





1His family name is White

Alast name Bmiddle name Cfirst name Dgiven name

2I think the math class is boring, so I don’t like it

Ainteresting Bdifficult Cnot interesting Dnot difficult

3Thanks a lot

Amany Bvery much Cvery Dmuch

4Ed likes sports

Ahas Bhave Cdoes Dloves

5Let’s have a look at the collections

Ahave a watch Bsee

Clook at Dlook


6That ________sound interesting

7________ you ________have a tennis racket

8My brother ________have a baseball bat

9We have many ________club in our school

10Let watch ________they on TV

11She ________play sports every day

12Can you ________bring your new picture books here

13________ your friend ________like sports

14Let ________we play tennis

15That’s an ________interest puter game


16I ________ TV at night在晚上

Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook

17Let’s ________ the map on the wall

Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook

18I can ________ many things on the table

Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook

19The question is not easy It’s very ________

Adifficult Bdifficulty Crelating Dnot difficult

20Let’s play ________ basketball I don’t like playing ________ violin小提琴at home

Athe, the Bthe, × C×, the D×, ×

21________ your friend like English

ADoes BDo CIs DHas

22________ our club, please!

AJoin BJoin in Ce DGo

23Let’s ________ and ________ football on the playground

Ato go, to play Bgo, play

Cto go, play Dgo, to play

24________ they have any sports collections Yes, they ________

AAre, are BDo, do CCan, do DDo, can

25Can you ________ it ________ English

Aspeak, in Bsay, in Ctalk, with Dtell, with


26Are there pictures on the wall AYes, they do

27Is there a ball under the desk BYes, it is

28Do they have a tennis racket CYes, they are

29Does she like the hat DYes, there is

30Let’s play puter games EYes, she does

31Is that your baseball FThey are chairs

32Are these chairs GNo, there aren’t

33Are these chairs or sofas HI have many sports collections

34What’s on the dresser IThere is a watch on it

35What do you have JThat sounds good


do, does, don’t, doesn’t, is, am, are, be, can, can’t

36What ________ Sue have She has many sports things

37Do you have some more paper No, I ________

38There ________ two football and a volleyball in the basket

39Let’s ________ good friends

40________ you spell your name, please

41________ there a football game on TV today

42Sorry, I ________ answer the question It’s too difficult

43Card ________ like sports She thinks it’s boring

44________ they need more school things

45I ________ a football fan I like it very much


46My father doesn’t like playing tennis 变为肯定句


47I think tennis is very interesting 就划线部分提问


48Tim has a gold watch 变为一般疑问句


49I play sports every morning 变为否定句


50There are old bikes under the tree 变为单数句




Li Lei: 51 me, Tom Do you have 52 eraser

Tom: Sorry I 53

Li Lei: Do you think David 54 one

Tom: I think 55 You can ask 56

Li Lei: David, may I have 57 eraser, please

David: Sorry, Lucy has 58 eraser Please go and ask her

Li Lei: Excuse me, Lucy May I 59 David’s eraser

Lucy: Certainly Here you are

But you must give it back to him soon

Li Lei: OK 60 very much

51________ 52________ 53________ 54________ 55________

56________ 57________ 58________ 59________ 60________


I have a good friend 61 name is Mary She 62 from America She is 63

China with her father and mother She can 64 a little Chinese She is in the No 15 Middle School in Shanghai Her father and mother 65 They are in the No 50 Middle School Mary is a good student She 66 school five days a week She 67 up early She 68 to be late She often goes to school very early But today she got up late So she got to the classroom at seven thirty 69 there weren’t any students in the classroom She wasn’t late She was still early It was Saturday today The students were all 70 New words:got是get的过去式was是is的过去式were是are的过去式

