Select * from emp where sysdate-birthdate >30
Order by sysdate-birthdate
select teacher.教师姓名 from teacher,course where teacher.教师编号=course.任课教师编号 and course.课程号 in (select 课程号 from score where count(学号)>30 group by 课程号)欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出
Select * from emp where sysdate-birthdate >30
Order by sysdate-birthdate
select teacher.教师姓名 from teacher,course where teacher.教师编号=course.任课教师编号 and course.课程号 in (select 课程号 from score where count(学号)>30 group by 课程号)欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出