

There is a small yard before my house,it is very interesting for me when Iws a small ChildThe vegetable we eat all from the gard,it is very healthy

学生通过大量的经典美文阅读能够开阔自己的视野,通过经典的美文阅读可以增加 文化 积淀和思想内涵,通过经典美文导读可以陶冶情 *** ,提高素养。下面是我带来的经典优美英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


Have You Seen the Tree


My neighbor Mrs Gargan first told me about it"Have you seen the tree" she asked as I was sitting in the backyard enjoying the October twilight


"The one down at the corner," she explained "It's a beautiful tree-all kinds of colorsCars are stopping to look You ought to see it"


I told her I would, but I soon forgot about the tree Three days later, I was jogging down the street, my mind swimming with petty worries, when a splash of bright orange caught my eye For an instant, I thought someone's house had caught fire Then I remembered the tree


As I approached it, I slowed to a walk There was nothing remarkable about the shape of the tree a medium-sized maple But Mrs Gargan had been right about its colorsLike the messy whirl of an artist's palette, the tree blazed a bright crimson on its lower branches, burned with vivid yellows and oranges in its center and simmered to deep red at its top Through these fiery colors cascaded thin rivulets of pale-green leaves and blotches of deep-green leaves, as yet untouched by autumn


Edging closer-like a pilgrim approaching a shrine-I noticed several bare branches near the top, their black twigs scratching the air like clawsThe leaves they had shed lay like a scarlet carpet around the trunk


With its varied nations of color, this tree seemed to become a globe, embracing in its broad branches all seasons and continents: the spring and summer of the Southern hemisphere in the light and dark greens, the autumn and winter of the Northern in the blazing yellows and bare branches


As I marveled at this all-encompassing beauty, I thought of Ralph Waldo Emerson's comments about the stars If the constellations appeared only once in a thousand years, he observed in Nature, imagine what an exciting event it would be But because they're up there every night, we barely give them a look


I felt the same way about the tree Because its majesty will last only a week, it should be especially precious to us And I had almost missed it


Once when Emily Dickenson's father noticed a brilliant display of northern lights in the sky over Massachusetts, he tolled a church bell to alert townspeople That's what I felt like doing about the tree I wanted to become a Paul Revere of autumn, awakening the countryside to its wonder


I didn't have a church bell or a horse, but as I walked home, I did ask each neighbor I passed the same simple but momentous question Mrs Gargan had asked me: "Have you seen the tree"




I want to fall in love in 2016


I want to fall head over heels this year By the very end of it, I want to be bursting at the seams of all my scars with a love burning happily in my heart


I want the authentic feeling that surpasses dreaming -- a love that is true and never fleeting I want this for myself as well as for you I'd like it for the world, if possible


I want to be every fear I've ever held in the darkest parts of my heart transformed into the purest desire for truth I want to feel the magic of love singing my soul to sleep


I want to fall in love before I fall for you


So I would like to fall in love many times this year, so that I may know how extraordinary you are when you appear


I must fall in love this year so I can understand the magnitude of what you will be -- of what you will mean to me, and I to you


That's how I want to fall in love in 2016 I want to know love before I know you I want to feel its essence and understand its woes I want to fall in love this way so that I am full of so much love to hand to you, and I am waiting patiently for the day when I can give it all to you





歌词大意 :在一个漆黑的沙漠公路,凉风在我的头发,温暖的气味,冉冉升起在空中。前方的距离。我看到了一个闪闪发光的灯。我的头重,长大了我的视线模糊,我不得不停止了深夜。那里,她站在门口,我听到了贝尔的任务,我想对我自己,这可能是天堂还是这可能是地狱,那么她是一个蜡烛,她告诉我的方式,有声音在走廊,我想我听到他们说欢迎到加州旅馆,这样一个美丽的地方,这样一个可爱的面孔,有很多的房间在酒店加州,一年任何时候,你可以找到这里。她心里编号tiffary扭,她上帝的梅塞德斯奔驰,她有很多很漂亮的男孩,她要求的朋友,他们是如何在舞蹈庭院,甜夏天出汗,有些舞蹈记住一些舞蹈忘记。所以我要求的队长,请给我送我的酒,他说,我们没有这spirithere自ninteen 60 nineand仍然呼吁这些voises从远处,唤醒在半夜,只要听到他们说欢迎加州旅馆,例如 一个可爱的地方,这样一个可爱的面孔,他们livein'it在加州旅馆,有什么惊喜,使您的借口。后视镜上的celling ,粉红色香槟,在冰面上,她说,我们都只是囚犯在这里,我们的自己的设备,并在主人的商会,他们gatheres的盛宴,他们与他们的刀伤钢铁般刀,但他们不能杀死野兽。最后一件事我记得,我正在运行的门,我必须找到通过后,向地方我面前放松的人说,晚上,我们正在计划接收,您就可以检查出任何时候你喜欢,但你永远无法离开。经过整理后的意思:在黑暗荒凉的高速公路上冷风吹着我的头发, 浓烈的烤烟味道散发在空气中。抬头向远处眺望 ,我看到一点微弱的灯火 。我的头越来越沉重,视线慢慢变的模糊 。我必须停下来过夜了 。她站在门口那里 我听到了教堂的钟声 我告诉自己 这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱 然后她点燃蜡烛给我带路 走廊深处传来说话声 我好像听到他说。。。