61AShe BHe CHer DHis

62Ae Bes Care D, go

63Aat Bin Cof Dfrom

64Asay Btell Ctalk Dspeak

65Ais teacher Bare teachers Cis doctor Dare doctors

66Ais go Bis Cgo to Dgoes to

67Alike getting Blikes getting Clike get Dlikes get

68Alike Blikes Cdon’t like Ddoesn’t like

69AAnd BBut CSo DToo

70Aat home Bin home Cat school D in school


Jim: Let’s play puter games

Peter: That sounds good Where’s your puter

Jim: I don’t have a puter Do you have a puter

Peter: No, I don’t But I have a TV Let’s watch TV

Jim: No, it’s boring Let’s play tennis I have a tennis racket

Peter: Good Where is it

Jim: On the sofa Do you have a racket

Peter: No, I don’t Does your brother have a racket

Jim: Yes, he does And he has tennis balls

71Does Jim have a puter ________

AHe has no puter BHe has two puters

CYes, he does DNo, he doesn’t

72Jim has a racket Where is it ________

AIt’s on the sofa BIt’s near the sofa

CIt’s behind the sofa DIt’s under the sofa

73Does Peter have a tennis racket ________

AYes, he does BHe has a tennis racket

CHe has two tennis rackets DNo, he doesn’t

74Does Jim have a tennis racket ________

AYes, he does BNo, he doesn’t

CHe has two tennis rackets DHe doesn’t have a tennis racket

75Does his brother have a tennis racket ________

AHe doesn’t have tennis balls BYes, he does

CNo, he doesn’t DHe has tennis balls


Wang Lei is a Chinese taxi driver He has a son His name is Wang Hong He is in No 14 Middle School

Mr Brown is his English teacher He loves his student, and Wang Hong studies English well Mr Brown is from America He has two daughters They are twins They and Wang Hong are good friends, they are all in the same class On Sunday the two families often go out to the park in their cars and fly kites together一起

76Where is Wang Hong from


77What is Wang Hong’s father


78Where are the Browns from


79Where does Mr Brown work now


80Who are Wang Hong’s good friends



Look at the picture on the blackboard We can see a house in it Behind the house there is a hill with many trees Near the hill we can see a river There are three boats in the river One is blue, the other two are yellow There are some Young Pioneers in those boats Near the house we can see a big tree Under the tree there is a all bus It’s a white bus

81There is a ________ on the ________

82________ is the hill It’s ________ the house

83There are a lot of ________ on the hill

84Some ________ ________ are in the boats

85Is there a ________ ________ bus under the big tree Yes, there is




Ⅰ1A 2C 3B 4D 5C

Ⅱ6sounds 7Do…have 8has 9clubs 10them 11plays 12bring 13Does…like 14us 15interesting

Ⅲ16Cwatch TV看电视 17Alook at“看……”,表示动作

18Bsee“看见”,表示结果 19Adifficult形容词,“困难的”


21Ayour friend是单数名词作主语 22Ajoin表示“加入”的意思

23Blet’s后接动词原形2 4Bdo为助动词,用于行为动词构成疑问句

25Bsay表示说的具体内容,in English用英语

Ⅳ26G 27D 28A 29E 30J 31B 32C 33F 34I 35H

Ⅴ36does 37don’t 38are 39be 40Can 41Is 42can’t 43doesn’t 44Do 45am

Ⅵ46My father likes playing tennis

47What sport do you think is very interesting

48Does Tim have a gold watch 或Has Tim a gold watch

49I don’t play sports every morning

50There is an old bike under the tree

Ⅶ51Excuse 52an 53don’t 54has 55so 56him 57your 58my 59have 60Thanks


62Be from来自于某地,主语为she,谓语动词应用第三人称单数

63Bin China在中国64Dspeak表示“讲某语言”

65B由下一句可知66Dgo to school上学,主语为she,go应用goes

67Blike doing sth喜欢做某事68D主语为she,谓语否定为doesn’t like


70Aat home“在家里”的意思

Ⅸ71D 72A 73D 74A 75B

Ⅹ76He is from China

77He is a driver

78They are from America

79He works in No 14 Middle School

80Mr Brown’s two daughter are Wang Hong’s good friends

Ⅺ81picture, blackboard

82Where,behind83trees 84Young Pioneers85 all white

Ⅻone possible version

I like sports very much I have a football My friend and I often play football I think playing football is relaxing I like watching football games on TV I am a football fan






一、单项选择(每空1分,共15 分)

( ) 1----Dad, we can sports in school an hour a day now

---- Really That sounds great

A to play B plays C play D playing

( ) 2He goes to school after breakfast every morning

A the, the B \, \ C the, \ D \, the

( ) 3 We should do more in our lessons

A exercise B exercises C exercising D exercised

( ) 4 The fish

A taste well B tastes well C taste good D tastes good

( ) 5 --- How many teachers are there in your school

--- About four

A hundred B hundreds C hundreds of D hundred of

( ) 6 She often a train to school, sometimes she goes to school bus

A takes, takes B takes, by C by, takes D by, by

( ) 7 It will you a long time a language well

A spend, learn B to spend, to learn C take, to learn D take, learn

( ) 8 Li Tao is from a small village

A a 11 years old boy B a 11-year-old boy

C an 11-year-old boy D an 11 years old

( ) 9Our teacher is very strict us our homework

A in, in B with, with C in, with D with, in

( ) 10 The movie is , and we are really very when we see it

A relaxing, relaxing B relaxed, relaxed

C relaxing, relaxed D relaxed, relaxing

( )11 There are many animals in the zoo But some animal are scary

A kinds of, kind of B kinds of, kinds of

C kind of, kind of D kind of, kinds of

( )12 There are a lot of in our school

A woman teachers B women teachers

C woman teacher D women teacher

( ) 13 –Is the woman your teacher

-- Yes, she teaches Chinese

A us B our C ours D we

( ) 14 – Excuse me Is there a post office near here


A Yes, it is B No, this isn’t C Yes, there is D No, there aren’t

( ) 15 – Have a nice weekend


A That’s OK B No problem C You’re welcome D Thank you

二、完形填空(每空1分,共10 分)

