DBCC PAGE('dbname',file_no,page_no,3) WITH tableRESulTSGO
['database name'|database ID], -- can be the actual name or ID of the database
file number, -- the file number where the page is found
page number, -- the page number within the file
print option = [0|1|2|3] -- display option; each option provIDes differing levels of information
USE [master]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_lock2] Script Date: 01/13/2015 17:39:07 ******/SET ANSI_NulLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOcreate procedure [dbo].[sp_lock2] --- 2002/11/24 00:00@spID1 int = NulL,/* server process ID to check for locks */@spID2 int = NulL,/* other process ID to check for locks */@spID3 int = NulL,/* other process ID to check for locks */@spID4 int = NulL /* other process ID to check for locks */asset nocount on/*** Show the locks for both parameters.*/create table #t(spID varchar(100),dbID varchar(100),objID varchar(100),indID varchar(100),type varchar(100),resource varchar(100),mode varchar(100),status varchar(100))if @spID1 is not NulLbegininsert into #t(spID,dbID,objID,indID,type,resource,mode,status)select convert (smallint,req_spID) As spID,rsc_dbID As dbID,rsc_objID As ObjID,rsc_indID As IndID,substring (v.name,1,4) As Type,substring (rsc_text,16) as Resource,substring (u.name,8) As Mode,substring (x.name,5) As Statusfrom master.dbo.syslockinfo,master.dbo.spt_values v,master.dbo.spt_values x,master.dbo.spt_values uwhere master.dbo.syslockinfo.rsc_type = v.numberand v.type = 'LR'and master.dbo.syslockinfo.req_status = x.numberand x.type = 'LS'and master.dbo.syslockinfo.req_mode + 1 = u.numberand u.type = 'L'and req_spID in (@spID1,@spID2,@spID3,@spID4)end/*** No parameters,so show all the locks.*/elsebegininsert into #t(spID,5) As Statusfrom master.dbo.syslockinfo,master.dbo.spt_values uwhere master.dbo.syslockinfo.rsc_type = v.numberand v.type = 'LR'and master.dbo.syslockinfo.req_status = x.numberand x.type = 'LS'and master.dbo.syslockinfo.req_mode + 1 = u.numberand u.type = 'L'order by spIDendselect spID,db_name(dbID) as '数据库',ObjID,object_name(objID,dbID) as '对象名称',object_name(indID,dbID) as '索引名称',case typewhen 'DB' then '数据库' when 'FIL' then '文件'when 'IDX' then '索引'when 'PAG' then '页面'when 'KEY' then '索引键值'when 'TAB' then '表'when 'TEXT' then '区域'when 'RID' then '行标志号'end as '资源类型',case upper(mode)when 'S' then '共享锁'when 'X' then '排它锁'when 'U' then '更新锁'when 'IS' then '意向共享锁'when 'IX' then '意向排它锁'when 'SIX' then '共享意向排它锁'when 'SCH-S' then '调度稳定性锁'when 'SCH-M' then '调度修改锁'when 'BU' then '批量更新锁' end as '锁定模式',status,case statuswhen 'GRANT' then '锁定状态'when 'WAIT' then '等待状态'when 'CNVRT' then '转换状态'end as '请求状态'from #t order by spID,ObjIDdrop table #t;return (0) -- sp_lock2
USE [master]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_who_lock] Script Date: 01/08/2015 04:01:37 ******/SET ANSI_NulLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOcreate PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_who_lock]WITH EXEC AS CALLERASbegin declare @spID int,@bl int,@intTransactionCountOnEntry int,@intRowcount int,@intCountPropertIEs int,@intCounter int create table #tmp_lock_who ( ID int IDentity(1,1),spID smallint,bl smallint) IF @@ERROR<>0 RETURN @@ERROR insert into #tmp_lock_who(spID,bl) select 0,blocked from (select * from sysprocesses where blocked>0 ) a where not exists(select * from (select * from sysprocesses where blocked>0 ) b where a.blocked=spID) union select spID,blocked from sysprocesses where blocked>0 IF @@ERROR<>0 RETURN @@ERROR -- 找到临时表的记录数 select @intCountPropertIEs = Count(*),@intCounter = 1 from #tmp_lock_who IF @@ERROR<>0 RETURN @@ERROR if @intCountPropertIEs=0 select '现在没有阻塞和死锁信息' as message -- 循环开始 while @intCounter <= @intCountPropertIEs begin -- 取第一条记录 select @spID = spID,@bl = bl from #tmp_lock_who where ID = @intCounter begin if @spID =0 select '引起数据库死锁的是: '+ CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) + '进程号,其执行的sql语法如下' else select '进程号SPID:'+ CAST(@spID AS VARCHAR(10))+ '被' + '进程号SPID:'+ CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) +'阻塞,其当前进程执行的sql语法如下' DBCC inputBUFFER (@bl ) end -- 循环指针下移 set @intCounter = @intCounter + 1 end drop table #tmp_lock_who return 0 end总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的sqlserver 查锁信息全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决sqlserver 查锁信息所遇到的程序开发问题。