include('Common/dbphp'); //数据库连接类
$db=new DB();
$shouzimu=strtoupper("r"); //传过来的参数
$arr=$db->get_all("SELECT FROM [user]");
foreach($arr as $rs){
function ff_letter_first($s0){
if (($firstchar_ord>=65 and $firstchar_ord<=91)or($firstchar_ord>=48 and $firstchar_ord<=57)) return $s0{0};
$s=iconv("UTF-8","gb2312", $s0);
if($asc>=-20319 and $asc<=-20284)return "A";
if($asc>=-20283 and $asc<=-19776)return "B";
if($asc>=-19775 and $asc<=-19219)return "C";
if($asc>=-19218 and $asc<=-18711)return "D";
if($asc>=-18710 and $asc<=-18527)return "E";
if($asc>=-18526 and $asc<=-18240)return "F";
if($asc>=-18239 and $asc<=-17923)return "G";
if($asc>=-17922 and $asc<=-17418)return "H";
if($asc>=-17417 and $asc<=-16475)return "J";
if($asc>=-16474 and $asc<=-16213)return "K";
if($asc>=-16212 and $asc<=-15641)return "L";
if($asc>=-15640 and $asc<=-15166)return "M";
if($asc>=-15165 and $asc<=-14923)return "N";
if($asc>=-14922 and $asc<=-14915)return "O";
if($asc>=-14914 and $asc<=-14631)return "P";
if($asc>=-14630 and $asc<=-14150)return "Q";
if($asc>=-14149 and $asc<=-14091)return "R";
if($asc>=-14090 and $asc<=-13319)return "S";
if($asc>=-13318 and $asc<=-12839)return "T";
if($asc>=-12838 and $asc<=-12557)return "W";
if($asc>=-12556 and $asc<=-11848)return "X";
if($asc>=-11847 and $asc<=-11056)return "Y";
if($asc>=-11055 and $asc<=-10247)return "Z";
return 0;//null
方法一:建一个拼音表 t_cosler ,存放每个字母开头的第一个汉字的编号和最后一个汉字的编号。 +------+--------+-------+ | f_PY | cBegin | cEnd | +------+--------+-------+ | A | 45217 | 45252 | | B | 45253 | 45760 | | Z | 54481 | 55289 | +------+--------+-------+ 然后直接查询就行了。
mysql> create table t_cosler( -> f_PY char primary key, -> cBegin SMALLINT UNSIGNED not null, -> cEnd SMALLINT UNSIGNED not null -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (009 sec) mysql> insert into t_cosler values -> ('A',0xB0A1,0xB0C4), -> ('B',0xB0C5,0xB2C0), -> ('C',0xB2C1,0xB4ED), -> ('D',0xB4EE,0xB6E9), -> ('E',0xB6EA,0xB7A1), -> ('F',0xB7A2,0xB8C0), -> ('G',0xB8C1,0xB9FD), -> ('H',0xB9FE,0xBBF6), -> ('J',0xBBF7,0xBFA5), -> ('K',0xBFA6,0xC0AB), -> ('L',0xC0AC,0xC2E7), -> ('M',0xC2E8,0xC4C2), -> ('N',0xC4C3,0xC5B5), -> ('O',0xC5B6,0xC5BD), -> ('P',0xC5BE,0xC6D9), -> ('Q',0xC6DA,0xC8BA), -> ('R',0xC8BB,0xC8F5), -> ('S',0xC8F6,0xCBF9), -> ('T',0xCBFA,0xCDD9), -> ('W',0xCDDA,0xCEF3), -> ('X',0xCEF4,0xD188), -> ('Y',0xD1B9,0xD4D0), -> ('Z',0xD4D1,0xD7F9); Query OK, 23 rows affected (016 sec) Records: 23 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> select from o_personnel; +------+------------+ | A_Id | A_UserName | +------+------------+ | 1 | 首先 | | 2 | 检查 | | 3 | 我们 | | 4 | 的二 | | 5 | 进制 | | 6 | 是否 | | 7 | 适合 | | 8 | 你的 | | 9 | 平台 | +------+------------+ 9 rows in set (000 sec) mysql> select p,c -> from o_personnel p , t_cosler c -> where CONV(HEX(left(A_UserName,1)),16,10) between ccBegin and ccEnd; +------+------------+------+--------+-------+ | A_Id | A_UserName | f_PY | cBegin | cEnd | +------+------------+------+--------+-------+ | 4 | 的二 | D | 46318 | 46825 | | 2 | 检查 | J | 48119 | 49061 | | 5 | 进制 | J | 48119 | 49061 | | 8 | 你的 | N | 50371 | 50613 | | 9 | 平台 | P | 50622 | 50905 | | 1 | 首先 | S | 51446 | 52217 | | 6 | 是否 | S | 51446 | 52217 | | 7 | 适合 | S | 51446 | 52217 | | 3 | 我们 | W | 52698 | 52979 | +------+------------+------+--------+-------+ 9 rows in set (000 sec) mysql> 查S开头的
mysql> select p -> from o_personnel p , t_cosler c -> where CONV(HEX(left(A_UserName,1)),16,10) between ccBegin and ccEnd -> and cf_PY='S'; +------+------------+ | A_Id | A_UserName | +------+------------+ | 1 | 首先 | | 6 | 是否 | | 7 | 适合 | +------+------------+ 3 rows in set (000 sec) mysql> 方法二:不用这个t_cosler表,直接写个函数权限汉字得到拼音。