People in different 16 like to eat different foods 17 kind of food people in the UK 18 to

eat Fish and fried 19 chips are very 20 in the UK Sometimes people 21 them at home, but they usually go to a fast food 22 to buy them They can have them 23 the restaurant or 24 them away home Sometimes, they 25 like to eat them in a park

( )16 A country B countries C city D town

( ) 17 A Who B When C What D How

( ) 18 A would like B like C likes D enjoys

( ) 19 A potato B potatoes C potatos D tomatoes

( ) 20 A cheap B large C popular D dear

( ) 21 A cooking B cook C cooks D to cook

( ) 22 A restaurant B library C supermarket D mall

( ) 23 A in B on C under D from

( ) 24 A get B bring C take D to take

( ) 25 A and B also C too D either

三、阅读理解(每空2 分,共30分)


We had a terrible school trip last week Some students were late Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didn’t arrive Finally, our teacher took us to take the subway It took over an hour When we arrived at the zoo, we were all tired and hungry We wanted to see dolphins, but there weren’t any There were some really smart seals(海豹), but we didn’t see the show because we arrived too late We forgot our cameras, so we didn’t take any photos Then it started to rain, and no one had an umbrella We didn’t see many animals because of the rain So we went for lunch So we ate hamburgers My friends also had some ice—cream But I didn’t have any, because I don’t like it I wanted French fries, but there weren’t any in the shop They were sold out! Finally we went back to school We were wet, tired and stressed out I didn’t enjoy my school trip at all

( ) 26Why did the teacher take the students to take the subway

A Because the students didn’t want to have the trip

B Because the school bus didn’t arrive

C Because the students didn’t like taking the school bus

D Because the students didn’t take cameras

( ) 27 The students were when they arrived at the zoo

A excited B happy C tired D lucky

( )28 What animal show was there at the zoo

A Dolphin show B Seal show C Monkey show D Panda show

( )29 How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo

A Sunny B Cloudy C Windy D Rainy

( )30 What did the writer think of the school trip

A Terrible B Great C Not bad D Fun


It’s easy to get lost(迷路) in strange city Here are some tips(方法) to help you find the way and get to your destination(目的地)

Take a map with you when you go to a new place If you lose your way, look at the map, you’ll find the place where you want to go

If you still can’t find the place on the map, ask the police for help They will tell you the right way to go

Remember the name of your hotel and the street where it is If you can’t find the way back, take a taxi

I hope these tips can help you

( ) 31 What does the underlined word “strange” mean

A 熟悉的 B 美丽的 C 现代的 D 陌生的

( ) 32 How many tips are there in the passage

A One B Two C Three D Four

( ) 33 What should you take with you when you go to a strange city

A A taxi B A map C A watch D A dictionary

( ) 34 You should ask for help if you lose your way

A a man B a woman C the police D your teacher

( ) 35 Which is the best title(标题) of the passage

A Get lost in a large city B Some useful tips

C Never go to a strange city D A map is useful


Hi, I’m a middle school student I’m Judy In my class there are thirty-eight students How do they go to school every day Seventeen of them take buses because they live far from the school Six students walk They think walking is good exercise Fifteen students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes aren’t far from the school No one goes to school by car How do I go to school Ha, I’m one of the fifteen

( ) 36 There are students in Judy’s class

A 29 B 30 C 38 D 45

( ) 37 Six students think is good exercise

A running B walking C swimming D riding

( ) 38 students ride their bikes to school

A 17 B 6 C 10 D 15

( ) 39 Judy goes to school

A on foot B by bike C by bus D by car

( ) 40 No one gets to school

A by car B by bike C on foot D by bus


A: Hi, excuse me

( ) B: Yes 41

( ) A: Well, I’m new in town 42

( ) B: Yes, there is It’s on Bridge Street 43

( ) A: Oh••• 44

B: It’s not too far from here I can walk with you

A: Oh, that’s great! Thanks so much

( ) B: 45


46 You can’t wear sunglasses in the classroom(改为祈使句)

sunglasses in the classroom!

