【菜gou的CS61A学习笔记12 Class & Inheritance】

【菜gou的CS61A学习笔记12 Class & Inheritance】,第1张



Objects + Classes:https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/sp21/assets/slides/16-Objects_+_Classes_full.pdf

Inheritance + Composition:



一、lecture 1.1        Object and Class



        a. A class is a template for defining new data types.

        b. An instance of a class is called an object. (object可以类比为各种各样的奥特曼如艾斯、七爷等等)

        c. Each object has data attributes called instance variables that describe its state. Each object also has function attributes called methods. (这里就比如每个奥特曼有不同的属性和不同的必杀技)



class Ultraman:
    # Set the initial values
    # Define methods
    def __init__(self, name, weight = 50, home = "M77"):
        self._name = name
        self._weight = weight
        self._home = home

    def Dazhao(self, SkillName):
        print(f"{self._name} 使出了 {SkillName} !")

        我们这里为了省事只是简单简单写了一个类,首先一个类是要有最开始的"构造函数",即__init__()函数,这个函数必须包含self参数 (The self in keyword in Python is used to all the instances in a class. By using the self keyword, one can easily access all the instances defined within a class, including its methods and attributes.). 然后就是包含一些初始化属性的变量,这里self._表示私有,体现了封装的思想. 同时,. Dot符号可以用来访问对象的属性和方法。我们接下来看一下用这个类创建一些简单的对象。

图1 : 简单的类对象展示 


图2: 类内变量展示         


  • __ (double underscore) before very private attribute names
  • _ (single underscore) before semi-private attribute names
  • no underscore before public attribute names

1.2 Inheritance + Composition 

        这一节我们主要讲述一下继承,其实继承的目的就是为了减少代码的重复,我们直接以课上讲的例子展开,比如我们有一个动物保护区,需要构建各种动物的类, 我们首先构建一个兔子类和象类,代码如下:

class Rabbit:
    species_name = "European rabbit"
    scientific_name = "Oryctolagus cuniculus"
    calories_needed = 200

    def __init__(self, name, age=0):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.calories_eaten = 0
        self.happiness = 0

    def play(self, num_hours):
        self.happiness += (num_hours * 10)
        print("WHEEE PLAY TIME!")

    def eat(self, food):
        self.calories_eaten += food.calories
        print(f"Om nom nom yummy {food.name}")
        if self.calories_eaten > self.calories_needed:
            self.happiness -= 1
            print("Ugh so full")

    def interact_with(self, animal2):
        self.happiness += 4
        print(f"Yay happy fun time with {animal2.name}")

class Elephant:
    species_name = "African Savanna Elephant"
    scientific_name = "Loxodonta africana"
    calories_needed = 8000

    def __init__(self, name, age=0):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.calories_eaten  = 0
        self.happiness = 0

    def play(self, num_hours):
        self.happiness += (num_hours * 4)
        print("WHEEE PLAY TIME!")

    def eat(self, food):
        self.calories_eaten += food.calories
        print(f"Om nom nom yummy {food.name}")
        if self.calories_eaten > self.calories_needed:
            self.happiness -= 1
            print("Ugh so full")

    def interact_with(self, animal2):
        self.happiness += 1
        print(f"Yay happy fun time with {animal2.name}")





class Animal:
    species_name = "Animal"
    scientific_name = "Animalia"
    play_multiplier = 2
    interact_increment = 1

    def __init__(self, name, age=0):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.calories_eaten  = 0
        self.happiness = 0

    def play(self, num_hours):
        self.happiness += (num_hours * self.play_multiplier)
        print("WHEEE PLAY TIME!")

    def eat(self, food):
        self.calories_eaten += food.calories
        print(f"Om nom nom yummy {food.name}")
        if self.calories_eaten > self.calories_needed:
            self.happiness -= 1
            print("Ugh so full")

    def interact_with(self, animal2):
        self.happiness += self.interact_increment
        print(f"Yay happy fun time with {animal2.name}")

class Rabbit(Animal):
    species_name = "European rabbit"
    scientific_name = "Oryctolagus cuniculus"
    calories_needed = 200
    play_multiplier = 8
    interact_increment = 4
    num_in_litter = 12

class Elephant(Animal):
    species_name = "African Savanna Elephant"
    scientific_name = "Loxodonta africana"
    calories_needed = 8000
    play_multiplier = 4
    interact_increment = 2
    num_tusks = 2

        同时,我们还可以在子类内重写方法以完善子类的特殊作用以及可以使用super关键字来表示超类 。(super() is better style than BaseClassName, though slightly slower.)最后是多重继承也是可以的,只是本课内不涉及,有需要的可以参考一下其他资料。


class Rabbit(Animal):

    def reproduce_like_rabbits(self):
        if self.mate is None:
            print("oh no! better go on ZoOkCupid")
        self.babies = []
        for _ in range(0, self.num_in_litter):
            self.babies.append(Rabbit("bunny", 0))



 图4: 继承和组合的区别



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/873577.html

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