Tensorflow on multiple GPUs with FastAPI

Tensorflow on multiple GPUs with FastAPI,第1张

Tensorflow on multiple GPUs with FastAPI

tab of content
  • Tensorflow on multiple GPUs with FastAPI
  • 1. Train a model on multiple GPUs
  • 2. Get the data batch from Generator
  • 3. use early stopping and save the best session
  • 4. Deploy the saved model with FastAPI library
    • 1). add routers for training/evaluating/predicting
    • 2). apply BaseModel on client input to define how is needed for the each api call:
    • 3). call APIs to train/evaluate/predict
  • 5. deploy your model with tensorflow serving
    • 1). save your model with desired format
    • 2). serve your saved model
  • Conclusion

The article will be walking through how to train a tf model on multiple GPU environment and how to deploy it with a asynchronous library FastAPI and tensorflow serving. The details can be found on github: https://github.com/victorbai2/TFpackageText
Another my article link on medium:

1. Train a model on multiple GPUs

To train a model on multi GPUs, please check below on multi_GPU_training function:

2. Get the data batch from Generator

You can define how much batches you would like to feed into model:

3. use early stopping and save the best session

4. Deploy the saved model with FastAPI library 1). add routers for training/evaluating/predicting

2). apply BaseModel on client input to define how is needed for the each api call:

3). call APIs to train/evaluate/predict

fastAPI provides the swagger UI where you can review and call apis

FastAPI works quite friendly with async / await which most of library does not support very well.
The sample response for calling api:

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:5000/api/pred' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"inquiry": [
"sentense1", "sentense2","sentense3",

you can add a list of queries in field “inquiry”

5. deploy your model with tensorflow serving 1). save your model with desired format

2). serve your saved model

  • We demenstrated how to train model on multiple GPU env.
  • We showcased how to generate batches of data for trainin.
  • We implemented FastAPI service interface for training/evalutating/predicting.
  • we briefly cover how to serve your model with tensorflow servering.
  • The full code can be found in github: https://github.com/victorbai2/TFpackageText


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/868720.html

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