DB2从V91就已经开始支持XML了,但是在V91上面有限制必须要求数据库是UTF-8的。报告SQL0969是因为你的机器上的消息文件可能缺少该消息。下面是SQL1239N解释,大概意思就是在V91里面XML数据只能够用在代码页UTF8的数据库上面, 而你现在的数据库不是UTF8的,代码页只能够在创建数据库的时候指定,所以你必须创建一个新的UTF8的数据 库(或者用一个代码页是UTF8的也行)。
=> db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1208
=> db2 terminate
=> db2 create db MYDB
db2 => sql1239
SQL1239N XML features can only be used in a Unicode database
with a single database partition
The use of XML features is restricted to a database that is
defined with codeset UTF-8 and has only one database partition
XML features such as defining columns of data type XML,
registering XML schema repository objects, and XQuery expressions
can only be used in a database defined this way Once XML
features are used in a database, additional database partitions
cannot be added
For a Version 9 multiple database partition database or
non-Unicode database, the XML data type can only be used as a
transient data type and the available XML functions are limited
to the subset that matches Version 8 support This means that the
version 9 multiple database partition database or non-Unicode
database does not allow XML functions that are new to Version 9
(such as XMLCOMMENT or XMLPI), the xml casting specification
(XMLCAST), and capabilities of XML functions that are new in
Version 9 on XML functions that existed in Version 8
User Response:
If you want to use XML features and the database already exists
that is not defined with codeset UTF-8, you will need to create a
different Unicode database with a single database partition to
take advantage of the XML features If you want to use XML
features and the Unicode database already exists with multiple
database partitions, you will need to drop all but one of the
database partitions of the database or create a different Unicode
database with a single database partition to take advantage of
the XML features If you have already used XML features, you
cannot extend the database by adding new database partitions You
would need to create a different database without using any XML
features to have multiple database partitions
For a Version 9 multiple database partition database or
non-Unicode database you can input the XML data to one of the
functions that accept XML input (ultimately XMLSERIALIZE) and
store the output of the function in the database or return it to
the application Also, ensure that you are not using any of the
XML functions that are new to Version 9 (such as XMLCOMMENT or
XMLPI) and that capabilities of XML functions which are new in
Version 9 on XML functions that existed in Version 8 are not
used If you need to use the new XML functions or new
capabilities of previously existing XML functions, you must
change the database back to using only a single database
partition and UTF-8 as the codeset of the database
sqlcode : -1239
sqlstate : 42997
是eXtensible Markup Language的缩写。扩展标记语言XML是一种简单的数据存储语言,使用一系列简单的标记描述数据,而这些标记可以用方便的方式建立,虽然XML占用的空间比二进制数据要占用更多的空间,但XML极其简单易于掌握和使用。
XML与Access,Oracle和SQL Server等数据库不同,数据库提供了更强有力的数据存储和分析能力,例如:数据索引、排序、查找、相关一致性等,XML仅仅是展示数据。事实上XML与其他数据表现形式最大的不同是:他极其简单。这是一个看上去有点琐细的优点,但正是这点使XML与众不同。
XML的简单使其易于在任何应用程序中读写数据,这使XML很快成为数据交换的唯一公共语言,虽然不同的应用软件也支持其它的数据交换格式,但不久之后他们都将支持XML,那就意味着程序可以更容易的与Windows、Mac OS, Linux以及其他平台下产生的信息结合,然后可以很容易加载XML数据到程序中并分析他,并以XML格式输出结果。
XML的前身是SGML(The Standard Generalized Markup Language),是自IBM从60年代就开始发展的GML(Generalized Markup Language)
同HTML一样, XML (可扩展标识语言)是通用标识语言标准(SGML)的一个子集,它是描述网络上的数据内容和结构的标准。尽管如此,XML不象HTML,HTML仅仅提供了在页面上显示信息的通用方法(没有上下文相关和动态功能) ,XML则对数据赋予上下文相关功能,它继承了SGML的大部分功能,却使用了不太复杂的技术。
因为XML是W3C制定的,XML的标准化工作由W3C的XML工作组负责,该小组成员由来自各个地方和行业的专家组成,他们通过email交流对XML标准的意见,并提出自己的看法 (的注解,位于:>
以上就是关于数据库文件是什么格式 xml么全部的内容,包括:数据库文件是什么格式 xml么、通过XML和数据库存储的区别、关于DB2的XML类型问题等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!