欢迎来加州旅馆 多么可爱的地方 多么可爱的面容 这里有许多的房间 任何时候 你都能找到它 她的心像打结的纱 她拥有默西迪斯奔驰车 她拥有很多漂亮的男孩 她说是她的朋友们 他们在院子里跳舞 夏日大汗淋漓 有些让人回忆,有些已经忘记 我吩咐领班 请给我一些酒 他却说 我们从1969年以后就没有烈酒了那些说话声仍然从远处传来 在深夜把你吵醒 模糊地听到他们说 欢迎来加州旅店 多么可爱的地方 多么可爱的面容 他们在这里享受人生 让人多么惊奇 带给你的堕落的托辞 天花板上镶嵌着镜子 香槟酒在冰中 她说 我们只不过是把自己囚禁在这里 与世隔绝 在主人的卧室 他们正在聚餐 他们用钢刀切着 但他们却杀不掉野兽 我记得最后我向门口跑去 但是我必须 找到我来时的路 别紧张,守夜的人说 我们只是按照程序接待 你任何时候都可以结帐 但你永远也无法离开。在南加州的托多斯桑托斯(todos santos )这个小镇算是找到他们需要的一切。小镇在南加州高速公路的沙漠旁边,在小镇内有一座类似唱片封面的旅馆,在旅馆的不远处是会半夜传来钟声的教堂,而这旅馆在以前正是有暗地的色情交易。旅馆的主人号称这正是歌曲中的“加州旅馆”,不过小 镇历史上,旅馆的改名是在歌曲已经流行后的八十年代才发生的。在九十年代后期,数篇报章开始登载这个正宗“加州旅馆”的故事,最后终于引来了歌曲创作者don henley在二○○○年的正式否认:老鹰乐队的成员从未到过此地。歌曲本身的数次对毒品的暗示,是加州旅馆原是戒毒所说法的来源。按此说法:加州旅馆是在南加州公路旁的一个自愿戒毒院,老鹰队员曾经吸毒与入院的经历是歌词的创作来源。歌词在一开始colitas的暗示,头感到发重是吸大麻烟的特徵。“ lit up aacandle”是一个吸毒的常用语,在后院跳舞更是吸毒后失控发作的一个现象。这种自愿戒毒院是主要为中产阶层开的,介于疗养院与戒毒所之间,而混乱现象更是七十年代中产阶层放荡后的一种常态。毒品的瘾性使得你可以在某段时间痊愈而离开戒毒院,不过却永远无法摆脱那重蹈旧轨的阴影,这正是“你可以一时结账,却永远无法离开”的写照。歌词的诡异可能是精神病院说法的来源。歌词中与之相关联的暗示有:不断有远处声音的幻听想象;天堂和地狱指精神病人中某些如恶魔的邪恶人性和如天使纯洁无知觉;在后院里病人如着魔般的跳舞;头脑思想扭曲正是精神病的直语;自己思想的囚犯也是暗语;想杀死恶魔却总杀不死的精神病幻觉。当然精神病也和毒品一样,你可以觉得你暂时是正常了,却无法保证将来是正常的,永远无法离开那阴影。七十年代曾经是**中恐怖片流行的时候,而这歌词正勾出这样的故事架框。边远沙漠大路上的孤独一人,大门前掌烛的丽人,酒吧的神秘领班,后院的召魔舞蹈,意图杀死却总杀不死的恶魔。即使结束却总有人来在背后提醒还有续集的结尾。这些总总,使得歌词有一种鬼影森森的感觉,而在恐怖片中,精神病院更常是主要的背景场所了。

