

概述我试图使用现有的SQLite数据库部署一个应用程序. 我已经阅读并尝试在线实现几个示例,但是我发现它们总是缺少一些代码,也不会编辑或者像广告一样工作. 有没有人有一个完整的Android数据库助手类在Android上部署现有的SQLite数据库? 这是我想出来的,希望能帮助那些有麻烦的人. package com.MyPackage;import java.io.FileOutputStrea 我试图使用现有的sqlite数据库部署一个应用程序.



package com.MyPackage;import java.io.fileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.inputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.UUID;import androID.content.Context;import androID.database.Cursor;import androID.database.sqlException;import androID.database.sqlite.sqliteDatabase;import androID.database.sqlite.sqliteException;import androID.database.sqlite.sqliteOpenHelper;import androID.util.Log;public class AnyDBAdapter {    private static final String TAG = "AnyDBAdapter";    private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;    private static sqliteDatabase mDb;    //make sure this matches the     //package com.MyPackage;    //at the top of this file    private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.MyPackage/databases/";    //make sure this matches your database name in your assets folder    // my database file does not have an extension on it     // if yours does    // add the extention    private static final String DATABASE_name = "data";    //Im using an sqlite3 database,I have no clue if this makes a difference or not    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 3;    private final Context adapterContext;    public AnyDBAdapter(Context context) {        this.adapterContext = context;    }    public AnyDBAdapter open() throws sqlException {        mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(adapterContext);        try {            mDbHelper.createDataBase();        } catch (IOException ioe) {            throw new Error("Unable to create database");        }        try {            mDbHelper.openDataBase();        } catch (sqlException sqle) {            throw sqle;        }        return this;    }    //Usage from outsIDe    // AnyDBAdapter dba = new AnyDBAdapter(contextObject); //in my case contextObject is a Map    // dba.open();    // Cursor c = dba.ExampleSelect("Rawr!");    // contextObject.startManagingCursor(c);    // String s1 = "",s2 = "";    // if(c.movetoFirst())    // do {    //  s1 = c.getString(0);    //  s2 = c.getString(1);    //  } while (c.movetoNext());    // dba.close();    public Cursor ExampleSelect(string myVariable)    {        String query = "SELECT locale,? FROM androID_Metadata";        return mDb.rawquery(query,new String[]{myVariable});    }    //Usage    // AnyDBAdatper dba = new AnyDBAdapter(contextObjecT);    // dba.open();    // dba.ExampleCommand("en-CA","en-GB");    // dba.close();    public voID ExampleCommand(String myVariable1,String myVariable2)    {        String command = "INSERT INTO androID_Metadata (locale) SELECT ? UNION ALL SELECT ?";        mDb.execsql(command,new String[]{ myVariable1,myVariable2});    }    public voID close() {        mDbHelper.close();    }    private static class DatabaseHelper extends sqliteOpenHelper {        Context helperContext;        DatabaseHelper(Context context) {            super(context,DATABASE_name,null,DATABASE_VERSION);            helperContext = context;        }        @OverrIDe        public voID onCreate(sqliteDatabase db) {        }        @OverrIDe        public voID onUpgrade(sqliteDatabase db,int oldVersion,int newVersion) {            Log.w(TAG,"Upgrading database!!!!!");            //db.execsql("");            onCreate(db);        }        public voID createDataBase() throws IOException {            boolean dbExist = checkDataBase();            if (dbExist) {            } else {                //make sure your database has this table already created in it                //this does not actually work here                /*                 * db.execsql("CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS \"androID_Metadata\" (\"locale\" TEXT DEFAulT 'en_US')"                 * );                 * db.execsql("INSERT INTO \"androID_Metadata\" VALUES ('en_US')"                 * );                 */                this.getReadableDatabase();                try {                    copyDataBase();                } catch (IOException e) {                    throw new Error("Error copying database");                }            }        }        public sqliteDatabase getDatabase() {            String myPath = DB_PATH + DATABASE_name;            return sqliteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath,sqliteDatabase.OPEN_Readonly);        }        private boolean checkDataBase() {            sqliteDatabase checkDB = null;            try {                String myPath = DB_PATH + DATABASE_name;                checkDB = sqliteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath,sqliteDatabase.OPEN_Readonly);            } catch (sqliteException e) {            }            if (checkDB != null) {                checkDB.close();            }            return checkDB != null ? true : false;        }        private voID copyDataBase() throws IOException {            // Open your local db as the input stream            inputStream myinput = helperContext.getAssets().open(DATABASE_name);            // Path to the just created empty db            String outfilename = DB_PATH + DATABASE_name;            // Open the empty db as the output stream            OutputStream myOutput = new fileOutputStream(outfilename);            // transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];            int length;            while ((length = myinput.read(buffer)) > 0) {                myOutput.write(buffer,length);            }            // Close the streams            myOutput.flush();            myOutput.close();            myinput.close();        }        public voID openDataBase() throws sqlException {            // Open the database            String myPath = DB_PATH + DATABASE_name;            mDb = sqliteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath,sqliteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);        }        @OverrIDe        public synchronized voID close() {            if (mDb != null)                mDb.close();            super.close();        }    }}




原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/1160931.html

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