局限性: 以上方法,均依照汉字区位表来实现,对区位后面的复杂字,无法准确判断,对多音字无法准确判断。
方法三:从微软拼音中导出所有汉字的拼音表。方法四不建表 mysql> SELECT , -> ELT(INTERVAL(CONV(HEX(left(A_UserName,1)),16,10), -> 0xB0A1,0xB0C5,0xB2C1,0xB4EE,0xB6EA,0xB7A2,0xB8C1,0xB9FE,0xBBF7,0 xBFA6,0xC0AC,0xC2E8,0xC4C3,0xC5B6,0xC5BE,0xC6DA,0xC8BB,0xC8F6,0xCBFA,0xCDDA,0xCE F4,0xD1B9,0xD4D1), -> 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q', 'R','S','T','W','X','Y','Z') as PY -> from o_personnel; +------+------------+------+ | A_Id | A_UserName | PY | +------+------------+------+ | 1 | 首先 | S | | 2 | 检查 | J | | 3 | 我们 | W | | 4 | 的二 | D | | 5 | 进制 | J | | 6 | 是否 | S | | 7 | 适合 | S | | 8 | 你的 | N | | 9 | 平台 | P | +------+------------+------+ 9 rows in set (000 sec) mysql> 方法五: mysql> SELECT , -> CHAR(INTERVAL(CONV(HEX(left(A_UserName,1)),16,10), -> 0xB0A1,0xB0C5,0xB2C1,0xB4EE,0xB6EA,0xB7A2,0xB8C1,0xB9FE, -> 0xBBF7,0xBBF7,0xBFA6,0xC0AC,0xC2E8,0xC4C3,0xC5B6,0xC5BE, -> 0xC6DA,0xC8BB,0xC8F6,0xCBFA,0xCDDA,0xCDDA,0xCDDA,0xCEF4, -> 0xD1B9,0xD4D1)+64) as PY -> from o_personnel; +------+------------+------+ | A_Id | A_UserName | PY | +------+------------+------+ | 1 | 首先 | S | | 2 | 检查 | J | | 3 | 我们 | W | | 4 | 的二 | D | | 5 | 进制 | J | | 6 | 是否 | S | | 7 | 适合 | S | | 8 | 你的 | N | | 9 | 平台 | P | +------+------------+------+ 9 rows in set (000 sec) mysql>
// 简体中文的编码范围从B0A1(45217)一直到F7FE(63486)
private static int BEGIN = 45217;
private static int END = 63486;
// 按照声母表示,这个表是在GB2312中的出现的第一个汉字,也就是说“啊”是代表首字母a的第一个汉字。
// i, u, v都不做声母, 自定规则跟随前面的字母
private static char[] chartable = { '啊', '芭', '擦', '搭', '蛾', '发', '噶', '哈',
'哈', '击', '喀', '垃', '妈', '拿', '哦', '啪', '期', '然', '撒', '塌', '塌',
'塌', '挖', '昔', '压', '匝', };
// 二十六个字母区间对应二十七个端点
// GB2312码汉字区间十进制表示
private static int[] table = new int[27];
// 对应首字母区间表
private static char[] initialtable = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
't', 't', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', };
public static void Pymtable()
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
table[i] = gbValue(chartable[i]);// 得到GB2312码的首字母区间端点表,十进制。
table[26] = END;// 区间表结尾
public static String GetPym(String SourceStr)
String Result = "";
int StrLength = SourceStrLength;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < StrLength; i++)
Result += Char2Initial(SourceStr[i]);
catch (Exception ex)
Result = "";
return Result;
public static char Char2Initial(char ch)
// 对英文字母的处理:小写字母转换为大写,大写的直接返回
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
return (char)(ch - 'a' + 'A');
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
return ch;
// 对非英文字母的处理:转化为首字母,然后判断是否在码表范围内,
// 若不是,则直接返回。
// 若是,则在码表内的进行判断。
int gb = gbValue(ch);// 汉字转换首字母
if ((gb < BEGIN) || (gb > END))// 在码表区间之前,直接返回
return ch;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
{// 判断匹配码表区间,匹配到就break,判断区间形如“[,)”
if ((gb >= table[i]) && (gb < table[i + 1]))
if (gb == END)
i = 25;
return initialtable[i]; // 在码表区间中,返回首字母
/ 取出汉字的编码 cn 汉字/
public static int gbValue(char ch)
// 将一个汉字(GB2312)转换为十进制表示。
string str = "";
str += ch;
gb2312string df = new gb2312string();
df = str;
byte[] bytes = dfToByteArray();
if (bytesLength < 2)
return 0;
return (bytes[0] << 8 & 0xff00) + (bytes[1] & 0xff);
catch (Exception e)
return 0;
#region 是否存在生僻字
/// <summary>
/// 是否存在生僻字
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool HasUnfamiliarWord(string value)
int start = 0xE000;
int end = 0xAFFE;
string s = "";
s = value;
char[] cs = sToCharArray();
foreach (char item in cs)
int i = ConvertToInt32(item);
if (i >= start && i <= end)//unicode 在0xF8F0和0xAFFE之间的为生僻字
return true;
return false;