Kosovo to declare independence

February 17 - the evening of 10 am, the Kosovo Assembly vote, the independence of Kosovo from Serbia's motion 科索沃总理萨奇宣读了独立宣言,宣言称“科索沃从此成为独立主权国家”。 Kosovo Prime Minister Saqi read out the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration said that "Kosovo from becoming independent, sovereign state"

科索沃是原南斯拉夫联盟塞尔维亚共和国的自治省,1999年6月科索沃战争结束后由联合国托管。 Kosovo is the former Yugoslav Republic of the autonomous province of Serbia, Kosovo in June 1999 after the end of the war by the United Nations Trusteeship Council 科索沃虽小,但其独立产生的影响却很大。 Kosovo is small, but the impact of its independence has great 首当其冲的便是,主张独立的阿尔巴尼亚人和反对独立的塞尔维亚人是否能“保持克制平静地度过”最近的几天。 The first is, the pro-independence Albanians and the Serbs oppose independence can "keep calm and exercise restraint spent" the last few days 科索沃总理萨奇16日呼吁,科索沃民众应该在独立日“有尊严地进行庆祝活动”,但也应该将独立日视为“和平和相互理解的日子”。 Kosovo Prime Minister Saqi on the 16th called for the people of Kosovo should be independent, "a dignified manner celebration activities," but should also be Independence Day as a "peace and mutual understanding of the day"

在科索沃首都普里什蒂纳,阿族民众16日就开始了各种庆祝独立的准备活动,四处悬挂国旗、张贴标语和海报。 In Kosovo capital of Pristina, the Albanian people started on the 16th independence celebration of the various preparatory activities, the four hoisted the national flag, put up banners and posters 在市中心广场,有人燃放烟花爆竹,有人不停地按汽车喇叭,以表达迎接独立的喜悦心情;同一天,在塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德,约1000名塞尔维亚民族主义者举行抗议活动,反对科索沃从塞尔维亚分离出去。 In the square, some discharge of fireworks, it was kept by car horns, to express feelings of joy to meet an independent, the same day, in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, about 1,000 Serbian nationalists held protests against separation of Kosovo from Serbia Out 示威者聚集在斯洛文尼亚驻塞尔维亚大使馆前,挥舞着塞尔维亚国旗,高唱“科索沃是塞尔维亚的心脏”。 Demonstrators gathered in the Slovenian Embassy in Serbia, the Serbian flag waving, singing "Kosovo is Serbia's heart"

欧盟一直将科索沃看成自己的后院,多数国家也积极支持科索沃成为独立主权国家。 The EU has been to Kosovo as its own backyard, most countries have actively supported the Kosovo become an independent sovereign state 2月15日晚,欧盟正式通过了向科索沃派遣由1800名警察、法官和海关人员组成的“文职使团”的计划。 The evening of February 15, the EU formally adopted a dispatch from Kosovo to 1,800 police, judges and officers of the "civilian missions" program 该使团的任务是帮助科索沃当局从联合国特派团手中逐渐接管权力。 The mission is mandated to help the authorities in Kosovo from the United Nations Mission in the hands of gradually take over power 据此间媒体报道,首批人员已于2月17日先期抵达科索沃。 According to local media reports, the first batch of officers was on February 17 arrived in Kosovo early 其他人员将在4个月内,即6月底前陆续部署完毕。 Other staff will be in four months, that is, before the end of June have deployed 这个使团的成员不仅包括除马耳他以外的26个欧盟成员国派出的人员,还包括土耳其、克罗地亚和美国等3个非欧盟国家派出的文职人员。 The mission members include not only outside Malta in addition to the 26 EU member countries sent personnel, including Turkey, Croatia and the United States and three non-EU countries sent a civilian

