of the image (icon) if Self is TCustomTabControl then limageIndex := TCustomTabControlClass(Self).GetimageIndex(Index) else limageIndex := Index; //draw the image if (Images <> nil) and (limageIndex >= 0) and (limageIndex < Images.Count) then begin liconRect := LayoutR; case Tabposition of tptop,tpBottom: begin liconRect.left := liconRect.left + DxImage; liconRect.Right := liconRect.left + limageW; LayoutR.left := liconRect.Right; liconRect.top := liconRect.top + (liconRect.Bottom - liconRect.top) div 2 - limageH div 2; if (Tabposition = tptop) and (Index = TabIndex) then OffsetRect(liconRect,-1) else if (Tabposition = tpBottom) and (Index = TabIndex) then OffsetRect(liconRect,1); end; tpleft: begin liconRect.Bottom := liconRect.Bottom - DxImage; liconRect.top := liconRect.Bottom - limageH; LayoutR.Bottom := liconRect.top; liconRect.left := liconRect.left + (liconRect.Right - liconRect.left) div 2 - limageW div 2; end; tpRight: begin liconRect.top := liconRect.top + DxImage; liconRect.Bottom := liconRect.top + limageH; LayoutR.top := liconRect.Bottom; liconRect.left := liconRect.left + (liconRect.Right - liconRect.left) div 2 - limageW div 2; end; end; if StyleServices.Available then StyleServices.DrawIcon(LCanvas.Handle,liconRect,Images.Handle,limageIndex); end; //draw the text of the tab if StyleServices.Available then begin //StyleServices.GetElementcolor(LDetails,ecTextcolor,LTextcolor); LTextcolor:=FcolorTextTab; if (Tabposition = tptop) and (Index = TabIndex) then OffsetRect(LayoutR,-1) else if (Tabposition = tpBottom) and (Index = TabIndex) then OffsetRect(LayoutR,1); if Tabposition = tpleft then begin Ltextx := LayoutR.left + (LayoutR.Right - LayoutR.left) div 2 - LCanvas.TextHeight(Tabs[Index]) div 2; LTextY := LayoutR.top + (LayoutR.Bottom - LayoutR.top) div 2 + LCanvas.TextWIDth(Tabs[Index]) div 2; LCanvas.Font.color:=LTextcolor; Angletextout2(LCanvas,90,Ltextx,LTextY,Tabs[Index]); end else if Tabposition = tpRight then begin Ltextx := LayoutR.left + (LayoutR.Right - LayoutR.left) div 2 + LCanvas.TextHeight(Tabs[Index]) div 2; LTextY := LayoutR.top + (LayoutR.Bottom - LayoutR.top) div 2 - LCanvas.TextWIDth(Tabs[Index]) div 2; LCanvas.Font.color:=LTextcolor; Angletextout2(LCanvas,-90,Tabs[Index]); end else DrawControlText(Tabs[Index],LayoutR,DT_VCENTER or DT_CENTER or DT_SINGLEliNE or DT_NOCliP); end;end;procedure TPageControl.DoDraw(DC: HDC; DrawTabs: Boolean);var Details: TthemedElementDetails; R: TRect; lindex,Selindex: Integer;begin Details := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(ttTabItemnormal); Selindex := TabIndex; try Canvas.Handle := DC; if DrawTabs then for lindex := 0 to Tabs.Count - 1 do if lindex <> Selindex then DrawTab(Canvas,lindex); if Selindex < 0 then R := Rect(0,WIDth,Height) else begin R := TabRect(Selindex); R.left := 0; R.top := R.Bottom; R.Right := WIDth; R.Bottom := Height; end; StyleServices.DrawElement(DC,StyleServices.GetElementDetails(ttPane),R); if (Selindex >= 0) and DrawTabs then DrawTab(Canvas,Selindex); finally Canvas.Handle := 0; end;end;procedure TPageControl.Paintwindow(DC: HDC);begin DoDraw(DC,True); //inherited;end;procedure TPageControl.SetcolorTextTab(const Value: Tcolor);begin FcolorTextTab := Value;end;procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin PageControl1.colorTextTab:=clGreen;end;
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的delphi – 如何更改主题TabSheet标题的文本颜色?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决delphi – 如何更改主题TabSheet标题的文本颜色?所遇到的程序开发问题。