

初心:To make the "beginner's mind"

不忘初心,方得始终:Never forget the cherish of your heart so that you can make it to the end




If one day, the things you know are no longer the same as before, don't be surprised, don't be sad, because the things in the world are constantly changing, so it's good to keep your original mind Follow the natural development, follow the inner guidance

、把最后一滴汗留给赛场这是我信奉的真理跨越急功近利与一败涂地向前向前我坚信会有奇迹大步前行哪怕远方天寒地冻一如既往终会看到柳暗花明专注并执着沉着而自信我明白自己的生活要让自己发号施令人生如天气时晴时阴不管沿途怎样的风景奔跑的脚步从不停息即使跌倒也有你们再次将我扶起何德何能何其有幸沉舟侧畔却系千帆竞发病树前头仍有万木争春方得始终需不忘初心战斗到最后一刻依然保持 百大球员不是属于我的烙印这一点无可争议但是新闻发布会上我似乎意识到我现在只是世界第八哦,第八那似乎也不是一个太差的成绩不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣个大满贯作者:纳达尔出处:纳达尔赛事采访的有哲理的语录

Leave the last drop of sweat to the arena This is the truth I believe in I believe in striding forward in a hurry for quick success, instant gain and defeat I firmly believe that there will be miracles and strides forward even if the distant sky is cold as ever I will see willows, dark flowers, bright and dedicated, and self-confident I know that my life is like the weather, when it is sunny, no matter what kind of scenery along the way, running footsteps never It's indisputable that even if I fall, you can lift me up once again How lucky I am to be on the side of the sunken boat but in front of the disease tree of Qianfan Race, there are still thousands of trees competing for spring It's necessary to never forget the fact that the first battle and the last moment are still passionate and that the top 100 players are not my brand But at the press conference, I seem to realize that I am only the eighth in the world, and that seems to be the eighth Not a bad grade Don't cry over spilled milk Grand Slam author: Nadal Origin: A Philosophical Quotation from Nadal's Interview

、永远不要忘了,当初你为什么选择做一件事情,你最初的那份干劲,那份 ,永远都不要让它减退,如果它正在减退说明你也即将出局。没有什么可以一夜暴富,只有脚踏实地坚持着你才会成功,急功近利的也只会出局。永远保持当初的那份积极和热情。不忘初心,方得始终。作者:船长

Never forget, why did you choose to do something at the beginning, your original energy, passion, never let it fade, if it is fading, you will be out Nothing can make a fortune overnight You can only succeed if you keep your feet on the ground You can only get out if you are eager for quick success and instant benefit Always keep the original enthusia and enthusia Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished Author: Captain


Gradually, I found that since then, I have maintained a sense of awe for many things, whether familiar or unfamiliar, which made me miss a lot and changed a lot Until now, it has become the present situation Now, how contradictory I am, looking at its face everywhere, thinking about living for myself, but my body is beyond my control The future is uncertain Sometimes, I can't tell whether I am cowardly or broad-minded Whenever I meet such a person, I try to replace everything with silence, because all words can not change each other's inherent vision Now let me say one more thing, then use my humility to test, how is the heart of the world Although I have already guessed the result, it is just a little comfort for myself Fluctuating heart, also slowly recover, only a trace of warmth, but also completely replaced by cold, do not forget the first heart


Love begins with an eye and ends with an endless sky We have gone through many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we have gone through many warm and cold Still be able to maintain a simple mind, always yearning for the beauty of life In the deepest part of life, I am always convinced that the most beautiful realm of life is Qinghuan! Author: Lin Qingxuan's Origin: The most beautiful thing in life is Qinghuan


In fact, sometimes it's really bothersome It's always easy to be in a very frightened state You don't know when you'll be free and easy to fall off You hate the way you are always reserved You wish you had no heart and no lung You know a lot of truth, you can easily see through many ridiculous camouflages, but you need to raise your mouth like a wood, keep your mind unchanged between laughter and abuse, deep-rooted, and then prosperous


Maybe we are all the passers-by of each other Nothing is impossible, and life is still going on In that case, let's keep our minds and face the sunshine with our heads held high Life will be more colorful than looking back at our shadow


Love or career Personal or marriage There is a truth, that is, "Never forget the beginning, you must always" This initial intention does not refer to the past I think it's the most precious vision in our hearts Keep that innocence, kindness and love as much as possible, even if things change again and people change again Encourage people who feel the same way


