Postgresql版本: 9.4 GP版本:4.3(基于Postgresql 8.2)测试表信息:
表名:test 总行数:68w 总大小:170MB测试语句:
查看执行计划:explain analyze select * from test order by test_ID
执行查询: select * from test order by test_ID
Postgresql环境测试 1. 无索引 查看执行计划:
“Sort (cost=230780.25..232494.46 rows=685684 wIDth=205) (actual time=3200.642..4079.336 rows=685684 loops=1)”
” Sort Key: test_ID”
” Sort Method: external merge disk: 156136kB”
” -> Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..28379.84 rows=685684 wIDth=205) (actual time=0.005..128.166 rows=685684 loops=1)”
“Planning time: 0.116 ms”
“Execution time: 4152.203 ms”
2. 有索引创建索引:
CREATE INDEX test_index ON test USING btree (test_ID);
这里的索引默认为升序排列,并且我们的查询语句中使用到了order by
“Index Scan using test8 on test (cost=0.42..99475.90 rows=685684 wIDth=205) (actual time=0.045..558.244 rows=685684 loops=1)”
“Planning time: 0.449 ms”
“Execution time: 606.375 ms”
3. 有无索引的比较使用索引后,查询时间从4s减少到了0.56s,即缩短为原来的1/8。
GP环境测试 1. 无索引查看执行计划:
“Gather Motion 4:1 (slice1; segments: 4) (cost=337376.64..339090.53 rows=685556 wIDth=211)”
” Merge Key: test_ID”
” Rows out: 685684 rows at destination with 1303 ms to first row,2969 ms to end,start offset by 3.100 ms.”
” -> Sort (cost=337376.64..339090.53 rows=171389 wIDth=211)”
” Sort Key: test_ID”
” Rows out: Avg 171421.0 rows x 4 workers. Max 171423 rows (seg2) with 1004 ms to first row,1102 ms to end,start offset by 4268012 ms.”
” Executor memory: 79865K bytes avg,79865K bytes max (seg0).”
” Work_mem used: 79865K bytes avg,79865K bytes max (seg0). Workfile: (0 spilling,0 reused)”
” -> Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..12289.56 rows=171389 wIDth=211)”
” Rows out: Avg 171421.0 rows x 4 workers. Max 171423 rows (seg2) with 0.437 ms to first row,69 ms to end,start offset by 4268013 ms.”
“Slice statistics:”
” (slice0) Executor memory: 335K bytes.”
” (slice1) Executor memory: 80055K bytes avg x 4 workers,80055K bytes max (seg0). Work_mem: 79865K bytes max.”
“Statement statistics:”
” Memory used: 128000K bytes”
“Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer”
“Total runtime: 3088.360 ms”
2. 有索引创建索引:
CREATE INDEX test_index2 ON test USING btree (test_ID);
“Gather Motion 4:1 (slice1; segments: 4) (cost=337376.64..339090.53 rows=685556 wIDth=211)”
” Merge Key: test_ID”
” Rows out: 685684 rows at destination with 1161 ms to first row,2784 ms to end,start offset by 1.896 ms.”
” -> Sort (cost=337376.64..339090.53 rows=171389 wIDth=211)”
” Sort Key: test_ID”
” Rows out: Avg 171421.0 rows x 4 workers. Max 171423 rows (seg2) with 1149 ms to first row,1254 ms to end,start offset by 4268008 ms.”
” Executor memory: 79865K bytes avg,0 reused)”
” -> Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..12289.56 rows=171389 wIDth=211)”
” Rows out: Avg 171421.0 rows x 4 workers. Max 171423 rows (seg2) with 0.224 ms to first row,86 ms to end,start offset by 4268009 ms.”
“Slice statistics:”
” (slice0) Executor memory: 335K bytes.”
” (slice1) Executor memory: 80055K bytes avg x 4 workers,80055K bytes max (seg0). Work_mem: 79865K bytes max.”
“Statement statistics:”
” Memory used: 128000K bytes”
“Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer”
“Total runtime: 2896.060 ms”
结论 采用索引后,查询时间会大幅减少 确保有足够的网络带宽,否则查询时间的绝大部分都花在了数据传输上 总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的GP索引调优测试--排序篇全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决GP索引调优测试--排序篇所遇到的程序开发问题。