47 My weekend was boring(对划线部分提问)

your weekend

48 Li Ming did his homework last night (改为否定句)

Li Ming his homework last night

49 How’s the weather (同义句转换)

the weather

50 Joe sits on my left Lucy sits on my right (合并为一句)

I sit Joe Lucy



51 N and ten is one hundred

52 Everyone must follow the school r

53 If you want to borrow(借) a book, you can go to the l

54 The house is too e We can’t buy it

55 Liu Huan is a famous m I love his songs


56 I enjoy (skate)on the ice in winter

57 Many children like to eat (candy)

58 At the zoo, Jane (take) many photos along the way

59 Look! Mike (use) a computer

60 It took me an hour (do) my homework

七、 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)

61 我们必须准时到达学校。

We must get to school

62 我的父亲很喜欢写故事。

My father likes to very much

63 请把这些肉切碎。

Please the meat!

64 如果你来,我会和你一起去。

If you , I go with you

65 你想要多大碗的

would you like



1 上周末和父母一起去了厦门,住在叔叔家。

2 星期六叔叔带我到厦门大学(university)参观。

3 星期天参观了鼓浪屿(Gulangyu)和南普陀庙(South Putuo Temple)

4 周末玩的很愉快。




1-5 CBBDA 6-10BCCDC 11-15ABACD

二、完形填空 (10分)


16-20 BCBAC 21-25 BAACB



26-30 BCBDA 31-35 DCBCB 36-40 CBDBA



41-45 DCEBA

五、句型转换:( 10分)


46、Don’t wear 47、How was 48、didn’t do

49、What’s like 50、between and

六、词语运用: (10分)



51、Ninety 52、rules 53、library 54、expensive 55、musician



56、skating 57、candies 58、took 59、is using 60、to do

七、 完成句子(10分)


61、on time 62、write stories 63 cut up

64、come, will 65、What size

八、 书面表达:(10分)


1、作文包含所要求的内容,并有适当的发挥,句子通顺,条理清楚, 没有语法和单词错误可以给予10分。



1 七年级英语期末备考卷及答案

2 新人教版七年级英语下册期末测试卷

3 七年级英语期末考试卷附答案

4 2017七年级英语下册期末试卷及答案

5 七年级下册英语期末考试卷及答案



二、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



16 — You look happy, Millie Anything special

— Yes, Mum We have ______ “Festival Week” at school We all have ______ good time

A the; a B a; the C a; a D the; /

17 — Daniel is only five years old, but he can draw very well

— How ______ he is!

A quick B careful C interesting D clever

18 — That’s all for this lesson Do you have any ______

— No, thank you , Mr Li We can understand very well with your help

A ideas B questions C plans D activities

19 — Are you the only child in your family

— Yes I have no brother ______ no sister

A or B but C and D so

20 — Do you like chocolate

— No, I don’t, but I ______ have a little to give me some energy

A sometimes B often C usually D always

21 — Show me your presents for your parents, will you

— Look! The bag is for ______ And the sunglasses are ______

A Mum; Dad B Mum ’s; Dad’s C Mum’s; Dad D Mum; Dad’s

22 — ______ are the students

— They are reading in the library

A What B Who C Where D How

23 — Here are all kinds of juice ______ do you want

— 10 bottles of apple juice and 10 orange juice ______ are they

A How many; How many B How much; How much

C How much; How many D How many; How much

24 — I watched a very ______ cartoon last night The mouse is playing happily with the cat

— Oh, that is really great ______ I want to watch it, too

A fun; fun B funny; funny C funny; fun D fun; funny

25 — Look at the boy He is too young to ______ all these books

— Oh, let’s go and help him

A take B bring C get D carry

26 — You ______ lessons this Thursday, right

— No, we had a picnic in the park

A don’t have B haven’t C didn’t have D hadn’t

27 — Why were you late for school this morning

— My mother forgot to ______

A pick me up B wake me up C dress me up D get me up

28 — Is that Jack over there It seems he ______ the cow

— It can’t be him I saw him watching TV when I walked past his house

A is milking B milks C will milk D milked

29 — Can I have ______ juice, Mum

— Sorry, what about ______ milk

A some; any B any; some C some; some D any; any

30 — ______ chess with me

— Yes, I’d love to

A Do you like playing B Do you like to play

C Would you please play D Would you like to play

三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Father came to Jack’s bed and sat down beside him

“ 31 was your day” a sked Father

“It wasn’t a very good day for me,” Jack answered “I had a 32 with Tom The teacher sent a note home about me And I talked back to Mother”

“Yes, part of the day was 33 ,” his father said “But tell me about the best thing that you had today”

Jack thought for a minute, and then smiled “After school I went fishing alone,” he said “I didn’t think I would have any 34 But I did I caught a fish!”