塞尔维亚和俄罗斯一直坚决反对科索沃独立以及欧盟向科派遣使团,认为这是对塞尔维亚领土和主权的侵犯,也是违反联合国决议和国际法的行为。 Serbia and Russia has been firmly opposed to independence for Kosovo and the European Union to send mission to the Branch that this is Serbia's territory and sovereignty violations, a violation of United Nations resolutions and international law 16日,塞尔维亚副总理博日达尔·杰利奇照会欧盟轮值主席国斯洛文尼亚驻塞大使米罗斯拉夫,正式向欧盟提出抗议,反对其在科索沃部署文职使团的计划。 16, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic note holds the rotating EU presidency, Slovenia's Ambassador Miroslav Cypriots, the EU official to protest against their deployment in Kosovo civilian mission plan 照会说,塞尔维亚政府认为欧盟这一决定缺乏联合国安理会支持,属于非法行为。 Note that the Serbian Government that the EU decision this lack of support for the UN Security Council, are illegal acts 科索沃塞族领袖米兰·伊万诺维奇也表示:“这个特派团在性质上具有占领军的特点,不论是塞尔维亚还是科索沃的塞族人都不会接受。” Kosovo Serb leaders Milanyiwan Norwich said: "This mission is in the nature of the characteristics of the occupying forces, whether they are Serbs or Kosovo's Serbs will not accept"

塞尔维亚政府17日再次重申,科索沃单方面宣布独立是对塞尔维亚的主权和领土完整的侵犯,因此塞政府将宣告科索沃独立无效。 The Government of Serbia on the 17th again that a unilateral declaration of independence in Kosovo is Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity of the violations, the Cypriot government will declare Kosovo's independence is invalid 塞尔维亚总统塔迪奇在宣誓就职后举行的议会会议上说,“我绝不会放弃捍卫我们的科索沃,同时也会尽全力为塞尔维亚加入欧盟而战”。 Serbian President Tadic sworn in after the parliamentary meeting, said, "I will never give up defending our Kosovo, and will do its utmost to join the European Union for Serbia and war" 塔迪奇说,塞尔维亚与那些承认科索沃独立的国家之间的关系将进入“冷对抗阶段”。 Tadic said that Serbia and those who recognize the independence of Kosovo, relations between the countries will enter a "cold confrontation stage" 塞尔维亚同时也准备从那些支持科索沃独立的国家召回大使,但不会断绝与它们的外交关系。 Serbia also prepared to support Kosovo's independence from the national recall of the ambassador, but it will not sever diplomatic relations with them

英国政府表示,英国已作好了承认科索沃独立的准备。 The British Government said that the British are ready to recognize Kosovo independence preparations 英国外交部发言人16日表示:“我们目前正在与我们在欧盟以及联合国的国际伙伴们通力合作,共同促成科索沃地位问题早日解决。”英国国防部16日也在发表的一份声明中表示:“从2008年1月起,我们的作战预备部队已进入最高战备状态,如果北约指挥官认为需要,我们随时可以部署。”目前,北约领导的驻科索沃维和部队共有1.5万人。 British Foreign Office spokesman said on the 16th, said: "We are currently with us in the EU and the United Nations international partners work together to jointly promote an early resolution of Kosovo's status" British Defense Ministry on the 16th also issued a statement that : "From January 2008, we have the operational reserve force has entered the highest state of combat readiness if NATO commanders on the need, we can deploy at any time" Currently, the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, a total of 15,000 people 其中,英国士兵为200名。 Of these, 200 British soldiers 英国国防部声称,英国威尔士第一护卫营的600名士兵已处于待命状态,如果科索沃独立后局势陷入混乱,这些士兵将随时开赴科索沃。 British Ministry of Defense claimed that British security guards Wales, the first battalion of 600 soldiers have been on standby, if the situation in Kosovo into chaos after independence, these soldiers will be sent at any time in Kosovo

有分析认为,北约驻科索沃维和部队是维持科索沃宣布独立后科局势稳定的重要武装力量。 Some analysts believe that the NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo declared independence in Kosovo is to maintain the stability of the situation after the major branches of armed forces 据北约驻科索沃维和部队司令、法国中将夏维尔·德马哈克介绍,北约维和部队反对任何一方发起挑衅行动,无论是阿尔巴尼亚人还是塞尔维亚人。 According to the NATO commander in Kosovo peacekeeping force, France will Xiaweierde Ma Hake, the NATO peacekeeping force against any provocative actions initiated party, whether Albanians or Serbs 目前,法国士兵已开始在科索沃与塞尔维亚的分界桥附近设置路障,以防止可能引发的骚乱。 At present, French soldiers have begun in Kosovo and Serbia near the boundary bridge set up roadblocks to prevent possible riots triggered

