select TNO,TN from T where TN like '_伟%'
select TN from T where TNO='C5'
select T.TNO,T.TN,TC.CNO from T,TC where T.TNO=TC.TNO and T.TN='刘伟'
select TC.TNO,group by TC.CNO as ‘任课数’from TC,T where TC.TNO=T.TNO
and T.Dept='计算机' and T.TNO in (select TNO from TC group by CNO havingcount(*)>2)
selcet TNO,TN from T where Prof in (select Prof from T where TN='刘伟')
select x.TN as姓名,x.Sal as 教师工资, y.Sal as刘伟的工资from T as x,T as y
where x.Sal>y.Sal and y.TN='刘伟'
(1)select * from sales where qty between 1000 and 10000(2)select gname,price,type,qty from goods,sales where goods.g#=sales.g# and fact='青岛海尔集团' and s# in(select s# from shops where sname='北京东方大厦') (3)select g# from (select g#,max(a.aqty) from (select g#,AVG(QTY) as aqty from sales group by g#) as a group by g#) as b 本来这题用top 做简单、但是考虑到有销售量相同的、还是用上面这个 (4)delete from sales where qty is null (5)create view S_VIEW as select * from shops where addr like '南京路%'欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出