“I’m glad you enjoyed youself,” Jack’s father said “Think about it until you go to 35 Now I’m going to turn 36 the light Have happy dreams”

Every night, Jack answers the same question “What was the best thing that 37 to you today” Every night, Jack thinks about the best part of his day This gives him many happy dreams

Sometimes he has to think 38 to find the best thing Sometimes it is a very 39 thing But he always finds one good thing to think about Jack’s father 40 him to end his days in a wonderful way

31 A What B How C Where D When

32 A talk B lesson C game D fight

33 A good B exciting C bad D sad

34 A luck B energy C time D plan

35 A rest B sleep C dream D bed

36 A up B down C on D off

37 A put B happened C lent D meant

38 A hard B together C happily D first

39 A interesting B special C small D different

40 A asked B taught C told D called

四、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



Oh, the rain! How Sara hates the rain! She cannot go outside to meet her friends for a game He r mother says to her, “You may catch a cold if you play in the rain” But Sara shouts, “It’s raining, but it’s very hot outside!” Her mother still doesn’t let her in the rain

Sara goes up to her room and lies down in front of her window In fact she has many things to do in her room There is a TV, some books and toys But she doesn’t like any of them

Sara sits by the window She does everything to make the rain go away She opens the window so the rain can hear her She wishes the rain away but that doesn’t work She asks it to go away but that still doesn’t work She stands up and shouts at the rain but that still doesn’t work

“Well, if you’re going to be here and ruin my day, you can find something interesting for me to do” She shouts and again she gets no answer

So she sits back down on the window It is still raining “Fine,” she thinks, “I c an go swimming, ride my bike and play with my friends when the rain stops” She thinks about her ideas again and again How she wishes the sun to come out! Soon she falls asleep on the window (211)

41 What’s the weather like that day

A Rainy and hot B Rainy and cold C Cold and sunny D Hot and sunny

42 What does the word “ruin” mean in Chinese

A 喜欢 B 改变 C 毁掉 D 度过

43 From the passage, we know ______

A the rain stops and the sun comes out

B Sara finally falls asleep on the window

C Sara is interested in playing in the rain

D Sara’s mother doesn’t want her to play with her friends


The street food stands (摊) are very popular in Korea The stand owners give the names of their food stands according to (根据) the food they sell (出售): Dukbokgi and Odeng

Dukbokgi is a spicy hot food made of rice cakes and some vegetables These rice cakes are finger-s haped They are white, and they are about ten centimeters long They are mixed with sliced vegetables in a pan with a spicy red dressing Fifteen minutes later, they are ready to eat

Odeng is made of ground fish It comes in many shapes: some are square, others are round, and still others are stick style You can buy big or small ones At these food stands, you can also eat Odeng It is boiled (煮) in a pot It is served on a long stick so you can eat it easily

The food at these stands is not expensive Each Dukbokgi and Odeng is about twenty to fifty cents, depending on the owner

Each food stand has its own recipes (配方) for its food; for example, some like to add sugar or other special ingredients (配料) in the food Usually, there is just one owner, but if the food stand is big, there may be two or three owners

When I was a primary school student, I used to stop at street food stands every day with other girls after school to eat the street food

44 The owners take the names of their stands from ______

A the food they sell B their recipes

C the special ingredients D the shape of the food

45 What are the ingredients of the Dukbokgi

A Rice and fish B Rice cakes and sugar

C Fish and vegetables D Rice cakes and vegetables

46 Which of the following is NOT true

A Odeng can be made into all kinds of shapes

B Stand owners add different ingredients into street food

C Street food is popular in Korea because it’s made easily

D The writer liked street food when she was in primary school

47 What’s the best title for the passage

A My Favourite Food B Street Food Stands in Korea

C The Most Popular Food in Korea D How to Make Street Food


Briana, a student at John Fenwick School in Salem County, US, has a lot of free time The 13-year-old girl used to hang out (闲逛) on the streets after school “I know it wasn’t good, but I really had nothing else to do,” Briana said

Briana was not alone Many kids in her city had too much free time and nothing to do So four school districts in Salem began a program (项目) called Big Brothers / Big Sisters It helps students do something useful after school Big Brothers / Big Sisters asks mentors (导师) to help students in grades 6 to 8 build healthy relationships (关系) and take part in some activities

