sqlserver 2005新功能

sqlserver 2005新功能,第1张

概述2005 ?   Top N   declare @n intset @n=8select top(@n) * from tablename   ?   分页 1 select * from( 2 select OrderId, Freight, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by Freight) as row from Orders 3 ) a 2005 ?   top N


declare @n intset @n=8select top(@n) * from tablename


?   分页
1 select * from(  2     select OrderID,Freight,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by Freight) as row from Orders  3 ) a  4 where row between 20 and 30


?   排名
1 select * from(  2     select OrderID,RANK() OVER(order by Freight) as rank from Orders  3 ) a  4 where rank between 20 and 30



?   try ... catch 


SET XACT_ABORT ON  -- 打开 try功能  BEGIN TRY      begin tran          insert into Orders(CustomerID) values(-1)      commit tran      print commited  END TRY  BEGIN CATCH      rollback         print rolled back  END CATCH



?   公用表表达式


 1 WITH ProductCTE([categoryID],[ProductsCount]) 2  3 AS 4  5 ( 6  7     SELECT [categoryID],COUNT(1) 8  9     FROM [dbo].[Product]10 11     GROUP BY [categoryID]12 13 )14 15  16 17 SELECT c.[categoryID],c.[categoryname],cte.[ProductsCount]18 19 FROM [dbo].[category] c20 21 INNER JOIN ProductCTE cte22 23     ON c.[categoryID] = cte.[categoryID]24 25 ORDER BY cte.[ProductsCount]26 27 --关联CTE28 29 WITH categoryCTE30 AS31 (32     SELECT * FROM [dbo].[category]33 ),ProductCTE34 AS35 (36     SELECT p.*,cte.[categoryname] FROM [dbo].[Product] p37     INNER JOIN categoryCTE cte38         ON p.[categoryID] = cte.[categoryID]39 )40  41 SELECT * FROM ProductCTE42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------递归CTE:递归公用表表达式是在CTE内的语句中调用其自身的CTE。43 44 WITH cte([categoryID],[categoryname],[ParentID],[Level])45 AS46 (47     -- 查询语句48     SELECT [categoryID],1 AS [Level] FROM [dbo].[category]49     WHERE [ParentID] IS NulL50     UNION ALL51     -- 递归语句52     SELECT c.[categoryID],c.[ParentID],cte.[Level] + 153     FROM [dbo].[category] c54     INNER JOIN cte55         ON c.[categoryID] = cte.[ParentID]56 )57  58 SELECT [categoryID],[Level] FROM cte59  




 一段展BOM的代码,以微软示例数据库AdventureWorks的 Production.BillOfMaterials表为例,在计算用量的时候,要用数据转换,否则会出现“定位点类型和递归部分的类型不匹配”的问题。
;with bom as(    select b.ProductAssemblyID,b.ComponentID,b.BOMLevel,b.PerAssemblyQty,cast(b.PerAssemblyQty as decimal(10,6)) qty,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by getdate()) od        from Production.BillOfMaterials b where b.ComponentID=767    union all    select b.ProductAssemblyID,cast(b.PerAssemblyQty*bom.qty as decimal(10,6)),ROW_NUMBER() over(order by getdate())+ bom.od*100        from Production.BillOfMaterials b join bom on b.ProductAssemblyID=bom.ComponentID)select p.ProductNumber 物料编码,replicate(..,bom.bomlevel)+ p.name 物料名称,bom.BOMLevel 层级,bom.PerAssemblyQty BOM用量,bom.qty 累计用量,bom.od 排序 from bom join Production.Product p on bom.ComponentID=p.ProductIDorder by rtrim(od)


?   直接发布Web Service

?   想要把store procedure变成Web Service就用这个吧,.NET,IIS都不需要,通过windows 2003的http Protocol Stack直接发布WebService,用这个功能需要windows 2003 sp1

 1    --DataSet CustOrdersOrders(string customerID)   2 CREATE ENDPOINT Orders_Endpoint   3 state=started   4 as http(   5     path=/sql/orders, 6     AUTHENTICATION=(INTEGRATED), 7     ports=(clear)   8 )   9 for soap(  10     WebMethod CustOrdersOrders(    11         name=northwind.dbo.CustOrdersOrders  12     ),13      14     wsdl=default,15     database=northwind,16     namespace=http://mysite.org/  17 )


?   Web Service就发布好了,敲入http://localhost/sql/orders?wsdl得到wsdl

?   在http通讯时,例子代码使用的是windows集成验证 。

private voID button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e){    localhost.Orders_Endpoint endp = new localhost.Orders_Endpoint();    endp.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;    object[] r = endp.CustOrdersOrders("VINET");    DataSet ds = new DataSet();    foreach(object o in r)        if (o is DataSet) ds = (DataSet)o;    dataGrIDVIEw1.DataSource = ds.tables[0];            }


sql Server 2005支持basic,digest,sql auth等多种验证,你需要编写不同的验证代码。


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的sqlserver 2005新功能全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决sqlserver 2005新功能所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/sjk/1176855.html

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