在欧盟内部,27个成员国虽然一致通过了向科索沃派遣文职人员的决议,但它们在是否支持科索沃独立这个核心问题上存在严重分歧。 Within the European Union, although the 27 member states unanimously adopted the dispatch of civilian personnel to the Kosovo resolution, but whether they support independence for Kosovo in the core of serious differences on the issue 2月18日,欧盟外长会议将在布鲁塞尔举行,它们将进一步协调彼此在科索沃独立既成事实情况下的立场。 February 18, EU foreign ministers meeting will be held in Brussels, which will further coordinate their de facto independence in Kosovo under the stand 一些欧盟高级官员向媒体透露,英国、法国、德国、意大利将和美国一起在18日宣布承认科索沃独立。 Some senior EU officials to the media, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and the United States will join in on the 18th that recognition of Kosovo independence 但同时,至少有塞浦路斯、希腊、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、保加利亚和西班牙等欧盟成员国公开表示,一旦科索沃宣布独立,它们不会马上予以承认。 But at the same time, there are at least Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Spain and other EU member states openly that if Kosovo declares independence, they will not immediately be recognized

有观察家担心,科索沃单方面宣布独立将会激励民族分裂势力,加剧一些民族矛盾尖锐的欧洲国家的地区动荡。 Some observers worried that unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo would encourage ethnic separatist forces and ethnic conflicts sharply increased number of European countries of the regional turmoil 西班牙北部巴斯克地区和东部加泰罗尼亚地区就一直饱受分离主义活动的困扰。 Spain northern Basque region and the eastern Catalonia region has been suffering from the separatist activities of the distress

本报布鲁塞尔2月17日电 Brussels on February 17,


大多数硬木家具用的都是些常见木材。枫木,樱桃木,和胡桃木都是我们日常见到,后院就有的。但也有一些家具用硬木象阿拉丁神灯一样珍稀。这些木种像它们的名字一样富有异国风情 - 浦岛木,林木巴,斑马条纹木, 黑檀木和紫檀 - 让人一听就联想到它们所来自的非洲丛林,日本群山,和印度及其它浪漫的国度。有时你能找到用这些木材打造的柜子或桌子, 但它们生动的色彩,和夸张的文理只不过用来做装饰而以。


产自非洲和亚洲, 用来做钢琴的黑色键的黑檀木大概是最为人所知的奇异木种 其实,用来做家具的黑檀并非纯黑色,而是带些深棕或鲑鱼粉的条纹。黑檀家具早在公元前17世纪就被埃及和巴比伦人和金,银,象牙一起用于宫庭家具。希腊和罗马人为它不惜重金;在15世纪,在欧洲也很盛行。黑檀及其坚硬,沉重,现在多用镶刻装饰。


Paldao 常被形容成着火的木头。虽然很多木材在上漆后都变得平淡,‘死气沉沉’, paldao 却能保持生动的木色甚至在处理后更加鲜明 这种木材有从灰棕到红棕的不同的颜色,有时还有明显的黑色斑纹。 Paldao 树不长在森林里而是一小丛一小丛长在印-中和菲律宾的丛林里 伐木人要勇敢的经受毒虫,凶猛的黑豹, 莽蛇,和猎头侵袭的危险。近年来,paldao 一直被显赫的设计师用在现代家装上。


紫檀产自巴西或印度,在家具设计史上有一断传说。在法国路易时代,高雅的紫檀家具成了示威甚至法国大革命的重矢之地。所以后来的法国设计师都有意回避用它。 紫檀木色从树龄较短的淡黄到高龄木即近黑色不等。它的纹理加杂深棕到黑色的元素。紫檀木内的残留油脂可用来达到高光处理结果。现在紫檀被用于高级家具,用以装饰或橱柜的镶刻。




在这里,limba 有时被叫做korina 它产自非洲,因它自然的淡**而在造期的现代家具中很普遍。近来,新的处理效果,limba又被关注起来。

it is home to the famous white house and the smithsonian museumns。


1It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分如:

It wasn’t until he came back that I went to bed直到他回来我才睡觉。(一定要注意被强调句型谓语动词否定的转移,及形式)。

It is high time (time/ about time) (that) 主语+should do / did+其它。(注意从句中的谓语动词用的是虚拟语气)

It is / was said ( reported…)+that+从句。如:

It was said that he had read this novel据说他读过这篇小说。=He was said to have read this novel。





以上就是关于英语翻译 我们家后院有一个小菜园,给我的童年增添了不少乐趣,我们吃的菜都是从哪里摘的,很绿色全部的内容,包括:英语翻译 我们家后院有一个小菜园,给我的童年增添了不少乐趣,我们吃的菜都是从哪里摘的,很绿色、经典优美英文文章、中医的就业前景如何等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8861556.html

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