The “Littles” and the “Bigs” are nicknames for students and mentors Most mentors are teachers The “Bigs” and “Littles” usually meet once a week They play games, share stories and go on trips

The program has already helped many Salem students

Briana’s mentor is a school headmaster, Syeda Woods Woods took Briana ice-skating, to pizza parties and for a visit to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania “ When I got out, I saw that Salem is a very small place,” Briana said “The program helps me experience (体验) the outside world and see many new things”

Kathy Jennings, 13, said she was very quiet but now she likes talking with others and making new friends

“In the program, I see my mentor as a big sister, not a teacher I can tell her anything,” Jennings said “And she has taught me a lot about making good decisions (决定) I think it will make a big difference in my life”

48 The program is to help students ______

A make good use of after-school time B get high grades

C to be kind to their brothers and sisters D take part in school activities

49 What does Briana think of the program

A It helps her to know her school teachers well B It brings her many new friends

C It helps her understand the world better D It takes a lot of her free time

50 What is Kathy like now

A She is quiet and different B She is like a big sister

C She is good at making decisions D She is much more open

五、任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


51 White is Mary’s ▲ name

52 ▲ is Ann’s aunt

53 John is ▲ uncle

54 Ann is Mary’s ▲

55 Bruce and Allen are Mary’s ▲

六、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



56 The food t ▲ nice, so he wants to eat more

57 Amy is c ▲ her birthday with her friends at home

58 You should act like ▲ (绅士), my boys

59 The present ▲ (花费) me only two y uan

60 The little boy can count the ▲ (数) from one to one hundred

61 — ▲ of the subjects do you like best

— English I hope to study in the US

62 — What is the dress made of

— ▲ If feels so soft and smooth

63 — Are you ready to start

— Just give me ▲ five minutes

64 — The children in that area can’t go to school

— What ▲ children! Let’s help them

65 — Can I have more sweets, Mum

— No, ▲ they are bad for your teeth

七、完成句子 (共5小题;每空05分,满分5分)


66 Our library has all kinds of books (改为同义句)

▲ ▲ all kinds of books in our library

67 He looks strong (对划线部分提问)

▲ does he look ▲

68 She is my hero (改为复数句子)

▲ my ▲

69 If you eat too many sweets, you’ll be fat (改为并列句)

▲ eat too many sweets, ▲ you’ll be fat

70 He often lies on the bed listening to the music (用now改写句子)

He ▲ ▲ on the bed listening to the music now

八、句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


71 我的梦想和我同学们的不同。

72 我有必要改变我的生活方式来保持健康。

73 我每周三晚上练习游泳。

74 我享受周末与家人团聚在一起。

75 我希望有早一日我的梦想成真。

九、书面表达 (共l题;满分10分)

76 为了迎接新年,你班在举行时装表演。请你根据提供的人物与,并以主持人的身份,用英语对此进行现场报道。

人物 服饰搭配 服饰颜色及材质搭配







Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to our fashion show I’m Kitty from Class1, Grade 7 Today we are going to show you all kinds of clothes

Here comes Daniel ▲

Now Sandy and Simon are coming ▲

Look! Here comes Amy ▲

They all look modern and smart That’s all for today’s show Thanks for coming









Ⅰ 听力技能四个部分,共20小题,满分25分




1 _______ 2 _______ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________

B 根据听到的对话,选择适当的答案。共5小题,满分5分

6 When is the birthday party

AOn Saturday afternoon BOn Sunday evening COn Sunday afternoon

7 What lesson does Sam have today

AA piano lesson BA guitar lesson CA violin lesson

8 What does Bob’s sister get to school

ABy bike BOn foot CBy bus

9 What does Tom want to buy

AA coat BA sweater CA handbag

10When is Mike going to have a math test

AMonday B Saturday CSunday


11Wu Dong began to learn English when he was years old

Aseven Beight Cnine

12Wu Dong has learned about English words

A300 B3,000 C2,000

13Wu Dong’s sister is a

Anurse Breporter Cteacher

14Wu Dong and his sister often at home

Awatch TV Bdo housework Cpractice speaking English

15The best birthday gift Wu Dong has received is on his tenth birthday

Aan English-Chinese dictionary Ba puter

Ca bike


We all dream about life in the future What do you 16 it will be like

Maybe in the future people will 17 into space and spend their holiday on the moon, and some people will live under the sea There will be robots in our home Women won’t do 18 ,

and they will have more free time to do other things Robots will help them to do everything at home We will be able to do 19 without leaving our home

I’m sure that there will be more e-schools, so children can 20 at home through the Internet or on TV They won’t go to school every day

