

Centers of higher education have been around for hundreds of years, and even millennia in some cases But not all withstand the test of time Over the centuries, many of the world’s oldest universities have disbanded, split into autonomous colleges or become modernized beyond all recognition

The ancient institutions that have stuck around are significant not only for their historic legacies, but also for proving their ability to adapt to modern contexts and remain relevant in a globalized world in spite of intense competition Many of the oldest universities in the world are also among the most prestigious and popular, offering a rich mixture of historic heritage and contemporary outlook

Here we cover 10 of oldest universities in the world, all of which feature in one of QS’s latest ranking sets Most are located in Europe, due to the particularly impressive number of longstanding and still-operating universities in this region

1 University of Bologna

Location: Italy

Established in: 1088

The ‘Nourishing Mother of the Studies’ according to its Latin motto, the University of Bologna was founded in 1088 and, having never been out of operation, holds the title of the oldest university in the world Until relatively modern times, the university only taught doctorate studies, but today it has a diverse range of programs at all levels Located in Bologna, Italy, it has an enrollment of around 85,000 students, of which 30,000 are postgraduates Famous alumni include three popes, numerous businessmen and several Italian politicians The University of Bologna is ranked 182nd in the QS World University Rankings® 2014/15

2 University of Oxford

Location: UK

Established in: 1096-1167

With an alumni list that includes 26 UK Prime Ministers, 20 Archbishops of Canterbury, 12 saints, 27 Nobel laureates, 47 Nobel Prize winners and one Sir Stephen Hawking, the University of Oxford is as respected as it is old While the university’s exact foundation date remains a little vague, evidence of teaching dates as far back as 1096, and some claim it was established even earlier Current at joint 5th in the world rankings, the University of Oxford is truly one of the highest ranked and oldest universities in the world, catering to a student community of around 22,000 and operating the largest university press in the world

3 University of Salamanca

Location: Spain

Established in: 1134

Another of the oldest universities in Europe, the University of Salamanca was founded in 1134 and given the Royal Charter in 1218 Spain’s oldest institution, after the now defunct University of Palencia, the University of Salamanca is located to the west of Madrid To add to its historic aura, it was the institution where Christopher Columbus made a case to obtain royal support for his Indies expedition in the late 15th century The University of Salamanca is now ranked in the range of 481-490 in the QS World University Rankings and is host to over 30,000 students across nine campuses

4 University of Paris

Location: France

Established in: 1160-1250

Established between 1160 and 1250 in the French capital, the University of Paris, often known as ‘la Sorbonne’, is known to have been one of the first established universities in Europe As history goes, the University of Paris was suspended from operating between 1793 and 1896, following the French Revolution Today, the University of Paris is scattered throughout the city, having been divided into 13 autonomous institutions in 1970, all of which maintain the high reputation of the original university Of these 13, the highest ranked are Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC, 115th in the world rankings), Université Paris-Sud (209th) and Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (210th)

5 University of Cambridge

Location: UK

Established in: 1209

Established in 1209 by a group of scholars leaving the University of Oxford due to political conflicts, the University of Cambridge today marginally out-ranks its elder, currently at joint 2nd in the world alongside Imperial College London Sharing many common traditions, Oxford and Cambridge maintain a healthy sense of rivalry, which comes to a head in the famous annual Boat Race event

Cambridge has more than 18,000 students, of which 6,000 are postgraduates

6 University of Padua

Location: Italy

Established in: 1222

The University of Padua – in Italian Università di Padova or UNIPD – was founded in 1222 (although some evidence puts it before this date) and is one of a number of medieval universities in Italy still operating today Currently ranked 262nd in the world rankings, the Università di Padova is notable for its revolutionary early research into astronomy, law, medicine and philosophy It now hosts more than 40,000 students in the city of Padua, the setting of William Shakespeare’s famous play The Taming of the Shrew In 1545, the Università di Padova established the Botanical Garden of Padova, now one of the oldest academic gardens in the world It also runs nine museums

7 University of Naples Federico II

Location: Italy

Established in: 1224 (1258)

Founded in 1224 by Frederick II, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the University of Naples - Federico II is located in Naples, Italy’s third largest city and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world The University of Naples Federico II is placed 345th in the world rankings, teaching a wide range of programs to a student community of around 100,000 Among its most famous historic alumni it boasts philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas

8 University of Siena

Location: Italy

Established in: 1240

Located in the small city of Siena in the Tuscany region, the University of Siena is another of the oldest universities in the world with a strong global standing, currently at 471-480 in the world rankings With enrolment numbers upwards of 20,000, the University of Siena campus comprises almost half of the city’s entire population The city center itself, also of historic importance, has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited annually by over 160,000 tourists who come for the food, the art, the museums and the medieval heritage


植物名称: 猪笼草

别 名: 猪仔笼

英 文 名: 未知 [补充]

拉 丁 名: Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour) Druce

科 名: 猪笼草科

属 名: 猪笼草属

适应地区: 原产东南亚和澳大利亚的热带地区

热带季雨林及雨林区(主要城市:海口、三亚、琼海、高雄、台南、深圳、湛江、中山、珠海、澳门、香港、南宁、钦州 北海、茂名、景洪)