Now there are many new combinations, such as, but I want to say: they clearly set out to defeat, hoping that the four-leaf grass to maintain their original heart


No matter how many grievances you have experienced, how many pains you have suffered, how many betrayals you have carried, you will live with your brows open, your heart full and peaceful, your personality clear and open-minded, occasionally pretentious but not pretentious, poisonous tongue not bitter and bitter, not complaining about heaven and especially people, not bitter and hateful, sincere to everyone, keep your original heart, and find a better coast


People's minds are too complex, you just keep your original mind She left because you are not the same people You will meet more partings in the future You just have to face up to your efforts bravely as you are today


If you want to be a better person, you will never forget your first heart You have to be a good girl with a rich and peaceful heart, keep pure white, read and think, and be able to blend in with noise and enjoy peace Before you become a better person, everything is a test for you You want to be a better person, while time is still in, while the face is not old


Keeping your mind is probably the most difficult thing in the world, but it's the one thing I want to do most


Be yourself like this: not delicate, not pretentious, not sad, not bowing your head Always keep a heart, so good!!!


No matter how I change in the future, I will keep my first heart and leave it to my loved ones


Keep your heart open, regardless of age Everyone has a child in his heart That's our most innocent time


In my spare time, I look through the album, laughter and laughter of the past I can't help but remember that the picture of the past is now in the big dye vat where the flowers have faded and become clouds and oke I don't know that we are not as innocent and innocent as we were in the past Initial heart


After all, there are so few good things in the world that you can get without paying, even at sunrise, you need to sacrifice sleep If you want to be in good shape, you have to keep exercising If you want to live well, you have to keep working hard Wherever you go, may you never forget your first heart


Don't feel lonely and lonely just because someone left Who can tell you how to survive, but there won't be a better future Maybe the people you like will like you in the future Maybe you think the people you never see will appear in front of you in the next second and keep your heart at ease


The most important thing is to really do something to make your heart happy A child fell, cried and made a noise The next day he was happy and continued to play with you without any psychological shadow Perhaps the happiest thing is to return to the so-called children's original heart, keep childlike curiosity about all things, face the difficulties of the future, although afraid, but can forget it, and then wipe a runny nose, wipe a tear to continue to move forward Author: Fu Sheng


Years, though cruel, you are still a cinnabar in my heart Dare not say afterlife, only say this life, never fail you All women who keep their first heart will be touched by love Author: The origin of Taotao Round: Left but cold


Looking back on our own age, we were still a half-year-old child, occasionally playing petty, and playing pet with our parents There seems to be no other trouble except for the trifles of youth and the frustrations of study Wang Junkai, a teenager who has just entered high school, suffers from not only the pressure of growing upset, but also the complexity of the entertainment industry This is a red-and-white world, many even s are unavoidable to miss, but Wang Junkai proved with his actions that this innocent teenager still maintained his original intention, as it was first seen, young age has such a measurement, tolerance of malicious injuries, tolerance of the whole world


The meaning of life is in your own hands If your heart is not shaken by the temptation of the outside world, then you will still be able to maintain yourself and restore your original heart, regardless of the passage of time and the changes of time Author: Grandma Moses: Life is only once, do what you like


How many people can always keep that first heart Not to keep it, just not to lose it The road ahead is long, and I will guard you through


Ten years later, I also want to keep the name "Zhu Dieyuan" like Annie Maintain some kind of primordial heart one summer many years ago


Fashion can not save life, it can not change the fate of the arrangement, but it can save you, so that you can maintain self-confidence even in adversity, when the essence of life shows a dark side, the care for appearance will glow with dignity, which is a brave and noble way of life Fashion can not save life, it can not change the fate of the arrangement, I have always reminded myself: the more impetuous around, the more we should adhere to Practicing in books and shadows is an early lesson every day Others see or don't see, love or don't love, your first heart can't be changed It's through narrow doors The road is all, and there are few people in the same company You know that for a long time


No matter how thorny the road of the future is, always keep a heart that will not be eroded by life It's beautiful and picturesque It's a hot sunshine that people can't refuse if they want to do something interesting


Youth, eventually will pass away; the pace, never stop, keep running posture, never forget the first heart, you must always


For many years, we have not forgotten our original intention in dealing with life and things, and maintained our original curiosity Perhaps it is this attitude that has kept us young for many years Author: Xu Qing


The most precious and difficult thing in the world is to keep a childlike innocent and kind heart

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8849247.html

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