16 17 18 19 20

Ⅱ 知识运用两个部分,共25小题,满分25分



21 is important to learn English well

AHe BShe CIt

22Look at the twins One is quiet, and is outgoing

Aanother Bthe other Cother

23— Would you like to e to my party


AI’ love BI can’t CI’d love to

24— did you go vacation

— I went to Shanghai

AWhat, for BWhen, on CWhere, on

25 the morning of May 10th, they finished their work

AFr om BAt COn

26My mother made me my clothes last Sunday

Ato wash Bwash Cwashed

27― is boy in your class

―I think Tom is

AWho, tall BWho, taller CWho, the tallest

28 would you like to live in

AHow BWhich city CWhere

29―My mother was ill in bed yesterday


AWhy BSure CI’m sorry to hear that

30― you born

―In a town near Tianjin

AWhen were BWhere did CWhere were

31If you go there next week,

AI do, too BI will, too CI did, too

32I’ m going to be a teacher I grow up

Awhat Bwhen Cwho

33I’m going to live quiet and beautiful after I retire

Asomething Bsomebody Csomewhere

34We can’t live ______ air

Awithout Bwith Cto

35It’ s colder today than yesterday

Amore Bmuch Cvery



Hi Jerry,

Thank you 36 your invitation to 37 your school next week I am sorry I 38

e I’m not going to be 39 next week On Monday, I have a piano lesson 40

8:00 to 10:00 in the morning, and I have to study for the English test in the afternoon On Tuesday, I am 41 a friend from my hometown at the airport On Wednesday, I am 42 tennis with my friends I have to look after my 43 grandpa on Thursday On Friday, I’m helping one of my clas ates 44 his English I am busy 45 week

36Awith Bto Cfor

37Avisit Bwatch Clook

38Amustn’t Bhave to Ccan’t

39Avery busy Bfree Chappy

40Aat Bfrom Cwith

41Ameeting Bphoning Cmaking

42Aplaying Bjoining Chaving

43Aill Bsick Chealthy

44Atalk Bfor Cwith

45Awhole the Bthe all Cthe whole

Ⅲ 阅读理解共20小题,满分45分

A 阅读下面三份材料,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、三个选项选出最佳选项。



Every year there is a Spring Festival in China Usually it is in January or February It is the most important festival in China So before it es, everyone has to prepare thin gs They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruits and many other things An d they often make a special kind of food—“dumplings” It means “e together” On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children Children also buy presents for their parents On the Spring Festival Eve除夕, all the family members e back to their hometown This is a happy moment Some sing and dance,some play cards and others get the dinner ready When they are having dinner, they give each other the best wishes for the ing year They all have a good time

46Which is the most important festival in China

AThe mid-autumn Festival

BThe Spring Festival

C Children’s Day

47When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated

AIn March or April

BIn May or June

CIn January or February

48 is the special kind of fo od for the Spring Festival in China

AChicken BDumpling CFish

49What’s the meaning of the food “dumplings” for Chinese people in the Spring Festival

ALook up BHelp yourself Ce together

50The family when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve

Agive each other the best wishes

Bbuy each other presents

Cmake dumplings


Films in Grand Movie Theater this week

Harry Potter Ⅲ

American film

Director 导演: Alfonso Caron

Stars: Daniel Redcliffe, Rupert Grint, Amma Waston

Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 pm

Ticket price: $45 Kungfu Hustle

Chinese Hong Kong film

Director: Zhou Xingchi

Stars: Zhou Xingchi, Yuan Hua,

Liang Xiaolong

Time: From Wed nesday to Friday, at 9:00 pm

Ticket price: $5

A World Without Thieves

Chinese film

Director: Feng Xiaogang

Stars: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing

Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 pm

Ticket price: $6 Half on Sunday for children Troy

American film

Director: Wolfgang Peterson

Stars: Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jane

Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 am

Ticket price: $55

51There will be in Grand Movie Theater this week

Aone Chinese film Bo Chinese films Cthree American films

52If a man with his child goes to Grand Movie Theater on Sunday, they will pay

for the film

A$12 B$9 C$6

53If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film

AKungfu Hustle BA World Without Thieves CTroy

54You can see three films either on or on

AWednesday, Friday BTuesday, Wednesday CSaturday, Sunday

55From the poster, we know is a director and actor in the film

AAlfonso Caron BFeng Xiaogang CZhou Xingchi



From:11350 @cseedu

To:[email protected]



I’m going to have a party this Friday in my house

Some friends will be there Most of them e from their office My best friend, Tom, will e, too I want you to meet him

Do you want to e We’ll play games and talk Then we’ll have dinner Everyone will bring food or drinks The party is on this Friday It will begin at 4:00 pm It’ll end结束 at 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm

