1 select firstname from actor where birthplace=‘Japan’ and birthplace=‘Sweden’ order by lastname asc--升序 或者 desc----降序
select firstname from actor where birthplace=‘Japan’ and birthplace=‘Sweden’ order by birthplace 后面同上
2 select count(mvid) from ranking
3 select studio from movieinfo where mvid in (select count(mvid) from cast where actorID in (select actorID from actor where birthplace='UK' ) group by mvid having count(mvid>2))
后面的等等 哈哈
4select username,email from member where username in (select username from ranking where score<4 or score is null)-----如果你数据库中score字段有空格数据 在null后面 加上 空格score=' ' 就行了
5 select username,email from member where EXISTS (select username from ranking where score<4 or score is null)-----如果你数据库中score字段有空格数据 在null后面 加上 空格score=' ' 就行了