VB.NET 串口访问之三

VB.NET 串口访问之三,第1张

概述 程序如下: Imports SystemImports System.Collections.GenericImports System.ComponentModelImports System.DataImports System.DrawingImports System.LinqImports System.TextImports System.IO.Ports


imports Systemimports System.Collections.Genericimports System.ComponentModelimports System.Dataimports System.Drawingimports System.linqimports System.Textimports System.IO.Portsimports System.Threadingimports System.Text.RegularExpressions'例如:AA 44 05 01 02 03 04 05 EA'    这里我假设的一条数据,协议如下:'    数据头:     AA 44'    数据长度: 05'    数据正文: 01 02 03 04 05'    校验:       EA'    一般数据的校验,都会采用常用的方式,CRC16,CRC32,Xor。Public Class Form1    WithEvents Comm As SerialPort = New SerialPort    Private Builder As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder '避免在事件处理方法中反复的创建,所以定义到外面    Private ReceiveCount As Long = 0     '接收计数    Private SendCount As Long = 0        '发送计数    Private Listening As Boolean = False  '是否没有执行完invoke相关 *** 作     Private Closingg As Boolean = False     '是否正在关闭串口,执行Application.DoEvents,并阻止再次invoke       Private Buffer As List(Of Byte) = New List(Of Byte)(4096) '默认分配1页内存,并始终限制不允许超过       Private Binary_Data_1(9) As Byte      'AA 44 05 01 02 03 04 05 EA     Public Delegate Sub UpdateData(ByVal mByte() As Byte)    Public Sub ShowData(ByVal mByte() As Byte)        Console.Writeline(mByte)        ReceiveCount += mByte.Length          '统计字节总数        Builder.Clear()                       '清除字符串构造器的内容         Console.Writeline("Main1() invoke on thread{0}.",Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadID)        If CheckBoxHex.Checked Then            For Each b As Byte In mByte                Builder.Append(b.ToString("X2") + " ")            Next        Else            Builder.Append(EnCoding.ASCII.GetString(mByte))        End If        TxtGet.AppendText(Builder.ToString)        labelGetCount.Text = "Get:" + ReceiveCount.ToString    End Sub    Public Delegate Sub UpdateStr(ByVal mByte As String)    Public Sub ShowStr(ByVal mByte As String)        TxtGet.Text = mByte    End Sub    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load        '初始化下拉串口名称列表框        Dim Ports() As String = SerialPort.GetPortnames        Array.sort(Ports)        ComboPortname.Items.AddRange(Ports)        ComboPortname.Selectedindex = IIf(ComboPortname.Items.Count > 0,-1)        ComboBaudrate.Selectedindex = ComboBaudrate.Items.IndexOf("9600")        '初始化Serialport对象        Comm.Newline = vbCrLf        Comm.RtsEnable = True        'AddHandler Obj.Ev_Event,AddressOf EventHandler        'RemoveHandler Obj.Ev_Event,AddressOf EventHandler        'AddHandler Comm.DataReceived,AddressOf Comm_DataReceived        BtnXreset.PerformClick()    End Sub    Private Sub Comm_DataReceived(sender As Object,e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles Comm.DataReceived        If Closingg Then Return '如果正在关闭,忽略 *** 作,直接返回,尽快的完成串口监听线程的一次循环           Try            Listening = True                    '设置标记,说明我已经开始处理数据,一会儿要使用系统UI的。            Dim n As Long = Comm.BytesToRead    '先记录下来,避免某种原因,人为的原因, *** 作几次之间时间长,缓存不一致               Dim Buf(n - 1) As Byte              '声明一个临时数组存储当前来的串口数据             Comm.Read(Buf,n)                '读取缓冲数据            Dim Data_1_Catched As Boolean = False     '缓存记录数据是否捕获到            Console.Writeline("Main0() invoke on thread{0}.",Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadID)            Buffer.AddRange(Buf)            While Buffer.Count >= 4                '请不要担心使用>=,因为>=已经和>,<,=一样,是独立 *** 作符,并不是解析成>和=2个符号                   '查找数据头                  If (Buffer(0) = &HAA And Buffer(1) = &H44) Then                    '探测缓存数据是否有一条数据的字节,如果不够,就不用费劲的做其他验证了                       '前面已经限定了剩余长度>=4,那我们这里一定能访问到buffer[2]这个长度                      Dim Len As Integer = Buffer(2)                    '数据完整判断第一步,长度是否足够                       'len是数据段长度,4个字节是while行注释的3部分长度                       If Buffer.Count < Len + 4 Then Exit While '数据不够的时候什么都不做,退出循环                    '这里确保数据长度足够,数据头标志找到,我们开始计算校验                       '2.3 校验数据,确认数据正确                       '异或校验,逐个字节异或得到校验码                       Dim CheckSum As Byte = 0                    For i As Integer = 0 To Len + 3                        CheckSum = CheckSum Xor Buffer(i)                    Next                    If CheckSum <> Buffer(Len + 3) Then                        Buffer.RemoveRange(0,Len + 4)                        Continue While                    End If                    '至此,已经被找到了一条完整数据。