- Field Injection :@Autowired注解的一大使用场景就是Field Injection
- Constructor Injection :构造器注入,是我们日常最为推荐的一种使用方式
- Setter Injection: Setter Injection也会用到@Autowired注解,但使用方式与Field Injection有所不同,Field Injection是用在成员变量上,而Setter Injection的时候,是用在成员变量的Setter函数上
// Field Injection
public class UploadServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UploadDao, UploadEntity> implements UploadService {
private UploadDao uploadDao;
// Constructor Injection
public class UploadServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UploadDao, UploadEntity> implements UploadService {
private UploadDao uploadDao;
UploadServiceImpl(UploadDao uploadDao){
this.uploadDao = uploadDao;
// Setter Injection
public class UploadServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UploadDao, UploadEntity> implements UploadService {
private UploadDao uploadDao;
public void setUploadDao(UploadDao uploadDao){
this.uploadDao =uploadDao
- Field Injection:不检测
- Constructor Injection:自动检测
- Setter Injection:不检测
- 循环依赖报错: 当服务A需要用到服务B时,并且服务B又需要用到服务A时,Spring在初始化创建Bean时,不知道应该先创建哪一个,就会出现该报错。
This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using 'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example
class ServerA{
private ServerB b;
class ServerB{
private ServerA a;
如果使用构造方式注入,能够精准的提醒你是哪两个类产生了循环依赖 .异常报错信息能够迅速定位问题:
循环报错解决办法是使用 @Lazy注解 ,对任意一个需要被注入Bean添加该注解,表示延迟创建即可。
class ServerA{
private ServerB b;
class ServerB{
private ServerA a;
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