1.错误一:RuntimeError:Input Type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) and weight type(torch.FloatTensor) should be the same
class GCN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes, k=15):
super(GCN, self).__init__()
self.num_class = num_classes
self.k = k
self.layer0 = nn.Sequential(resnet152_pretrained.conv1, resnet152_pretrained.bn1, resnet152_pretrained.relu)
self.layer1 = nn.Sequential(resnet152_pretrained.maxpool, resnet152_pretrained.layer1)
self.layer2 = resnet152_pretrained.layer2
self.layer3 = resnet152_pretrained.layer3
self.layer4 = resnet152_pretrained.layer4
self.br = BR(self.num_class)
self.deconv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(self.num_class, self.num_class, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
def forward(self, input):
x0 = self.layer0(input); print('x0:', x0.size()) # x0: torch.Size([1, 64, 176, 240])
x1 = self.layer1(x0); print('x1:', x1.size()) # x1: torch.Size([1, 256, 88, 120])
x2 = self.layer2(x1); print('x2:', x2.size()) # x2: torch.Size([1, 512, 44, 60])
x3 = self.layer3(x2); print('x3:', x3.size()) # x3: torch.Size([1, 1024, 22, 30])
x4 = self.layer4(x3); print('x4:', x4.size()) # x4: torch.Size([1, 2048, 11, 15])
branch4 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x4.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch3 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x3.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch2 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x2.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch1 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x1.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch4 = branch4(x4); print('branch4:', branch4.size()) # torch.Size([1, 12, 22, 30])
branch3 = branch3(x3, branch4); print('branch3:', branch3.size()) # torch.Size([1, 12, 44, 60])
branch2 = branch2(x2, branch3); print('branch2:', branch2.size()) # torch.Size([1, 12, 88, 120])
branch1 = branch1(x1, branch2); print('branch1:', branch1.size()) # torch.Size([1, 12, 176, 240])
x = self.br(branch1)
x = self.deconv(x)
x = self.br(x)
return x
branch4 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x4.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch3 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x3.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch2 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x2.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)
branch1 = GCN_BR_BR_Deconv(x1.shape[1], self.num_class, self.k)