生态分类: 草本植物 > 多年生草本花卉

观赏分类: 观叶类

高度范围: 未知 [补充]

形态特征: 猪笼草为热带食虫植物的代表种。其美丽的叶笼特别诱人,是目前食虫植物中最受人青睐的种类。。1789年引种到英国,然后在欧洲主要植物园内栽培观赏。1882年育成了第一种猪笼草-绯红猪笼草(N.coccinea)。1911年又选育了库氏猪笼草(N.courtii)。到了20世纪中叶,猪笼草的育种、繁殖和生产开始产业化,并进入家庭观赏。20世纪90年代以来,美国、日本、法国、德国、澳大利亚等国成立了国际食虫植物协会。猪笼草虽然在我国的广东等地有野生分布,但很少应用。直到20世纪80年代以后,从国外引进猪笼草优良品种,主要用于花卉展览。如何让有趣的猪笼草进入千家万户,成为我国盆栽花卉之一,不失为猪笼草的一个发展方向。常见同属种类有瓶状猪笼草(N.ampullaria),叶笼短,黄绿色。二距猪笼草(N.bicalcarata),叶披针形,笼面深绿色。绯红猪笼草(N.coccinea),笼面黄绿色,具褐红色条斑条。库氏猪笼草(N.courtii),叶笼短,黄绿色,具红褐色斑条。中间猪笼草(N.intermedia),笼面绿色,具淡紫红斑点。劳氏猪笼草(N.lowii),笼面黄绿色,具褐色斑点。奇异猪笼草(N.mirabilis),笼面黄绿色,叶笼上口具红晕。拉弗尔斯(Nrafflesiana),笼面黄绿色,具淡紫褐色斑点。大猪笼草(N.rarjah),叶笼大,长30厘米,笼面红褐色,具绿色条纹。血红猪笼草(Nsanguinea),笼面淡红色。狭叶猪笼草(N.stenopHylla),笼面褐色绿,具红色斑点,叶笼长15~18厘米,宽3~4厘米。华丽猪笼草(N.superba),笼面黄绿色,具深红色条纹斑。长柔猪笼草(N.villosa),笼面红褐色。

生长习性: 喜温暖、湿润和半阴环境。不耐寒,怕干燥和强光。猪笼草的生长适温为25~30℃,3~9月为21~30℃,9月至翌年3月为18~24℃。冬季温度不低于16℃,15℃以下植株停止生长,10℃以下温度,叶片边缘遭受冻害。猪笼草对水分的反应比较敏感。猪笼草在高湿条件下才能正常生长发育,生长期需经常喷水,每天需4~5次。如果温度变化大,过于干燥,都会影响叶笼的形成。猪笼草为附生性植物,常生长在大树林下或岩石的北边,自然条件属半阴。夏季强光直射下,必须遮荫,否则叶片易灼伤,直接影响叶笼的发育。但长期在阴暗的条件下,叶笼形成慢而小,笼面彩色暗淡。土壤以疏松、肥沃和透气的腐叶土或泥炭土为好。盆栽上常用泥炭土、水苔、木炭和冷杉树皮屑的混合基质。

繁殖培育: 常用扦插和压条繁殖。扦插繁殖:在5~6月进行。选取健壮枝条,剪取一叶带一段茎节为插穗,叶片剪去一半,基部剪成45°斜面,用水苔将插穗基部包扎,放进盛水苔和盆底垫小卵石的盆内,并用塑料大口袋连盆和插穗包起来,保持100%空气湿度。插后保持30℃高温,约20~25天可生根。压条繁殖:在生长期于叶腋的下部割伤,用苔藓包扎,待生根后剪取盆栽。播种繁殖:在原产地通过人工授粉,提高猪笼草的结实率。采种后立即播种,盆内基质用水苔,种子播在水苔上,经常浇水,保持较高的空气湿度,盆口用塑料薄膜遮盖。发芽适温为27~30℃,播后30~40天发芽。盆栽猪笼草常用12~15厘米吊盆,必须在高温高湿条件下才能正常生长发育,生长期需经常喷水。猪笼草的营养除通过叶笼吸取外,在植株基部需补充2~3次氮素肥料。盛夏期必须遮荫,防止强光直射下,灼伤叶片。秋冬季应放阳光充足处,有利于叶笼的生长发育。每年2月在新根尚未生长时进行换盆。幼苗一般栽培3~4年才能产生叶笼。常有叶斑病和介壳虫危害。叶斑病用50%代森锌可湿性粉剂1000倍液喷洒。介壳虫用40%乐果乳油2000倍液喷杀。

景观用途: 猪笼草美丽的叶笼特别诱人,是目前食虫植物中最受人喜爱的种类。常用于盆栽或吊盆观赏,点缀客室花架、阳台和窗台,悬挂小庭园树下和走廊旁,十分优雅别致。






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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8868399.html

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