我们将数据直接分析,或是缓存起来一起分析                       '我们这里采用的办法是缓存一次,好处就是如果你某种原因,数据堆积在缓存buffer中                       '已经很多了,那你需要循环的找到最后一组,只分析最新数据,过往数据你已经处理不及时                       '了,就不要浪费更多时间了,这也是考虑到系统负载能够降低。                     '复制一条完整数据到具体的数据缓存                       Buffer.copyTo(0,Binary_Data_1,Len + 4)                    Data_1_Catched = True                    Buffer.RemoveRange(0,Len + 4)                Else                    Buffer.RemoveAt(0)  '这里是很重要的,如果数据开始不是头,则删除数据                   End If            End While            If Data_1_Catched Then                '我们的数据都是定好格式的,所以当我们找到分析出的数据1,就知道固定位置一定是这些数据,我们只要显示就可以了                Dim data As String = Binary_Data_1(3).ToString("X2") + " " + Binary_Data_1(4).ToString("X2") +                                     Binary_Data_1(5).ToString("X2") + " " + Binary_Data_1(6).ToString("X2") +                                     Binary_Data_1(7).ToString("X2")                Dim a As UpdateStr = New UpdateStr(AddressOf ShowStr)                Me.BeginInvoke(a,data)            End If            '如果需要别的协议,只要扩展这个data_n_catched就可以了。往往我们协议多的情况下,还会包含数据编号,给来的数据进行               '编号,协议优化后就是: 头+编号+长度+数据+校验               '</协议解析>               Dim b As UpdateData = New UpdateData(AddressOf ShowData)            Me.BeginInvoke(b,Buf)                    Catch ex As Exception            Err.Clear()        Finally            Listening = False                    '我用完了,ui可以关闭串口了。        End Try    End Sub    Private Sub BtnXOpen_Click(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnXOpen.Click        '根据当前串口对象,来判断 *** 作         If Comm.IsOpen Then            Closingg = True '            While Listening                Application.DoEvents()            End While            '打开时点击,则关闭串口            Comm.Close()            Closingg = False        Else            Comm.Portname = ComboPortname.Text            Comm.Baudrate = Integer.Parse(ComboBaudrate.Text)            Try                Comm.open()            Catch ex As Exception                '捕获到异常信息,创建一个新的comm对象,之前的不能用了。                 Comm = New SerialPort                '现实异常信息给客户。                 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)            End Try        End If        '设置按钮的状态           BtnXOpen.Text = IIf(Comm.IsOpen,"Close","Open")        BtnXOpen.Enabled = Comm.IsOpen    End Sub    '动态的修改获取文本框是否支持自动换行。    Private Sub CheckBoxNewlineGet_CheckedChanged(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxNewlineGet.CheckedChanged        TxtGet.WorDWrap = CheckBoxNewlineGet.Checked    End Sub    Private Sub BtnXSend_Click(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnXSend.Click        Dim n As Integer = 0  '定义一个变量,记录发送了几个字节         If checkBoxHexSend.Checked Then   '16进制发送             '我们不管规则了。如果写错了一些,我们允许的,只用正则得到有效的十六进制数               Dim Mc As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(TxtSend.Text.Trim,"(?i)[/da-f]{2}")   '"(?i)[/da-f]{2}"            Dim buf As List(Of Byte) = New List(Of Byte)            '依次添加到列表中               For Each m As Match In Mc                '  buf.Add(Byte.Parse(m.Value))                buf.Add(Byte.Parse(m.Value,System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Hexnumber))            Next            '转换列表为数组后发送              Comm.Write(buf.ToArray,buf.Count)            n = buf.Count        Else                             'ascii编码直接发送             '包含换行符            If checkBoxNewlinesend.Checked Then                Comm.Writeline(TxtSend.Text)                n = TxtSend.Text.Length + 2            Else                Comm.Write(TxtSend.Text)                n = TxtSend.Text.Length            End If        End If        SendCount += n    '累加发送字节数         labelSendCount.Text = "Send:" + SendCount.ToString    End Sub    Private Sub BtnXreset_Click(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnXreset.Click        '复位接受和发送的字节数计数器并更新界面。        SendCount = 0        ReceiveCount = 0        labelGetCount.Text = "Get:0"        labelSendCount.Text = "Send:0"        Builder.Clear()    End Sub    Private Sub BtxClear_Click(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtxClear.Click        TxtGet.Text = ""        Builder.Clear()    End SubEnd Class

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1290777.html

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