We’ll have a great time! Can you e I hope so! If you can e, call me or send传送 me an e-mail


56Who sends this e-mail

AJenny BTom CLisa

57The party begins at

A4:00 am B6:00 am C4:00 pm

58Tom is best friend

AJenny’s BLisa’s CAnn’s

59What is TRUE about the party

AIt’s on Saturday

BIt will last持续 four or five hours

CPeople will not bring things

60If Jenny wants to go to the party, what should she do first

ABuy food for the party BCall Tom CSend an e-mail to Lisa


Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for the future The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful

Take regular exercise You have worked most of the time Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action You can keep 61

by doing different kinds of exercise such as swimming, jogging and mountain climbing

Learn some basic life skills One day, you will live alone You can’t 62 on your family any longer So, you should learn to cook, wash and other practical skills

Go for a journey Travel to places of interest In this way, you’ll understand cultures that are different from that of your hometown Beautiful sights can also make you relaxed

Enjoy family time Don’t always sit in front of a puter It’s great fun for family members to sit around the table, discussing sports, clothes or other mon topics

If you follow the advice above, your summer vacation will be full of joy and meaning

We wish you a wonderful time!


61 62


请根据短文内容回答 下列问题。

64How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage above

65What’s the main idea of the passage

Ⅳ 补全对话。10分


Andy:Hi, Vince

Vince:Yeah, hi, Andy!

Andy: 66


Andy: 67

Vince:Oh, sorry I can’t I have to go to the doctor

and I’m studying for a test today

Andy: 68

Vince:Sorry I’m playing soccer and I am going to have a piano lesson tomorrow

Andy:Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow

Vince: 69

Andy:Oh, I see

Vince: 70 I’m really busy this week

66 67 68 69 70

Ⅴ 书面表达。15分

假如你是简Jane,你的表姐苏珊Susan在QQ上邀请你下周和她一起去购物,但你很忙去不了。请你根据自己的实际情况给她回复资讯,说明你下周要做的事情,以及什么时间可以和她去购物。词数60个左右。以 下短语和句式可供参考。

1重点短语:have to, look after, at home

2重点句式:①Thanks for… ②…can do sth ③…be+v-ing


I’m sorry I can’t……





A听句子 选择与所听句子意思相关的图画。

1I like swimming in the river

2My brother watches TV every day

3I’ll go skating tomorrow

4 They often eat watermelons in summer

5My dream job is to be a policeman

B 根据听到的对话,选择适当的答语。

6W:Hi, Tom, can you e to my birthday party on Sunday afternoon

M:Sure, I’d love to

7W:Hey, Sam Can you play basketball with me today

M:Sorry, I can’t I have a guitar lesson

8W:How do you get to school, Bob

M:I usually get to school by bike, but my sister goes to school by bus

9W:Hi, Tom, where are you going

M:I’m going to the mall I want to buy a sweater

10W:Mike, let’s go out to have a piic this afternoon

M:Sorry, I can’t

W:Why Today is Sunday

M:I have to study for tomorrow’s math test

C 根据听到的短文,选择正确答案。

M:My name is Wu Dong English is my favorite subject I started to learn English at the age of seven I have been learning English for about six years By now, I have learned about three thousand words My sister is an English teacher She often helps me with my English At home, we often practice speaking English By the way, the best birthday gift I have received is an English-Chinese dictionary My sister bought it for me on my tenth birthday Now I’m good at English My English teacher said I was the best student in the class

D 根据听到的内容,填入所缺单词。

We all dream about life in the future What do you think it will be like

Maybe in the future people will fly into space and spend their holiday on the moon, and some people will live under the sea There will be robots in our home Women won’t do housework, and they will have more free time to do other things Robots will help them to do everything at home We will be able to do shopping without leaving our home

I’m sure that there will be more e-schools, so children can study at home through the Internet or on TV They won’t go to school every day



1—5 CDEBA 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 ABCCA

16: think 17: fly 18: h ousework 19:shopping 20: study

21—25 CBCCC 26—30 BCBCC 31—35 BBCAB

36—40 CACBB 41—45 AABCC

46—50 BCBCA 51—55 BBACC 56—60 CCBBC





65 It’s about Some advice on how to make our vacation meaningful and colorful

66—70 BADEC


I can’t go shopping with you because I will be very busy ne xt week From Monday to Friday I’ll have go to school every morning and afternoon From Monday to Thursday I must do my homework every evening On Friday evening, I have to help my mom do some housework On Saturday, I need to study for an exam I will be free on Sunday and I’d like to go shopping with you then Is that OK



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8861555.html

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